Thexal Deathchill roams the Court of Bones, raising Skeletal Archmages and empowering them with Deathchill Empowerment.
- Chill Nova (Blasts nearby enemies for Frost damage, knocking them back and reducing their movement speed for up to 10 sec.)
- Deathchill Empowerment (Empowers a servant of the Lich King with unholy magic, increasing damage dealt by 30% and reducing damage taken by 50%, for 1 min.)
- Frost Armor (Encases the caster in a layer of frost that lasts 30 min. The thick ice increases armor, slows melee attackers' movement to 40%, and increases the time between their attacks by 100%.)
- Frostbolt (Inflicts Frost damage to an enemy and reduces its movement speed for 4 sec.)
- Lich Slap (Slaps the target with a cold hand, dealing 1750 to 2250 Frost damage and knocking them back.)