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Some talents grant players active abilities. This table provides a list of all these abilities.

Druid} Druid Balance Feral Combat Restoration
1 Nature's Grasp
11 Insect Swarm
31 Moonkin Form
41 Force of Nature
11 Feral Charge
21 Faerie Fire (Feral)
41 Mangle
11 Omen of Clarity
21 Nature's Swiftness
31 Swiftmend
41 Tree of Life
Hunter} Hunter Beast Mastery Marksmanship Survival
21 Intimidation
31 Bestial Wrath
11 Aimed Shot
21 Scatter Shot
31 Trueshot Aura
41 Silencing Shot
11 Deterrence
21 Counterattack
31 Wyvern Sting
41 Readiness
Mage} Mage Arcane Fire Frost
21 Presence of Mind
31 Arcane Power
41 Slow
11 Pyroblast
21 Blast Wave
31 Combustion
41 Dragon's Breath
11 Cold Snap
21 Ice Block
31 Ice Barrier
41 Summon Water Elemental
Paladin} Paladin Holy Protection Retribution
16 Illumination
21 Divine Favor
31 Holy Shock
41 Divine Illumination
11 Blessing of Kings
21 Blessing of Sanctuary
31 Holy Shield
41 Avenger's Shield
11 Seal of Command
21 Sanctity Aura
31 Repentance
41 Crusader Strike
Priest} Priest Discipline Holy Shadow
11 Inner Focus
21 Divine Spirit
31 Power Infusion
41 Pain Suppression
11 Holy Nova
21 Spirit of Redemption
31 Lightwell
41 Circle of Healing
11 Mind Flay
21 Vampiric Embrace
21 Silence
31 Shadowform
41 Vampiric Touch
Rogue} Rogue Assassination Combat Subtlety
21 Cold Blood
41 Mutilate
11 Riposte
21 Blade Flurry
31 Adrenaline Rush
11 Ghostly Strike
21 Preparation
21 Hemorrhage
31 Premeditation
41 Shadowstep
Shaman} Shaman Elemental Enhancement Restoration
31 Elemental Mastery
41 Totem of Wrath
31 Stormstrike
41 Shamanistic Rage
21 Nature's Swiftness
31 Mana Tide Totem
41 Earth Shield
Warlock} Warlock Affliction Demonology Destruction
11 Amplify Curse
21 Siphon Life
21 Curse of Exhaustion
31 Dark Pact
41 Unstable Affliction
11 Fel Domination
21 Demonic Sacrifice
31 Soul Link
41 Summon Felguard
11 Shadowburn
31 Conflagrate
41 Shadowfury
Warrior} Warrior Arms Fury Protection
21 Sweeping Strikes
31 Mortal Strike
11 Piercing Howl
21 Death Wish
31 Bloodthirst
41 Rampage
21 Concussion Blow
31 Shield Slam
41 Devastate