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Taur-ahe, also known as Taurahe, is the language of tauren. It is pronounced "taur-AH-heh." The language of the tauren is often harsh and low sounding.[1] Tauren do not have an alphabet as other races do; their written language is made of elaborate pictograms and pictoforms.[2] While the tauren have a written language, based on pictoforms rather than alphabet, their nomadic ancestry discouraged writing.

As such, written documentation usually falls to the tribe's shamans and is done on the sides of huts, clothing, tools, or even rocks and other natural formations. Most history and lessons are passed down orally from one generation to the next.[3]

Taur-ahe Primer (official translations)[]

Here are a few common Taur-ahe phrases and words, for which the translations have been officially confirmed by Blizzard:

Tauren Names[]

The language of the tauren is often harsh and low sounding, which is reflected in the names of their children. The last name of a tauren is usually a family name, handed down through the generations. If the tauren has performed some act that has made an impression on the elders of his tribe, however, he may choose to take on his own last name to commemorate that act.

  • Male Names: Atepa, Bron, Tal, Gom, Huln, Jorrag.
  • Female Names: Agra, Bashana, Grenda, Beruna, Halfa.
  • Family Names: Darkthorn, Thunderhoof, Stormhorn, Proudhorn, Stonebreaker, Plainstalker, Spiritwalker.[1]

Untranslated Names or Phrases[]

Algorithmic Taur-ahe words[]

This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

This is the list of words created by the in-game language parser for the Taurahe language, and is listed as language number three (word range 315-422) in the Language text file. The parser is used to mask both NPC and players that speak "Taurahe" when encountered by other races.

Note: The language algorithm used by the in-game "translator" merely makes the words look like Taur-ahe. It does not actually translate words. Therefore, translated in-game speech isn't true Taur-ahe.

Number of letters in word Word List
One-letter words A, E, I, N, O
Two-letter words Ba, Ki, Lo, Ne, Ni, No, Po, Ta, Te, Tu, Wa
Three-letter words Aki, Alo, Awa, Chi, Ich, Ish, Kee, Owa, Paw, Rah, Uku, Zhi
Four-letter words A'ke, Awak, Balo, Eche, Isha, Hale, Halo, Mani, Nahe, Shne, Shte, Tawa, Towa
Five-letter words A'hok, A'iah, Abalo, Ahmen, Anohe, Ishte, Kashu, Nechi, Nokee, Pawni, Poalo, Porah, Shush, Ti'ha, Tanka, Yakee
Six-letter words Aloaki, Hetawa, Ichnee, Kichalo, Lakota, Lomani, Neahok, Nitawa, Owachi, Pawene, Sho'wa, Taisha, Tatanka, Washte
Seven-letter words Ishnelo, Owakeri, Pikialo, Sechalo, Shtealo, Shteawa, Tihikea
Eight-letter words Akiticha, Awaihilo, Ishnialo, O'ba'chi, Orahpajo, Ovaktalo, Owatanka, Porahalo, Shtumani, Tatahalo, Towateke
Nine-letter words Echeyakee, Haloyakee, Ishne'alo, Tawaporah
Ten-letter words Awaka'nahe, Ichnee'awa, Ishamuhale, Shteowachi
Eleven-letter words Aloaki'shne, Awakeekielo, Lakota'mani, Shtumanialo
Twelve-letter words Awakeekielo, Aloaki'shne
Thirteen-letter words Ishne'awahalo, Neashushahmen
Fourteen-letter words Awakeeahmenalo
Fifteen-letter words Ishne'alo'porah

When translating text, the language algorithm will use the exact same number of letters for each word and the same order they were said in. Multiple things will turn out to be one word.

It should be noted, however, that some language algorithm translations, like "Echeyakee" and "Isha Awak", have been made official.

NPC Translations

Peace and patience be with you, <name>. Remain strong as always.
Nechi ich towateke ki hale chi, <name>. Pawene ichnee pawene.
  • At the lighting of the Pyre in Thunder Bluff at 9pm server time, Zangen Stonehoof says in Taurahe:
The Earth Mother watch over us under cover of the night as in the day. Let this fire illuminate both our bodies and spirits and remind us of our honored ancestors, who are ever present and guiding our way.
  • To any other race it says:
Alo Nokee Washte ishte shne po ishte anohe wa alo porah ki ni alo ich Rah eche towa ishamuhale nahe owa pawene ich tihikea ich neahok po wa owa pikialo tawaporah ish uku nahe kichalo ich owakeri owa alo.

Basic Words and Phrases Translated[]

Please note that these words and phrases are taken from the ingame language taurahe spoken by the Tauren. Although the words and phrases stay consistent throughout, please note that that is not necessarily canon. Basic Words

  • Thanks = Owachi
  • The = Alo
  • We/us = Po
  • Need = Tawa
  • Let = Rah
  • Water = Kashu
  • Earth = Nokee
  • Wind = Shne
  • Life = Eche
  • Fire = Towa
  • Flame = Anohe
  • Good = Awak
  • Bad = Aki
  • Despair = Pikialo
  • Light = Nokee
  • Hero = towa
  • Heroes = Owachi
  • Rain = Mani
  • Grass = Tanka
  • Tree/grow = Awak
  • Honor = Porah
  • Glory = Abalo
  • Stength = Awaihilo
  • Legendary = Haolyakee
  • Sunwalker = Echeyakee
  • Balance = Sechalo
  • elder = Ishte
  • Chieftan = Awaihilo
  • Leader = Washte
  • Hello = Nechi
  • Bye = Ish
  • Yes = Zhi
  • No = Wa
  • Hi = Mu
  • You = Chi
  • Why = Kee

Basic Phrases

  • Q: How are you? = Uku uku chi? A: I am <insert word here> = E tu <insert word here>
  • Q: Where are you from? = Nechi uku chi towa? A: I am from <insert place here> = E tu towa <insert word here>
  • Q: How old are you? = Uku uku uku chi? A: I am <insert number here> years old = E tu <insert word here> anohe uku
  • Q: What do you ask of? = Nahe lo chi awa wa? A: I ask of <You're on your own!> = E awa wa <You're on your own!>
  • Q Who are you? = Ish uku chi? A: My name is <This part's up to you> = No balo wa <This part's up to you>

