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Info from RotH[]

What is the policy on including information from a newly released novel? I've been reading it on my breaks at work (I work at Barnes and Noble) but I'm probably going to buy it tomorrow, and it seems many of the articles are now out of date with new information from this book. Should I hold off on adding the information, or go ahead with it? For that matter, is this book to be considered more canon than older sources such as WC2? --Flyspeck 22:54, 10 January 2007 (EST)

I'm about halfway through. I wouldn't say it exactly makes many old articles completely out of date, but rather just expands on what we already knew. The main thing I've noticed so far it expands upon though is the orc/draenei war dynamic. When Kil'Jaeden finally makes himself known, main thing that Ner'Zhul comments on is his legs, which compares to similarity to Draenei, but he doesn't really say his entire body looks like Draenei.
Another difference is that Gul'dan was said to be channeling his energies to explore the Twisting Nether in the manual. Whereas in the novel shamans "speak to the ancestors". However this is not exactly conflicting as other sources including some quests in WoW imply that the ancestors live within the Twisting Nether, that the Twisting Nether is the afterlife, and that people who communicate with the dead are communicating through the Twisting Nether. Warcraft II manual then goes into Gul'dan's "speaking of the dead, and ancestral worship" through twisting nether as well.Baggins 23:09, 10 January 2007 (EST)
Well, in particular I was referring to articles like that on the Blackrock and Thunderlord clans, which indicate that, first of all, the Blackrock clan was formed by Gul'dan to ravage Azeroth, and second, that folks such as Orgrim Doomhammer and Durotan were originally Thunderlords. RotH indicates a rigid separation of orc clans, such that it would be unthinkable for a member of one clan to "rise through the ranks" in their clan, only to become leader of another. --Flyspeck 23:54, 10 January 2007 (EST)
Horde Player's Guide implies that Orgrim rose through the Thunderlords later on, but it still happened.
Also did you notice a somewhat conflicting thing, Orgrim and Durotan believe they can't be friends due to cultural beliefs and want to be the first to be friends. However Mother Kashur and Ner'Zhul consider themselves to be friends for years, and they are in seperate clans. So its apparently not entirely unknown but is rare. Baggins 23:55, 10 January 2007 (EST)
That's true, although I never thought of it. It was probably somewhat different for shamans, because they met every year at Oshu'gun. --Flyspeck 00:03, 11 January 2007 (EST)
Also another thing I notice is Gul'dan's story of himself is very egotistical, and starts somepoint after Ner'zhul first contacted Kil'jaeden, when Kil'jaeden contacts him instead after breaking ties with Ner'zhul.Baggins 00:07, 11 January 2007 (EST)