What are the races in this game? And do the hunter or warlock class get pets like in WoW? Mr.X8 17:51, 19 August 2007 (UTC)
Here are the following races with the applicable classes:
Human: Paladin, Warlock
|Orc: Warrior, Shaman
|Dwarf: Hunter, Priest
|Undead (Forsaken): Mage Warlock
|Gnome: Mage, Rogue
|Troll: Rogue, Priest
|Night Elf: Druid, Warrior
|Tauren: Druid, Hunter
Burning Crusade: Blood Elf: Paladin| Draenei: Shaman
And pets get complicated, Warlock gets ability card like "Summon Succubus" the card has HP points, and when HP points are wasted, the card is removed, I think Hunter has same idea..not sure though - Thuzadian