WoWWiki Hosted AddOn Page
Tell Track is an AddOn which allows you to keep track of whom you've sent tells to rather easily. It's intended user is the busy socialite or tradeskiller.
It keeps track of the person you have sent tells to by means of a little window to the right of your chat window (movable, of course).
A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words[]
What you will see after you enter /telltrack
in the Chat window:
Simply enable, position, size and click the person you wish to whisper to.
What the cryptic Help means[]
- "LMB" means "left mouse button"
- "RMB" means "right mouse button"
- "MWheel" means "mouse wheel (up or down)"
- "Arrows" are the black up or down arrows on the silver background.
Slash Commands[]
- SlashCommands: "/telltrack"
- Usage: '/telltrack <SubCommand> [-1|0|1|on|off|toggle]
- If invoked with no parameters, it will toggle the current state, which is also the same behaviour it does with -1 or toggle as parameters.
- If it gets sent 0 or off as parameters, it will disable TellTrack and hide it.
- If it gets sent 1 or on as parameters, it will enable TellTrack and show it.
- SubCommands:
- enabled - Enables/disables Tell Track.
- clearall - Clears all Tell Track entries.
- invert - Inverts/Normalizes Tell Track list.
- dontsavelist - Stops the TellTrack list from being saved between sessions.
- autowhisperframe - Auto-Create Whisper Frame.
- hidewhispers - Hide whispers in all chat frames except the TellTrack whisper frame.
- timestamps - Print time stamps on messages in the TellTrack whisper frame.
- whisperfirst - First TellTrack name click will open a whisper, second will reveal their chat log.
- hide - Hide the TellTrack icon
Key Bindings[]
- Toggle TellTrack
- Toggles TellTrack, showing and hiding it.
- Send tell to first visible TellTrack slot
- Sends a tell to the person assigned to the first visible TellTrack slot
- Send tell to second visible TellTrack slot
- Sends a tell to the person assigned to the second visible TellTrack slot
- Send tell to third visible TellTrack slot
- Sends a tell to the person assigned to the third visible TellTrack slot
- Send tell to fourth visible TellTrack slot
- Sends a tell to the person assigned to the fourth visible TellTrack slot
- DropDownMenu no longer requires Earth
Standalone URL[]
Download: Tell Track at Cursed