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Other SDD forums[]

Discussion on Thottbot suggests that the other possible effects, including Oops - pile of goo, have been removed in a previous patch. My experience has agreed, getting only Yaaarrrr and Flip Out when I ate 20 Savory Deviate Delights.

It should be noted that this is the Deviate Fish page, not the Savory Deviate Delight page. Dr. Cheis 22:51, 2 June 2007 (UTC)


From the old Savory Deviate Delight page - as of 1.9, you no longer loose the ability to fly between flypoints with this buff.  ℑilver§ℑide 07:23, 1 April 2006 (EST)}}

A Few Things...[]

Under Source, it says these fish can be found near the Wailing Caverns - I'm there right now, and have been catching these things like crazy, so they can, in fact, be caught inside WC, in any of the deeper pools dispersed through the waters.

Also, how much do these things sell for, uncooked, on the auction house?

--Arnen 00:34, 2 December 2007 (UTC)

Removal of "social deviate" note[]

Rolling back the comment "Eat me" may also stem from the idea that a Deviate Fish is similar to a social deviate, and thus would make the wiseacre command "eat me". from the Notes section for the following reasons:

  • A Deviate Fish is not similar to a social deviant.
  • Being a wiseacre is unrelated to social deviance.
  • "Eat me" is unrelated to social deviance.

Social deviance involves the violation of social and cultural norms or taboos. The phrase "Eat me" is quite commonplace; and, if anything, would have to fall into the category of the norm, not the deviation thereof. Keyesc (talk) 22:16, June 8, 2010 (UTC)