The Dragons of Outland is an original English manga written by Richard Knaak and illustrated by Kim Jae-Hwan taking place in the Warcraft universe. The Dragons of Outland is Volume 1 in Shadow Wing.[1]
Acclaimed writer Richard A. Knaak and superstar artist Jae-Hwan Kim are teaming up once again! TOKYOPOP and Blizzard are proud to announce Warcraft: Dragons of Outland -- the thrilling continuation of Warcraft: The Sunwell Trilogy.
At the end of Warcraft: The Sunwell Trilogy, blue dragon Tyrygosa and human paladin Jorad Mace left the Ghostlands... but on their way to Jorad's destination, the two are drawn through a dark portal and into Outland. ... where they encounter a group of dragons unlike any Tyri has ever seen. Observing all of this is Ragnok Bloodreaver, a mysterious death knight with a dark agenda ...[2]
- Amaan the Wise
- Ragnok Bloodreaver
- Duron
- Kadavan
- Jorad Mace
- Irulon Trueblade
- Tyrygosa / Tyri
- Valoku
- Valwar
- Warrith
- Zzeraku
- ^ [1].
- ^ Blizzplanet
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