Looks like the buildings and art of the Nigh Elves in Darnassus... Doomhand (talk) 04:13, 23 November 2008 (UTC)
Connected to Azshara? (Zone)[]
Just looking at the elven architecture and the placement of it (southwestern Northrend) could this be part of the city the original Well of Eternity was located in? Since it's known that the continents were once together a la Pangéa, so with the zone Azshara having a majority of the ruins, and these being ruins related to Azshara, could this not be another large chunk? I would guess the third fraction could be in the waters by Kul'tiras which isn't in-game as of yet. Even on the overworld map if you pull the two continents (Kalimdor and Northrend) it would seem they fall pretty close to each other. --Taiki420 (talk) 21:02, 12 June 2009 (UTC)