- Toy Train Set
- Toy
- Item Level 1
- Binds when picked up
- Unique
- Use: Right Click to set down your Toy Train Set.
- "All Aboard!"
- Sell Price: 62
- Cooldown: 30 min
- Vendor 250
The Toy Train Set is sold in Dalaran for 250 by:
- Jepetto Joybuzz <Toymaker>
- Clockwork Assistant <Jepetto's Companion>

- Takes 3 seconds to place, reusable, and lasts 1 minute 40 seconds {not confirmed}.
- By using this, your character places a small, circular railroad and a train, which goes around the rails. It also causes all nearby players to do /train emote. This can be extremely funny when used in a highly populated area, like Auction House or when waiting outside a raid zone. There are various addons that will reveal the player who put the train set.
- The opposite of the Toy train set is the [Wind-Up Train Wrecker]. It is a small robot that smashes the toy train set.