The Gathering is the 23th installment of the World of Warcraft comic. The story has been written by Walter and Louise Simonson while the art was handled by Mike Bowden and the cover drawn by Mike Bowden and Tony Washington.
Wildstorm released a summary of the comic on their websites, which included many errors.
- Following an attempt on Med'an's life, Garona and Meryl team up to take out the ogre Cho'gall. Meanwhile Med'an, Valeera and Maraad travel to Karazhan to speak with the shade of Med'an's father.[1]
Alongside Maraad, Med'an travels to Shattrath City to have an audience with Khadgar. On Azeroth, Cho'gall unleashes the might of the elementals on Theramore while the nearly complete New Council of Tirisfal has a founding meeting there.
- Aegwynn
- Alodi (memory)
- Krank Axeljink
- A'dal
- Cho'gall
- Rehgar Earthfury
- Garona Halforcen
- Gul'dan (memory)
- Kathra'Natir
- Khadgar
- Vindicator Maraad
- Medivh (memory)
- Med'an
- Jaina Proudmoore
- High Priest Rohan
- Hamuul Runetotem
- Valeera Sanguinar
- Meryl Felstorm
- Dalynnia Wrathscar
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