Thane Ufrang the Mighty sits in Ufrang's Hall in Icecrown. The thane is patient, with a head for strategy and warfare. He's also shown a penchant for biding his time and not wanting to overplay his hand in the ongoing battle. He sits on his throne while recieving reports from a Jotunheim Warrior kneeling before him, and makes executive orders in response.

- Jotunheim Warrior says: Milord, there have been reports of the other thanes preparing their forces for a strike against us. We should move quickly.
- Thane Ufrang the Mighty says: Call in all of our favors then. See to it that whatever they're up to, we know of it before it occurs. Then we shall see who strikes first!
- Jotunheim Warrior says: My thane, I bear untimely news. Your champion, Bethod, has fallen in the ring at Valhalas. As a vargul, he has been exiled to The Underhalls.
- Thane Ufrang the Mighty says: Bethod was a great warrior, but apparently not great enough. Find me a new champion. We cannot afford this dishonor now!
- Jotunheim Warrior says: My lord, Instructor Hroegar conveys that your warriors are ready. They spar on the ledge outside awaiting your orders [sic]
- Thane Ufrang the Mighty says: Tell Hroegar that he will be at the van of my forces when I give the word for them to strike.
- Jotunheim Warrior says: Lord Ufrang, there are strangers on the ledge petitioning your warriors to honor duels. They are not vrykul.
- Thane Ufrang the Mighty says: Let them fight. If they fall to one of the lesser races then it was fated and they are worthless.
- Jotunheim Warrior says: Thane Ufrang the Mighty, I bear ill news. The Shadow Vault to the east has fallen.
- Thane Ufrang the Mighty says: Then you must send a messenger to the Lich King. Ready my forces to attack upon his word.
- Jotunheim Warrior says: My lord, this draenei was caught along with an entire contingent of death knights from The Shadow Vault. They are Knights of the Ebon Blade!
- Thane Ufrang the Mighty says: Leave him chained there. I will deal with him in good time. As for the others... see to it that they do not escape!
- "You dare challenge the might of the vrykul in our homelands? By Valhalas, you will soon be nothing more than a mindless servant of undeath."[1]
[Mortal Strike]ω ϖ— Inflicts 150% weapon damage and leaves the target wounded, reducing the effectiveness of any healing by 50% for 5 sec.
[Powerful Smash]ω ϖ 8 yd range— Inflicts 150 - 250% of weapon damage to an enemy, knocking it back.
[Rend]ω ϖ— Inflicts Physical damage to an enemy every 3 sec. for 15 sec.
Objective of[]
[80] Shadow Vault Decree