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API types

titleIDs are used for retrieving and setting the player's displayed title, e.g. "Champion of the Naaru" or "Private"

They are indices from 1 to GetNumTitles().

TitleId Index with Names (GetTitleName)[]

TitleId (as of Patch 3.3.3a)
TitleId Prefix Suffix
001 Private
002 Corporal
003 Sergeant
004 Master Sergeant
005 Sergeant Major
006 Knight
007 Knight-Lieutenant
008 Knight-Captain
009 Knight-Champion
010 Lieutenant Commander
011 Commander
012 Marshal
013 Field Marshal
014 Grand Marshal
015 Scout
016 Grunt
017 Sergeant
018 Senior Sergeant
019 First Sergeant
020 Stone Guard
021 Blood Guard
022 Legionnaire
023 Centurion
024 Champion
025 Lieutenant General
026 General
027 Warlord
028 High Warlord
029 Gladiator
030 Duelist
031 Rival
032 Challenger
033 Scarab Lord
034 Conqueror
035 Justicar
036 Champion of the Naaru
037 Merciless Gladiator
038 of the Shattered Sun
039 Hand of A'dal
040 Vengeful Gladiator
041 Battlemaster
042 the Seeker
043 Elder
044 Flame Warden
045 Flame Keeper
046 the Exalted
047 the Explorer
048 the Diplomat
049 Brutal Gladiator
050 Arena Master
051 Salty
052 Chef
053 the Supreme
054 of the Ten Storms
055 of the Emerald Dream
056 Deadly Gladiator
057 Prophet
058 the Malefic
059 Stalker
060 of the Ebon Blade
061 Archmage
062 Warbringer
063 Assassin
064 Grand Master Alchemist
065 Grand Master Blacksmith
066 Iron Chef
067 Grand Master Enchanter
068 Grand Master Engineer
069 Doctor
070 Grand Master Angler
071 Grand Master Herbalist
072 Grand Master Scribe
073 Grand Master Jewelcrafter
074 Grand Master Leatherworker
075 Grand Master Miner
076 Grand Master Skinner
077 Grand Master Tailor
078 of Quel'Thalas
079 of Argus
080 of Khaz Modan
081 of Gnomergan
082 the Lion Hearted
083 Champion of Elune
084 Hero of Orgrimmar
085 Plainsrunner
086 of the Darkspear
087 the Forsaken
088 the Magic Seeker
089 Twilight Vanquisher
090 Conqueror of Naxxramas
091 Hero of Northrend
092 the Hallowed
093 Loremaster
094 of the Alliance
095 of the Horde
096 the Flawless Victor
097 Champion of the Frozen Wastes
098 Ambassador
099 the Argent Champion
100 Guardian of Cenarius
101 Brewmaster
102 Merrymaker
103 the Love Fool
104 Matron
105 Patron
106 Obsidian Slayer
107 of the Nightfall
108 the Immortal
109 the Undying
110 Jenkins
111 Bloodsail Admiral
112 the Insane
113 of the Exodar
114 of Darnassus
115 of Ironforge
116 of Stormwind
117 of Orgrimmar
118 of Sen'jin
119 of Silvermoon
120 of Thunder Bluff
121 of the Undercity
122 the Noble
123 Crusader
124 Death's Demise
125 the Celestial Defender
126 Conqueror of Ulduar
127 Champion of Ulduar
128 Vanquisher
129 Starcaller
130 the Astral Walker
131 Herald of the Titans
132 Furious Gladiator
133 the Pilgrim
134 Relentless Gladiator
135 Grand Crusader
136 the Argent Defender
137 the Patient
138 the Light of Dawn
139 Bane of the Fallen King
140 the Kingslayer
141 of the Ashen Verdict
142 Wrathful Gladiator

Printing titleIDs for debug[]

This simple script code will iterate through the title IDs and display them in the default chat window:

for i = 1, 
() do
    print(i..":"..(281(i) or "nil"))