This is an ongoing list of all realms that have been created since the release of World of Warcraft on 11/23/04.
Each realm can be found under a heading of the day that it was released. This list may help you if you're trying to figure out when a new server's 6-month transfer block expires or just to estimate how far that realm likely is in end-game progression. Also the realm type and time zone have been indicated, along with any other information relevant to realm selection.
The list appears to be missing the following servers. It would be nice if someone could add them to the appropriate time slot: Drenden, Farstriders, Fenris, Korialstrasz, Nazjatar, Shu'Halo, Sisters of Elune, The Scryers, The Underbog, Trollbane, Zangarmarsh. In addition to those servers, this page is showing servers that don't exist for me: Caelestrasz, Dath'Remar, Drakkari, Dreadmaul, Frostmourne, Gundrak, Jubei'Thos, Khaz'goroth, Nagrand, Quel'Thalas, Ragnaros, Saurfang (possibly explained by the fact that they are either Spanish or from the Oceanic group). As of 22 June 2019 there are 226 active servers available to choose from the the Americas WoW client. The eleven missing ones are listed above in this paragraph, along with the twelve that shouldn't be in this list.
November 23[]
Original PVP Servers by time zone...
-Blackrock (PvP, PST)
-Bonechewer (PvP, PST)
-Boulderfist (PvP, PST)
-Crushridge (PvP, PST)
-Daggerspine (PvP, PST)
-Destromath (PvP, PST)
-Dethecus (PvP, PST)
-Dragonmaw (PvP, PST)
-Dunemaul (PvP, PST)
-Frostwolf (PvP, PST)
-Gorgonnash (PvP, PST)
-Kil'Jaeden (PvP, PST)
-Ner'zhul (PvP, PST)
-Spinebreaker (PvP, PST)
-Stonemaul (PvP, PST)
-Stormscale (PvP, PST)
-Tichondrius (PvP, PST)
-Bloodscalp (PvP, MST)
-Darkspear (PvP, MST)
-Deathwing (PvP, MST)
-Kel'Thuzad (PvP, MST)
-Nathrezim (PvP, MST)
-Archimonde (PvP, CST)
-Azgalor (PvP, CST)
-Burning Legion (PvP, CST)
-Illidan (PvP, CST)
-Laughing Skull (PvP, CST)
-Mal'Ganis (PvP, CST)
-Sargeras (PvP, CST)
-Stormreaver (PvP, CST)
-Thunderlord (PvP, CST)
-Arthas (PvP, EST)
-Bleeding Hollow (PvP, EST)
-Burning Blade (PvP, EST)
-Eredar (PvP, EST)
-Gorefiend (PvP, EST)
-Lightning's Blade (PvP, EST)
-Magtheridon (PvP, EST)
-Mannoroth (PvP, EST)
-Shadowmoon (PvP, EST)
-Shattered Hand (PvP, EST)
-Skullcrusher (PvP, EST)
-Warsong (PvP, EST)
Original PVE servers by time zone...
-Bronzebeard (PvE, PST)
-Cenarius (PvE, PST)
-Draenor (PvE, PST)
-Draka (PvE, CST)
-Dragonblight (PvE, PST)
-Hyjal (PvE, PST)
-Kilrogg (PvE, PST)
-Lightbringer (PvE, PST)
-Proudmoore (PvE, PST)
-Shadowsong (PvE, PST)
-Silvermoon (PvE, PST)
-Suramar (PvE, PST)
-Uldum (PvE, PST)
-Uther (PvE, PST)
-Windrunner (PvE, PST)
-Azjol-Nerub (PvE, MST)
-Doomhammer (PvE, MST)
-Icecrown (PvE, MST)
-Perenolde (PvE, MST)
-Terenas (PvE, MST)
-Alleria (PvE, CST)
-Blackhand (PvE, CST)
-Garona (PvE, CST)
-Aggramar (PvE, CST)
-Hellscream (PvE, CST)
-Malygos (PvE, CST)
-Thunderhorn (PvE, CST)
-Whisperwind (PvE, CST)
-Bloodhoof (PvE, EST)
-Dalaran (PvE, EST)
-Durotan (PvE, EST)
-Elune (PvE, EST)
-Eonar (PvE, EST)
-Gilneas (PvE, EST)
-Kargath (PvE, EST)
-Khadgar (PvE, EST)
-Llane (PvE, EST)
-Lothar (PvE, EST)
-Medivh (PvE, EST)
-Stormrage (PvE, EST)
-Zul'jin (PvE, EST)
Original RP servers by time zone...
-Cenarion Circle (RP, PST)
-Feathermoon (RP, PST)
-Silver Hand (RP, PST)
-Argent Dawn (RP, EST)
-Earthen Ring (RP, EST)
February 22[]
-Eldre'Thalas (PvE, EST)
February 24[]
-Spirestone (PvP, PST)
-Firetree (PvP, EST)
-Shadow Council (RP, MST)
-Scarlet Crusade (RP, CST)
February 26[]
-Frostmane (PvP, CST)
April 28[]
-Gurubashi (PvP, PST)
-Skywall (PvE, PST)
May 2[]
-Smolderthorn (PvP, EST)
July 21[]
-Kalecgos (PvP, PST)
-Moonrunner (PvE, PST)
July 23[]
-Ursin (PvP, PST)
July 27[]
-Dark Iron (PvP, PST)
August 6[]
-Greymane (PvE, CST)
August 23[]
-Detheroc (PvP, CST)
-Wildhammer (PvP, CST)
-Staghelm (PvE, CST)
September 13[]
-Emerald Dream (RP-PvP, CST)
-Maelstrom (RP-PvP, CST)
September 14[]
-Twisting Nether (RP-PvP, CST)
October 19[]
-Cho'gall (PvP, CST)
-Kael'thas (PvE, CST)
-Kirin Tor (RP-PvE, CST)
November 8[]
-Agamaggan (PvP, CST)
-Azshara (PvP, EST)
-Malfurion (PvE, CST)
-Lightninghoof (RP-PvP, CST)
-Frostmourne (PvP, Oceanic)
-Khaz'goroth (PvE, Oceanic)
November 30[]
-Aegwynn (PvP, CST)
-Akama (PvP, CST)
-Chromaggus (PvP, CST)
December 16[]
-Gul'dan (PvP, CST)
January 2[]
-Balnazzar (PvP, CST)
-Drak'thul (PvP, CST)
-Hakkar (PvP, CST)
-Alexstrasza (PvE, CST)
-Sen'jin (PvE, CST)
-Vek'nilash (PvE, CST)
January 6[]
-Garithos (PvP, CST, initially open to transfers only)
-Khaz Modan (PvE, CST, initially open to transfers only)
-Kul Tiras (PvE, CST)
-Runetotem (PvE, CST)
January 26[]
-Jubei'Thos (PvP, Oceanic)
-Thorium Brotherhood (RP, CST)
-Mug'thol (PvP, CST)
February 6[]
-Eitrigg (PvE, CST, initially open to transfers only)
February 13[]
-Rexxar (PvE, CST, initially open to transfers only)
March 14[]
-Malorne (PvP, EST)
'March 15[]
-Muradin (PvE, CST)
March 21[]
-Korgath (PvP, EST)
-Zuluhed (PvP, EST)
-Duskwood (PvE, EST)
-Steamwheedle Cartel (RP, EST)
March 22[]
-Anetheron (PvP, EST)
March 23[]
-Haomarush (PvP, EST)
-Scilla (PvP, EST)
-Ysondre (PvP, EST)
-Turalyon (PvE, EST)
March 31[]
-Dentarg (PvP, EST)
-Andorhal (PvP, EST)
-Executus (PvP, EST)
-Ysera (PvE, EST)
April 11[]
-Black Dragonflight (PvP, EST, initially open to transfers only)
-Dalvengyr (PvP, EST, initially open to transfers only)
April 19[]
-Norgannon (PvE, EST, initially open to transfers only)
-Thrall (PvE, EST, initially open to transfers only)
May 19[]
-Altar of Storms (PvP, EST)
-Uldaman (PvE, CST)
May 30[]
-Demon Soul (PvP, EST)
-Jaedenar (PvP, EST)
June 12[]
-Barthilas (PvP, Oceanic)
-Aman'Thul (PvE, Oceanic)
-Korgath (PvP, initially open to transfers only ERROR? Why is this name listed TWICE?)
June 16[]
-Lethon (PvP, PST)
-Aerie Peak (PvE, PST)
June 27[]
-Onyxia (PvP, PST)
-Blackwing Lair (PvP, PST)
-Gnomeregan (PvE, PST)
-Anvilmar (PvE, PST)
July 12[]
-The Venture Co (RP-PvP, PST)
-Sentinels (RP, PST)
August 14[]
-The Forgotten Coast (PvP, EST)
-Tanaris (PvE, EST)
August 21[]
-Anub'arak (PvP, EST)
-Undermine (PvE, EST)
September 27[]
-Dath'Remar (PvE, EST Oceanic, initially open to transfers only, ERROR? non-existent server)
October 6[]
-Darrowmere (PvP, PST)
-Vashj (PvP, EST)
-Echo Isles (PvE, PST)
-Blackwater Raiders (RP, PST)
December 14[]
-Misha (PvE, PST)
-Ravenholdt (RP-PvP, EST)
-Bladefist (PvE, PST)
-Maiev (PvP, PST)
January 4[]
- Antonidas (PvE, PST)
- Arygos (PvE, EST)
- Baelgun (PvE, EST)
- Nazgrel (PvE, EST)
- Nordrassil (PvE, PST)
- Rivendare (PvP, PST)
- Shandris (PvE, EST)
- Tortheldrin (PvP, EST)
January 8[]
- Moon Guard (RP, CST)
- Hydraxis (PvE, CST)
- Quel'dorei (PvE, CST)
- Mok'Nathal (PvE, CST)
January 9[]
- Ravencrest (PVE, CST)
January 12[]
- Madoran (PVE, CST)
January 16[]
- Nagrand (PvE, Oceanic)
- Velen (PvE, Pacific)
- Coilfang (PvP, Pacific)
- Terokkar (PvE, Central)
- Exodar (PvE, Eastern)
- Auchindoun (PvP, Eastern)
January 17[]
- Blood Furnace (PvP, Central)
- Shattered Halls (PvP, Pacific)
December 20[]
- Caelestrasz (PvE, Oceanic, initially open to transfers only)
January 31[]
- Ghostlands (PvE, Central, initially open to transfers only)
February 27[]
- Cairne (PvE, Central, non-transfer)
April 21[]
- Dreadmaul (PvP, Oceanic, initially open to transfers only)
July 25[]
- Drakkari (PvP, Central, Spanish language)
- Quel'Thalas (PvE, Central, Spanish language)
- Ragnaros (PvP, Central, Spanish language)
November 10[]
- Fizzcrank (PvE, Central)
November 13[]
[9] (Date of release for the Wrath of the Lich King expansion.)
- Grizzly Hills (PvE, central, originally non-transfer)
November 15[]
- Galakrond (PvE, Pacific)
November 16[]
- Saurfang (PvE, Oceanic)
November 17[]
- Dawnbringer (PvE, Central)
- Drak'Tharon (PvP, Central)
November 21[]
- Gundrak (PvP, Oceanic)
January 7[]
- Garrosh (PvE, Eastern) (Server in Seattle)
January 16[]
- Borean Tundra (PvE, Central)
- Winterhoof (PvE, Central)
- Wyrmrest Accord (RP, Pacific)
February 11[]
- Nesingwary (PvE, Central)
Connected Realms[]
Beginning in late 2013, after the release of patch 5.4, Blizzard began connecting existing realms together in order to consolidate World of Warcraft's player base, which had begun shrinking over time on multiple realms. Connected realms maintain the standard per-server character allotment. In game, character names above players' heads and in chat are now followed by "-Server Name". A separate page containing all realm connections since this feature was implemented can be found here.