Titansteel is a metal alloy smelted from ingredients found in Northrend.
Items made from Titansteel tend to be very expensive on the Auction House due to Titansteel's cooldown, the mats required to make one Titansteel Bar, as well as the fact that many recipes require more than one. Due to its unique properties, it is known to be resistant against corruption in all forms, Fel or otherwise.
1 [Titansteel Bar] is smeltable from 3 [Titanium bars], 1 [Eternal Fire], 1 [Eternal Earth], and 1 [Eternal Shadow] every 20 hours. Which was removed in Patch 3.3.3.
Selling smelting cooldown[]
Many players have been able to make money by selling their daily Titansteel cooldown by smelting one titansteel bar for another player for a price.
Patches and Fixes[]
- Patch 3.3.3: The cooldown on Smelt Titansteel will be removed
See also[]