The Winds of War is the 19th installment of the World of Warcraft comic.
King Varian Wrynn and his son Prince Anduin finally return to Stormwind and celebrate the defeat of Onyxia. Meanwhile, Garona is interrogated by Jaina and Aegwynn, but at what cost?
- Aegwynn
- Anduin Wrynn
- Bolvar Fordragon
- Cho'gall
- C'Thun
- Garona Halforcen
- Garrosh Hellscream
- Hovik
- Jaina Proudmoore
- Med'an
- Meryl Felstorm
- Putress
- Rehgar Earthfury
- Stasia Fallshadow
- Sylvanas Windrunner
- Thrall
- Valeera Sanguinar
- Varian Wrynn
External links[]