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Possible violation[]

It may be against Blizzard's TOU to list methods of extracting the torrents out of the downloader as this might be considered an exploit. --Gengar orange 22x22 Fandyllic (talk · contr) 1:15 PM PST 25 Mar 2008

Here is the part of the TOU that seems relevant:
4. Limitations on Your Use of the Service.
B. You agree that you will not (i) modify or cause to be modified any files that are a part of the Program or the Service; (ii) create or use cheats, bots, "mods", and/or hacks, or any other third-party software designed to modify the World of Warcraft experience; or (iii) use any third-party software that intercepts, "mines", or otherwise collects information from or through the Program or the Service.
--Gengar orange 22x22 Fandyllic (talk · contr) 1:18 PM PST 25 Mar 2008
I think that's reading a lot into it - that refers to game info, not patch torrents. Getting the torrent info afaik couldn't harm Blizzard in any way. Kirkburn  talk  contr 21:25, 25 March 2008 (UTC)
Yeah, it was a borderline case, but I just wanted to get other people's opinions. I've never had any direct interaction with Blizzard on such matters, but maybe you have. I'll clear the tag. --Gengar orange 22x22 Fandyllic (talk · contr) 1:45 PM PST 25 Mar 2008
I haven't on this issue, but I've not heard any complaints about it. Kirkburn  talk  contr 21:53, 25 March 2008 (UTC)

Torrent extraction doesn't work anymore?[]

For me " WowTorrentEx" doesn't work with the new 3.1 ptr patch - can anyone confirm? Dschiggs (talk) 15:55, 24 February 2009 (UTC)

Correct Dschiggs, WoWTorrentEx doesn't work anymore since WoW 3.x but you can still extract the torrent manually, open the *downloader*.exe in a hex editor and copy from the asci part "d8:" (without quotes) to the end of the file (often ending with 4 or 5 null bytes), paste this is a new file called blabla.torrent and you got it (you have to make sure you have copied and pasted in hexadecimal not in ascii, do-able with an advanced text editor like Notepad++ / UltraEdit etc...) --Mera LaCroisadeEcarlate (talk) 16:30, 26 April 2009 (UTC)
I don't think this is correct. I just used WoWTorrentEx today and it worked just fine. I just had to rename the downloaded .exe files to WoW-*-downloader.exe (so since I had two, I named them WoW-1-downloader.exe and WoW-2-downloader.exe). Currently downloading the torrents now :) King0lag (talk) 23:53, 10 June 2009 (UTC)

Old Downloaders[]

I have a small problem. Whenever a new patch is loaded, a new downloader and a new updater file appears. Starting with "WoW-" to "WoW-". They don't remove themselves afterwards. Can I safely delete these old files or will doing that mess up the game?. --AutisticMajor (talk) 16:23, March 12, 2010 (UTC)

The downloader and patch files are no longer needed after the patch has been applied. You can delete the downloaders. You might want to keep the patch files around in the event you ever reinstall, however. --Dewin (talk) 19:53, May 28, 2010 (UTC)