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This disambiguation page lists all the official Warcraft universe timelines published or dates mentioned by Blizzard in the various sources over the years. It also contains an unofficial timeline created by WoWWiki contributors and derived from various sources.

Timeline (unofficial)
Timeline based on all sources of information and all versions of the timeline. May not be consistent with the latest official timeline.
Alternate timeline
Split timeline created by altering Draenor of the past when Garrosh Hellscream diverted the Dark Portal into a time portal.
Timeline (from official site, 2010)
Timeline based on the official site (2007) timeline with added dates.
Timeline (from official site, 2007)
Timeline based on the official site (2004) timeline with added dates.
Timeline (TBC)
Timeline of dates established in The Burning Crusade and its manual (2007).
Timeline (PG)
Timeline and dates published in the RPG "Player's Guides", Alliance Player's Guide, Horde Player's Guide (2006), and Dark Factions (2008).
Timeline (CoH)
Timeline of dates established in Cycle of Hatred (2006).
Timeline (Lands of Mystery)
List of dates mentioned in Lands of Mystery (2006).
Timeline (WoWRPG)
Timeline published in World of Warcraft The Roleplaying Game in 2005.
Timeline (LoC)
Timeline published in Lands of Conflict in 2004.
Timeline (from official site, 2004)
Timeline released on the World of Warcraft website in 2004.
Timeline (WoWOSG)
Timeline published in the World of Warcraft Official Strategy Guide in 2004.
Timeline (WRPG)
Timeline published in Dungeons & Dragons: Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game in 2003.
Timeline (RTS)
Timeline originally published by Blizzard in the Warcraft I manual (1994), with further dates established from the Warcraft II manual (1996), Beyond the Dark Portal manual, and Warcraft III manual. Also includes dates mentioned in the RTS games themselves.
Timeline (RPG Books Chronology)
This article discusses the chronological order of books in the Warcraft RPG and World of Warcraft RPG from 2003 to present.


Timeline (World of Warcraft)
A timeline of the history and culture surrounding the actual game of World of Warcraft.
Timeline of the creation of US realms
A list of all realms that have been created since the release of World of Warcraft.

See also[]

External links[]
