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Tidewalker Depth-Seer can be found in Serpentshrine Cavern.


  • These drop a hefty HoT on things which needs to be dispelled.
  • At lower health they'll chaincast an uninterruptible tranquility that people need to DPS through.
  • Because of the uninterruptible healing, its prudent to kill them after you've killed all the other non-CCable murlocs so you dont waste too much time until you have your full raid able to focus fire on them
  • They don't seem to be vulnerable to polymorph, snares, stuns and fear.
  • They are vulnerable to spell interrupts, but immune to silence.
  • Melees on plate for ~1500-2k


BattleMasterGossipIconItem Level Skill Slot Drop%
Shiny Fish Scales [Shiny Fish Scales] 1 14.6%
Fish Oil [Fish Oil] 1 6.8%
Nether Vortex [Nether Vortex] 75 5.3%
Coilfang Armaments [Coilfang Armaments] 1 3.9%
Sunspring Carp [Sunspring Carp] 65 3.4%
Spyglass of the Hidden Fleet [Spyglass of the Hidden Fleet] 128 Trinket 2.4%
Mark of the Illidari [Mark of the Illidari] 70 1.5%
Pendant of the Perilous [Pendant of the Perilous] 128 Neck 1.5%
Totem of the Maelstrom [Totem of the Maelstrom] 128 Totem Ranged 1%
Serpentshrine Shuriken [Serpentshrine Shuriken] 128 Thrown Ranged 1%
Wildfury Greatstaff [Wildfury Greatstaff] 128 Staff Two-Hand 1%
Pattern: Belt of Blasting [Pattern: Belt of Blasting] - Tailoring (375) 75 Cloth Waist 1%
Purified Draenic Water [Purified Draenic Water] 75 1%
Golden Draenite [Golden Draenite] 65 1%
Pattern: Belt of Natural Power [Pattern: Belt of Natural Power] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Leather Waist 0.5%
Pattern: Belt of the Black Eagle [Pattern: Belt of the Black Eagle] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Mail Waist 0.5%
Pattern: Belt of Deep Shadow [Pattern: Belt of Deep Shadow] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Leather Waist 0.5%
Pattern: Boots of Natural Grace [Pattern: Boots of Natural Grace] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Leather Feet 0.5%
Pattern: Monsoon Belt [Pattern: Monsoon Belt] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Mail Waist 0.5%
Codex: Prayer of Shadow Protection II [Codex: Prayer of Shadow Protection II] 70 0.5%
Tome of Conjure Food VIII [Tome of Conjure Food VIII] 70 0.5%
Plans: Red Havoc Boots [Plans: Red Havoc Boots] - Blacksmithing (375) 75 Plate Feet 0.5%
Plans: Boots of the Protector [Plans: Boots of the Protector] - Blacksmithing (375) 75 Plate Feet 0.5%
Plans: Red Belt of Battle [Plans: Red Belt of Battle] - Blacksmithing (375) 75 Plate Waist 0.5%
Plans: Belt of the Guardian [Plans: Belt of the Guardian] - Blacksmithing (375) 75 Plate Waist 0.5%
Pattern: Hurricane Boots [Pattern: Hurricane Boots] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Mail Feet 0.5%
Pattern: Boots of the Crimson Hawk [Pattern: Boots of the Crimson Hawk] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Mail Feet 0.5%
Pattern: Boots of Utter Darkness [Pattern: Boots of Utter Darkness] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Leather Feet 0.5%
Pattern: Boots of the Long Road [Pattern: Boots of the Long Road] - Tailoring (375) 75 Cloth Feet 0.5%
Pattern: Boots of Blasting [Pattern: Boots of Blasting] - Tailoring (375) 75 Cloth Feet 0.5%
Pattern: Belt of the Long Road [Pattern: Belt of the Long Road] - Tailoring (375) 75 Cloth Waist 0.5%
Tome of Arcane Brilliance 2 [Tome of Arcane Brilliance 2] 70 0.5%
Murkblood Belt [Murkblood Belt] 114 Leather Waist 0.5%
Sundered Helmet [Sundered Helmet] 114 Head 0.5%
Talhide Helmet [Talhide Helmet] 117 Head 0.5%
Shattered Hand Helmet [Shattered Hand Helmet] 117 Plate Head 0.5%
Phantom Dagger [Phantom Dagger] 120 Dagger One-Hand 0.5%
Codex: Prayer of Fortitude III [Codex: Prayer of Fortitude III] 70 0.5%
Tome of Conjure Water IX [Tome of Conjure Water IX] 70 0.5%
Boots of Courage Unending [Boots of Courage Unending] 128 Plate Feet 0.5%
Book: Gift of the Wild III [Book: Gift of the Wild III] 70 0.5%

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