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The Death Knights of Acherus

The book The Death Knights of Acherus can be found on the second floor of Acherus: The Ebon Hold.

[47.4, 30.6]


This is how the book starts out, prior to doing any quests:

The Death Knights of Acherus - Phase 1

Name: Jayde
Status: Alive
Comment: Bloodthirsty

Name: Sixen
Status: Alive
Comment: Chatty

Name: Munch
Status: Alive
Comment: Destructive

Name: Cobalt
Status: Deceased
Comment: Fell to his death. Not much upstairs. Probably saved him a lifetime of suffering.

Name: Harmony
Status: Deceased
Comment: The name of this death knight was found in violation of common Scourge decency. Struck down by the Lich King.

Name: Melt
Status: Alive*
Comment: Turned into a ghoul.

Name: Milton
Status: Alive
Comment: Rambles

Name: Minitalis
Status: Alive
Comment: Sees things that do not exist.

Name: <name>
Status: Alive
Comment: Needs more cowbell.

<The book goes on for hundreds of pages.>

After completing the quest Victory At Death's Breach!, the book is updated with the following:

The Death Knights of Acherus - Phase 2

Name: Jayde
Status: Alive
Comment: Unstoppable.

Name: Sixen
Status: Deceased
Comment: Died with his mouth open.

Name: Munch
Status: Alive
Comment: Angry. Hateful. Will do well.

Name: Cobalt
Status: Deceased
Comment: Fell to his death. Not much upstairs. Probably saved him a lifetime of suffering.

Name: Harmony
Status: Deceased
Comment: The name of this death knight was found in violation of common Scourge decency. Struck down by the Lich King.

Name: Melt
Status: Deceased
Comment: Turned into a ghoul. Killed by a scarlet peasant.

Name: Milton
Status: MIA
Comment: Cowardly gnome.

Name: Minitalis
Status: Alive
Comment: Chasing butterflies.

Name: <name>
Status: Alive
Comment: Personally responsible for the massacre of hundreds of Scarlet Crusaders. Hungers for more.
<The book goes on for hundreds of pages.>

After completing the quest The Scarlet Apocalypse, the book is updated with the following:

The Death Knights of Acherus - Phase 3

Name: Jayde
Status: Alive
Comment: Power growing. Superior tactician. Only ranks behind <name> in sheer brutality.

Name: Sixen
Status: Deceased
Comment: Died with his mouth open.

Name: Munch
Status: Alive
Comment: Shows no hesitation. Harbinger of doom.

Name: Cobalt
Status: Alive*
Comment: Pieces of this death knight were finally found. Used most to stitch together a rampaging abomination. Incinerated head and brain.

Name: Harmony
Status: Deceased
Comment: The name of this death knight was found in violation of common Scourge decency. Struck down by the Lich King.

Name: Melt
Status: Alive*
Comment: Turned into a ghoul. Killed by a scarlet peasant. Reanimated by Munch as a ghoul servant.

Name: Milton
Status: Executed
Comment: Caught. Was found without armor or runeblade asleep next to his deathcharger. The deathcharger was returned to Salanar without any serious injury. Death knights are not permitted to sleep.

Name: Minitalis
Status: MIA
Comment: Whereabouts unknown. The hunt is on.

Name: <name>
Status: Alive
Comment: Soulless killing machine. No remorse. No regrets. Has killed more Scarlet Crusaders, destroyed more lives, and caused more chaos than any death knight before <him/her>. Promoted to Scourge Commander.
<The book goes on for hundreds of pages.>

After completing the quest An End To All Things..., the book is updated with the following:

The Death Knights of Acherus - Phase 4

Name: Jayde
Status: Alive
Comment: Champion of Mograine. En route to Light's Hope Chapel. Destruction will undoubtedly follow.

Name: Sixen
Status: Deceased
Comment: Died with his mouth open.

Name: Munch
Status: Alive
Comment: Promoted to Scourge Commander. Will accompany me to Northrend.

Name: Cobalt
Status: Deceased
Comment: The rampaging abomination that was stitched together with pieces of this death knight was slain by the armies of Tirisfal. Was the most action he had seen since rebirth.

Name: Harmony
Status: Deceased*
Comment: The name of this death knight was found in violation of common scourge decency. Struck down by the Lich King.

*The Lich King demanded this death knight's remains be turned to ashes and left in a human outhouse. The Lich King takes his names very seriously.

Name: Melt
Status: Alive*
Comment: Turned into a ghoul. Killed by a Scarlet peasant. Reanimated by Munch as a ghoul servant. Incredibly, Melt is faring well as a ghoul servant of Munch. He is also an excellent cook.

Name: Milton
Status: Executed*
Comment: Caught. Was found without armor or runeblade asleep next to his deathcharger. The deathcharger was returned to Salanar without any serious injury. Death knights are not permitted to sleep.

*The deathcharger didn't make it.

Name: Minitalis
Status: Traitor
Comment: We will find her and end her miserable existence.

Name: <name>
Status: Alive
Comment: Scourge Commander <name> was granted the [Greathelm of the Scourge] by the Lich King for <his/her> complete and utter domination of the armies of Tirisfal and Hearthglen. There were no survivors left from <name>'s brutal attacks. Currently en route to end the Argent Dawn.
<The book goes on for hundreds of pages.>


  • The book was added in as a tribute to the users who actively assisted in the WotLK Alpha Forums and posted on Death Knight avatars. And of course, to make others laugh.
  • The book can be found on the second floor of Acherus: The Ebon Hold on a platform to the left-most side of the area.
  • The book is updated 3 times (4 including the starting phase) after completing Victory At Death's Breach!, The Scarlet Apocalypse, and then An End To All Things....
  • The Death Knights mentioned here who remain alive can be seen in Icecrown during N [79] The Air Stands Still.

External links[]

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4