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This article or section contains information relating to gameplay taken from the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game.
Fires Of Outland
TCG Fires of Outland
WoW TCG Setse
Standard Sets

Heroes of Azeroth Block
Heroes of Azeroth
Through the Dark Portal
Fires of Outland
March of the Legion Block
March of the Legion
Servants of the Betrayer
The Hunt for Illidan
Drums of War Block
Drums of War
Blood of Gladiators
Fields of Honor
Scourgewar Block
Worldbreaker Block
War of the Elements
Twilight of the Dragons
Aftermath Block
Dungeon Decks
Throne of the Tides
Crown of the Heavens
Tomb of the Forgotten
Champion Decks
Timewalkers Block
War of the Ancients
Betrayal of the Guardian
Reign of Fire
Epic collection

Raid Decks

Onyxia's Lair
Molten Core
Magtheridon's Lair
Black Temple
Assault on Icecrown Citadel
Battle of the Aspects
The Caverns of Time

Champion Decks

Jaina Proudmoore
Sylvanas Windrunner

Dungeon Decks

Shadowfang Keep
Scarlet Monastery
The Deadmines

Other Decks

Feast of Winter Veil Collector's

Box Sets

Feast of Winter Veil
Darkmoon Faire
Arena Grand Melee
Death Knight Deluxe Starter
Class Starters
2011 Class Starter Decks
2013 Class Starter Decks


Crafting Redemption
Badge of Justice Redemption
Burning Crusade Promo Set
Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found. Promo Set
Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found. Promo Set

The third normal World of Warcraft TCG set is named Fires of Outland.

Rush to war as the conflict is joined in Outland! The armies of Azeroth lay siege to the mysterious world, while the Burning Legion throws its might against the Stair of Destiny. Prestige and Glory await those who are bold enough to join the fray. Let your battle cry be heard as echoes of war engulf the blood-soaked world. Will you be prepared?

Set Details[]

Card Totals[]

Total Cards: 249 (246 + 3)

  • 246 Numbered Cards
    • 80 Commons
    • 78 Uncommons
      • Including 18 Heroes
    • 73 Rares
    • 15 Epics
  • 3 Loot Cards

Card Numbering[]

The numbering is based on a priority of:

  1. Heroes
    1. Alliance
    2. Horde
  2. Abilities
    1. Class Abilities (Alphabetically, Druid through to Warrior)
    2. Alliance Abilities
    3. Horde Abilities
    4. Neutral Abilities
  3. Allies
    1. Alliance Allies
    2. Horde Allies
    3. Neutral Allies
  4. Equipment
    1. Armor
    2. Items
    3. Weapons
  5. Quests
    1. Alliance Quests
    2. Horde Quests
    3. Neutral Quests

Each section is then ordered alphabetically. Note: Warlock and Hunter pets are numbered within their Class Abilities.

Card List[]



Number Name Health Spec Class Race
1 Deacon Markus Hallow 26 Shadow IconSmall Priest IconSmall Human Male
2 Fillet, Kneecapper Extraordinaire 30 Fury IconSmall Warrior IconSmall Gnome Male
3 Kana Nassis 28 Survival IconSmall Hunter IconSmall Draenei Female
4 Mazar 28 Destruction IconSmall Warlock IconSmall Gnome Male
5 Moala Stonebinder 28 Enhancement IconSmall Shaman IconSmall Draenei Female
6 Ozzati 25 Fire IconSmall Mage IconSmall Draenei Male
7 Rotun Daggerhand 27 Combat IconSmall Rogue IconSmall Dwarf Male
8 Thatia Truthbringer 29 Holy IconSmall Paladin IconSmall Human Female
9 Yanna Dai'shalan 27 Balance IconSmall Druid IconSmall Night Elf Female


Number Name Health Spec Class Race
10 Cul Rendhoof 28 Restoration IconSmall Druid IconSmall Tauren Male
11 Exaura the Cryptkeeper 25 Archane IconSmall Mage IconSmall Undead Female
12 Harrigan Soulsunder 28 Affliction IconSmall Warlock IconSmall Blood Elf Female
13 Indalamar 30 Protection IconSmall Warrior IconSmall Troll Male
14 Mojo Shaper Ojo'mon 28 Restoration IconSmall Shaman IconSmall Troll Male
15 Nathadan 29 Protection IconSmall Paladin IconSmall Blood Elf Male
16 Ona Skyshot 29 Marksmanship IconSmall Hunter IconSmall Tauren Female
17 Raesa Morningstar 26 Discipline IconSmall Priest IconSmall Blood Elf Female
18 Zomm Hopeslayer 27 Assassination IconSmall Rogue IconSmall Orc Male


Number Name Cost Type Spec Faction Class
19 Call of the Wild 3 Instant Ability Feral Neutral 15 IconSmall Druid
20 Demoralizing Roar 6 Instant Ability Feral Neutral 15 IconSmall Druid
21 Flight Form 3 Instant Ability Feral Neutral 15 IconSmall Druid
22 Force of Nature 4 Ability Balance Talent Neutral 15 IconSmall Druid
23 Lifebloom 2 Ability Restoration Neutral 15 IconSmall Druid
24 Moonfire 3 Instant Ability Balance Neutral 15 IconSmall Druid
25 Prowl 1 Ability Feral Neutral 15 IconSmall Druid
26 Tree of Life 3 Instant Ability Restoration Talent Neutral 15 IconSmall Druid
27 Zephyr 1 Instant Ability Balance Neutral 15 IconSmall Druid
28 Aspect of the Monkey 1 Ability Beast Mastery Neutral 15 IconSmall Hunter
29 Freezing Trap 4 Instant Ability Survival Neutral 15 IconSmall Hunter
30 Kill Command 2 Instant Ability Beast Mastery Neutral 15 IconSmall Hunter
31 Misdirection 4 Ability Survival Neutral 15 IconSmall Hunter
32 Nightfire 3 Ally - Pet Dragonhawk Neutral 15 IconSmall Hunter
33 Readiness 3 Ability Survival Talent Neutral 15 IconSmall Hunter
34 Shelly 2 Ally - Pet Turtle Neutral 15 IconSmall Hunter
35 Silencing Shot 4 Instant Ability Marksmanship Talent Neutral 15 IconSmall Hunter
36 Take the Shot 2 Ability Marksmanship Neutral 15 IconSmall Hunter
37 Amplify Magic 1 Instant Ability Arcane Neutral 15 IconSmall Mage
38 Arcane Blast 3 Instant Ability Arcane Neutral 15 IconSmall Mage
39 Dragon's Breath 3 Instant Ability Fire Talent Neutral 15 IconSmall Mage
40 Fizzle 1 Instant Ability Arcane Neutral 15 IconSmall Mage
41 Frost Funnel 3 Instant Ability Frost Neutral 15 IconSmall Mage
42 Mana Jade 3 Ability Arcane Neutral 15 IconSmall Mage
43 Megamorph 8 Ability Arcane Neutral 15 IconSmall Mage
44 Molten Armor 2 Ability Fire Neutral 15 IconSmall Mage
45 Slow 3 Ability Arcane Talent Neutral 15 IconSmall Mage
46 Avenger's Shield 4 Ability Protection Talent Neutral 15 IconSmall Paladin
47 Blessing of Divinity 1 Instant Ability Protection Blessing Neutral 15 IconSmall Paladin
48 Divine Illumination 1 Ability Holy Talent Neutral 15 IconSmall Paladin
49 Guarded by the Light 1 Instant Ability Holy Neutral 15 IconSmall Paladin
50 Hammer of the Righteous 2 Instant Ability Retribution Neutral 15 IconSmall Paladin
51 Redemption 5 Ability Holy Neutral 15 IconSmall Paladin
52 Righteous Defense 1 Instant Ability Protection Neutral 15 IconSmall Paladin
53 Seal of Blood 2 Ability Retribution Neutral 15 IconSmall Paladin
54 Seal of Vengeance 2 Ability Retribution Neutral 15 IconSmall Paladin
55 Binding Heal 2 Instant Ability Holy Neutral 15 IconSmall Priest
56 Holy Fire 3 Ability Holy Neutral 15 IconSmall Priest
57 Mass Dispel 4 Ability Discipline Neutral 15 IconSmall Priest
58 Mind Soothe 1 Ability Shadow Neutral 15 IconSmall Priest
59 Pact of Shadow 7 Ability Shadow Neutral 15 IconSmall Priest
60 Pain Suppression 4 Ability Discipline Talent Neutral 15 IconSmall Priest
61 Shadowfiend 2 Ally Shadowfiend Neutral 15 IconSmall Priest
62 Soul Rend 2 Ability Shadow Neutral 15 IconSmall Priest
63 Vampiric Touch 3 Ability Shadow Talent Neutral 15 IconSmall Priest
64 Anesthetic Poison 1 Instant Ability Poison Neutral 15 IconSmall Rogue
65 Deadly Brew 2 Ability Assassination Neutral 15 IconSmall Rogue
66 Envenom 3 Instant Ability Assassination Finishing Move Neutral 15 IconSmall Rogue
67 Envenom 6 Ability Assassination Combo Neutral 15 IconSmall Rogue
68 Garrote 1 Instant Ability Assassination Neutral 15 IconSmall Rogue
69 Jackknife 3 Ability Assassination Combo Neutral 15 IconSmall Rogue
70 Mutilate 2 Instant Ability Assasination Talent Neutral 15 IconSmall Rogue
71 Pick Pocket 1 Ability Subtlety Neutral 15 IconSmall Rogue
72 Surprise Attacks 1 Ability Combat Talent Neutral 15 IconSmall Rogue
73 Bloodlust 3 Ability Enhancement Horde 15 IconSmall Shaman
74 Chain Heal 2 Ability Restoration Neutral 15 IconSmall Shaman
75 Earth Shield 3 Instant Ability Restoration Talent Neutral 15 IconSmall Shaman
76 Earth Shock 4 Instant Ability Elemental Neutral 15 IconSmall Shaman
77 Fire Elemental Totem 2 Instant Ability Elemental Neutral 15 IconSmall Shaman
78 Heroism 2 Ability Enhancement Alliance 15 IconSmall Shaman
79 Life Arc 3 Instant Ability Elemental Neutral 15 IconSmall Shaman
80 Shamanistic Rage 3 Ability Enhancement Talent Neutral 15 IconSmall Shaman
81 Tremor Totem 2 Instant Ability Restoration Neutral 15 IconSmall Shaman
82 Angrida 3 Ally - Pet Succubus Demon Neutral 15 IconSmall Warlock
83 Death Coil 1 Ability Affliction Neutral 15 IconSmall Warlock
84 Hukkath 4 Ally - Pet Voidwalker Demon Neutral 15 IconSmall Warlock
85 Immolate 2 Ability Destruction Neutral 15 IconSmall Warlock
86 Incinerate 2 Ability Destruction Neutral 15 IconSmall Warlock
87 Jar Soul 4 Ability Destruction Neutral 15 IconSmall Warlock
89 Soalshatter 4 Ability Demonology Neutral 15 IconSmall Warlock
90 Unstable Affliction 3 Ability Affliction Talent Neutral 15 IconSmall Warlock
91 Berserker Rage 4 Ability Fury Neutral 15 IconSmall Warrior
92 Devastate 2 Instant Ability Protection Talent Neutral 15 IconSmall Warrior
93 Hamstring 1 Instant Ability Arms Neutral 15 IconSmall Warrior
94 Intervene 1 Instant Ability Protection Neutral 15 IconSmall Warrior
95 Rallying Shout 2 Instant Ability Protection Shout Neutral 15 IconSmall Warrior
96 Rampage 3 Ability fury Talent Neutral 15 IconSmall Warrior
97 Spell Reflection 3 Instant Ability Protection Neutral 15 IconSmall Warrior
98 Strength of Arms 7 Ability Arms Neutral 15 IconSmall Warrior
99 Victory Rush 2 Instant Ability Fury Neutral 15 IconSmall Warrior
100 Battle "Preparations" 4 Ability Neutral 15 IconSmall All
101 A Break in the Action 3 Ability Neutral 15 IconSmall All
102 Corpse Run 7 Ability Neutral 15 IconSmall All
103 Defensive Breach 5 Instant Ability Neutral 15 IconSmall All
104 Explosions! 4 Instant Ability Neutral 15 IconSmall All
105 Goblin Gumbo 2 Instant Ability Neutral 15 IconSmall All
106 Gone Fishing 3 Ability Neutral 15 IconSmall All
107 Greed Before Need 5 Ability Neutral 15 IconSmall All
108 Treasure Chest 2 Ability Neutral 15 IconSmall All
109 Ultimate Triumph 6 Instant Ability Neutral 15 IconSmall All


Number Name Health Attack Cost Faction Race Class
110 Andiss Butcherson 2 1 1 Alliance 15 IconSmall Human Male IconSmall Warrior
111 Brilles 4 4 3 Alliance 15 IconSmall Gnome Male IconSmall Rogue
112 Breanna Greenmother 5 4 6 Alliance 15 IconSmall Night Elf Female IconSmall Druid
113 Caddrick Von Styler 7 2 6 Alliance 15 IconSmall Human Male IconSmall Warlock
114 Celee Cogfreeze 2 2 2 Alliance 15 IconSmall Gnome Female IconSmall Mage
115 Christopher the Devout 3 2 3 Alliance 15 IconSmall Human Male IconSmall Warrior
116 Enfea Contha 4 4 5 Alliance 15 IconSmall Draenei Male IconSmall Shaman
117 Exodar Peacekeepers 1 2 2 Alliance 15 IconSmall Draenei Male IconSmall Warrior
118 Fugu 5 3 5 Alliance 15 IconSmall Night Elf Female IconSmall Priest
119 Guruvan 2 3 4 Alliance 15 IconSmall Draenei Male IconSmall Hunter
120 Hailey Goodchilde 3 1 2 Alliance 15 IconSmall Human Female IconSmall Priest
121 "He Who Has No Life" 3 6 6 Alliance 15 IconSmall Human Male IconSmall Warrior
122 Izza Spindleflame 2 3 3 Alliance 15 IconSmall Gnome Female IconSmall Warlock
123 Jewlcrafter Zanaz 4 2 3 Alliance 15 IconSmall Draenei Male IconSmall Priest
124 Josiah King 1 2 1 Alliance 15 IconSmall Human Male IconSmall Mage
125 Jubilee Arcspark 3 3 3 Alliance 15 IconSmall Gnome Female IconSmall Mage
126 Krenig Soulguard 2 1 1 Alliance 15 IconSmall Dwarf Male IconSmall Priest
127 Kulvo Jadefist 4 4 3 Alliance 15 IconSmall Dwarf Male IconSmall Warrior
128 Magroff "Sparroweye" Ironhammer 1 1 1 Alliance 15 IconSmall Dwarf Male IconSmall Hunter
129 Marilyn of the Sacred Vows 3 5 5 Alliance 15 IconSmall Human Female IconSmall Paladin
130 Miandra 4 4 5 Alliance 15 IconSmall Draenei Female IconSmall Paladin
131 Nalkas 4 2 4 Alliance 15 IconSmall Night Elf Male IconSmall Priest
132 Narkmak Doomratchet 3 3 7 Alliance 15 IconSmall Gnome Male IconSmall Warlock
133 Neeka 1 1 1 Alliance 15 IconSmall Night Elf Female IconSmall Druid
134 Nesmend Darkbreaker 3 2 2 Alliance 15 IconSmall Dwarf Male IconSmall Paladin
135 Norrund Grovewalker 4 5 6 Alliance 15 IconSmall Night Elf Male IconSmall Druid
136 Parren Shadowshot 2 3 2 Alliance 15 IconSmall Night Elf Male IconSmall Hunter
137 Porto 2 2 2 Alliance 15 IconSmall Draenei Male IconSmall Shaman
138 Prophet Velen 9 7 8 Alliance 15 IconSmall Draenei Male IconSmall Shaman
139 Ranthus Adler 3 4 4 Alliance 15 IconSmall Human Male IconSmall Warlock
140 Rodrigo 5 4 5 Alliance 15 IconSmall Human Male IconSmall Paladin
141 Sal Grimstalker 4 3 4 Alliance 15 IconSmall Dwarf Male IconSmall Rogue
142 Savina Greysky 2 2 2 Alliance 15 IconSmall Night Elf Male IconSmall Druid
143 Shadowmistress Jezebel Hawke 3 2 3 Alliance 15 IconSmall Human Female IconSmall Warlock
144 Tinkmaster Overspark 6 5 8 Alliance 15 IconSmall Gnome Male IconSmall All
145 Tomadae the Magnificent 5 5 6 Alliance 15 IconSmall Draenei Female IconSmall Mage
146 Trogun Smith 4 4 4 Alliance 15 IconSmall Human Male IconSmall Paladin
147 Tyler Falconbridge 1 2 1 Alliance 15 IconSmall Human Male IconSmall Rogue
148 Ubel Sternbrow 6 1 4 Alliance 15 IconSmall Dwarf Male IconSmall Paladin
149 Unen Rataan 2 3 2 Alliance 15 IconSmall Draenei Male IconSmall Shaman
150 Vindicator Borovon 7 6 6 Alliance 15 IconSmall Draenei Male IconSmall Warrior
151 Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem 8 7 7 Horde 15 IconSmall Tauren Male IconSmall Druid
152 Ash'ergi 5 3 5 Horde 15 IconSmall Troll Male IconSmall Rogue
153 Borlis Brode 4 3 2 Horde 15 IconSmall Undead Male IconSmall Priest
154 Broan Charges-the-Fight 1 2 3 Horde 15 IconSmall Tauren Female IconSmall Shaman
155 Drusenna the Vigilant 5 5 6 Horde 15 IconSmall Orc Female IconSmall Warrior
156 Erytheis 1 1 1 Horde 15 IconSmall Undead Female IconSmall Mage
157 E'sad 2 4 1 Horde 15 IconSmall Troll Male IconSmall Hunter
158 Ez'trin 3 2 2 Horde 15 IconSmall Troll Male IconSmall Warrior
159 Faesha Firestalker 1 2 1 Horde 15 IconSmall Blood Elf Female IconSmall Hunter
160 Gahrunt Foulfang 3 3 3 Horde 15 IconSmall Orc Male IconSmall Warlock
161 Garell Strout 4 3 4 Horde 15 IconSmall Undead Male IconSmall Warlock
162 Gor'gar 4 4 6 Horde 15 IconSmall Troll Male IconSmall Shaman
163 Hurlorn Battlechaser 1 2 4 Horde 15 IconSmall Tauren Male IconSmall Hunter
164 Jazmin Bloodlove 1 1 1 Horde 15 IconSmall Blood Elf Female IconSmall Paladin
165 Jon Reaver 2 2 4 Horde 15 IconSmall Undead Male IconSmall Warrior
166 Kagella Shadowmark 3 1 2 Horde 15 IconSmall Orc Female IconSmall Rogue
167 Karrok Scarrend 4 5 5 Horde 15 IconSmall Orc Male IconSmall Warrior
168 Kelvor Valorshine 3 3 3 Horde 15 IconSmall Blood Elf Male IconSmall Paladin
169 Kiani De'nara 7 6 5 Horde 15 IconSmall Blood Elf Male IconSmall Paladin
170 Lessa the Awakener 4 5 6 Horde 15 IconSmall Undead Female IconSmall Priest
171 Lor'themar Theron 7 8 9 Horde 15 IconSmall Blood Elf Male IconSmall Paladin
172 Magistrix Maeinerana 3 4 4 Horde 15 IconSmall Blood Elf Female IconSmall Mage
173 Malistra The Demonmistress 2 3 3 Horde 15 IconSmall Blood Elf Female IconSmall Warlock
174 Manthos the Recently Sewn 8 4 5 Horde 15 IconSmall Undead Male IconSmall Warrior
175 Mordotz 5 4 4 Horde 15 IconSmall Undead Male IconSmall Warlock
176 Morlug Soulslaver 1 3 2 Horde 15 IconSmall Orc Male IconSmall Warlock
177 Mustang Sally 1 2 1 Horde 15 IconSmall Undead Female IconSmall Rogue
178 Najan Spiritbinder 4 3 6 Horde 15 IconSmall Orc Male IconSmall Shaman
179 Nala Stalks-the-Night 4 2 4 Horde 15 IconSmall Tauren Female IconSmall Druid
180 Nalonae 2 2 2 Horde 15 IconSmall Blood Elf Female IconSmall Priest
181 One-Thousand-Battles 5 3 3 Horde 15 IconSmall Tauren Male IconSmall Druid
182 Rek'gar 4 2 4 Horde 15 IconSmall Troll Male IconSmall Shaman
183 Shawn of the Dead 5 5 3 Horde 15 IconSmall Undead Male IconSmall Warlock
184 Silvermoon Sentinels 2 1 2 Horde 15 IconSmall Blood Elf Male IconSmall Paladin
185 Snarl Hellwind 2 1 1 Horde 15 IconSmall Orc Male IconSmall Warlock
186 Snig Feralsnout 1 3 2 Horde 15 IconSmall Tauren Male IconSmall Druid
187 Sus'Vayin 3 2 3 Horde 15 IconSmall Troll Male IconSmall Mage
188 Tempest, Son-of-Storms 5 5 7 Horde 15 IconSmall Tauren Male IconSmall Shaman
189 Tez Tez the Patchmonger 1 2 2 Horde 15 IconSmall Troll Male IconSmall Priest
190 Uglund Duskrider 3 4 4 Horde 15 IconSmall Orc Male IconSmall Rogue
191 Vorden the Shadowbringer 3 3 6 Horde 15 IconSmall Orc Male IconSmall Warlock

Special Allies[]

Number Name Health Attack Cost Faction Race Class
192 Chen Stormstout 6 6 7 Neutral 15 IconSmall Pandaren IconSmall All
193 Spectral Tiger 3 4 4 Neutral 15 IconSmall All IconSmall All


Number Name Cost Type Class
194 Aldori Legacy defender 4 Off-Hand - Shield IconSmall PaladinIconSmall ShamanIconSmall Warrior
195 Doomplate Legguards 4 Legs - Plate IconSmall PaladinIconSmall Warrior
196 Emerald-Scale Greaves 4 Legs - Mail IconSmall HunterIconSmall Shaman
197 Faith Healer's Boots 4 Boots - Cloth IconSmall DruidIconSmall PriestIconSmall Shaman
198 Gauntlets of Vindication 3 Hands - Plate IconSmall PaladinIconSmall Warrior
199 Mana-Etched Pantaloons 5 Legs - Cloth IconSmall MageIconSmall PriestIconSmall Warlock
200 Master Cannoneer Boots 3 Boots - Plate IconSmall PaladinIconSmall Warrior
201 Moonstrider Boots 2 Boots - Leather IconSmall DruidIconSmall Rogue
202 Pauldrons of the Crimson Flight 4 Shoulders - Plate IconSmall PaladinIconSmall Warrior
203 Predatory Gloves 3 Hands - Leather IconSmall DruidIconSmall Rogue
204 Sky-Hunter Swift Boots 3 Boots - Mail IconSmall HunterIconSmall Shaman
205 Spellbreaker's Buckler 3 Off-Hand - Shield IconSmall PaladinIconSmall Shaman
206 Sun-Gilded Shouldercaps 2 Shoulders - Leather IconSmall DruidIconSmall Rogue
207 Warpwood Binding 2 Waist - Mail IconSmall HunterIconSmall Shaman
208 Abacus of Violent Odds 3 Trinket IconSmall DruidIconSmall HunterIconSmall PaladinIconSmall RogueIconSmall ShamanIconSmall Warrior
209 Band of the Ranger-General 3 Ring IconSmall DruidIconSmall HunterIconSmall PaladinIconSmall RogueIconSmall ShamanIconSmall Warrior
210 Burst of Knowledge 2 Trinket IconSmall DruidIconSmall MageIconSmall PaladinIconSmall PriestIconSmall ShamanIconSmall Warlock
211 Choker of Fluid Thought 4 Neck IconSmall DruidIconSmall PaladinIconSmall PriestIconSmall ShamanIconSmall Warlock
212 Elemtal Focus Band 4 Ring IconSmall DruidIconSmall MageIconSmall PriestIconSmall ShamanIconSmall Warlock
213 Greatsword of Forlorn Visions 5 Weapon - Sword IconSmall PaladinIconSmall Warrior
214 Hammer of the Grand Crusader 4 Weapon - Mace IconSmall DruidIconSmall Paladin
215 Latro's Shifting Sword 4 Weapon - Sword IconSmall HunterIconSmall RogueIconSmall Warrior
216 Masterwork Stormhammer 3 Weapon - Mace IconSmall PaladinIconSmall RogueIconSmall ShamanIconSmall Warrior
217 Reaver of the Infinites 6 Two Handed Weapon - Axe IconSmall HunterIconSmall PaladinIconSmall Warrior
218 Serpentcrest Life-Staff 2 Two Handed Weapon - Staff IconSmall DruidIconSmall PriestIconSmall Shaman
219 Sonic Spear 5 Two Handed Weapon - Polearm IconSmall HunterIconSmall PaladinIconSmall Warrior
220 Staff of the Ruins 2 Two Handed Weapon - Staff IconSmall DruidIconSmall MageIconSmall PriestIconSmall ShamanIconSmall Warlock
221 Stellaris 3 Weapon - Axe IconSmall HunterIconSmall PaladinIconSmall ShamanIconSmall Warrior
222 Sunfury Bow of the Phoenix 4 Weapon - Bow IconSmall HunterIconSmall RogueIconSmall Warrior
223 Sword of a Thousand Truths 8 Weapon - Sword IconSmall PaladinIconSmall RogueIconSmall Warrior
224 Telescopic Sharprifle 3 Weapon - Gun IconSmall Hunter
225 Timeslicer 3 Weapon - Dagger IconSmall HunterIconSmall RogueIconSmall ShamanIconSmall Warrior
226 Warp Splinter's Thorn 2 Weapon - Dagger IconSmall HunterIconSmall RogueIconSmall ShamanIconSmall Warrior


Number Name Type Side
227 Corki's Ransom Quest Alliance 15
228 Totem of Coo Quest Alliance 15
229 Standards and Practices Quest Horde 15
230 Swift Discipline Quest Horde 15
231 Brother Against Brother Quest Neutral 15
232 A Donation of Mageweave Quest Neutral 15
233 The Fare of Lar'korwi Quest Neutral 15
234 The Flawless Flame Quest Neutral 15
235 Gahz'ridian Quest Neutral 15
236 In Case of Emergency Quest Neutral 15
237 Kodo Roundup Quest Neutral 15
238 Leader of the Bloodscale Quest Neutral 15
239 Lost! Quest Neutral 15
240 One Draenei's Junk... Quest Neutral 15
241 Timbermaw Ally Quest Neutral 15
242 To Serve Rum'isha Quest Neutral 15
243 The Ultimate Bloodsport Quest Neutral 15
244 Voidwalkers Gone Wild Quest Neutral 15
245 What's Wrong at Cenarion Thicket? Quest Neutral 15
246 When Smokey Sings, I Get Violent Quest Neutral 15

Loot Cards[]

Number Name Cost Type Side
Loot 1 Goblin Gumbo 2 Instant Ability
Neutral 15
Loot 2 Gone Fishin' 3 Ability
Neutral 15
Loot 3 Spectral Tiger 4 Ally - Spectral Tiger
Neutral 15

External links[]
