Timberlings can be found in Teldrassil and the Swamp of Sorrows. They reflect the natural order of plants and animals on the Great Tree, so it is disturbing to see how angry the timberlings have become. Another symptom of the timberling's disease are tumors within their bodies, filled with a poison. Two notable timberlings of Teldrassil are Oakenscowl and Blackmoss the Fetid.
A timberling is a twisted mass of branches, vines, and leaves that lumbers forward, rustling with each step. Its body has a vaguely humanoid shape, standing four feet high and weighing around 50 pounds. They do not speak or understand any known language. Timberlings are mobile plants that live in swamps or alongside rivers or lakes. They are normally peaceful creatures that live in harmony with the land, but any sort of disruption (such as pollution) drives them into an unnatural frenzy. An angered timberling attacks anything that moves. Timberlings can be made peaceful again only by removing the source of their discomfort and returning the land to its natural state. Timberlings attack by forming their woody limbs into fist-like appendages. When they strike a foe, they leave behind a clump of shoots that expand rapidly, enhancing weaknesses in the victim's defenses. Timberlings attack the nearest enemy, pummeling until the foe stops moving.[1] (MG 134)
Timberling subspecies[]
- Timberling
- Swampwalker
- The plant creatures bog beast and thistleshrub and the elemental creature tar beast, while using the same model as timberlings, are listed as separate types of creatures.[1] (MG 131-134)
- In lore, they are described as both large ambulatory plants and as elementals.
- These creatures are classified as elementals in WoW. Denalan, the botanist and questqiver NPC in Darnassus, notes that they are connected to the land around them: "The Timberlings are elementals of nature. In some ways they reflect the natural order of the plants and animals on our great tree."
Bog beasts?[]
This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
Timberlings may be a sub-category of bog beast, as it is said there are bog beasts on Teldrassil near Lake Al'Ameth.[2] (LoM 21)