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Ability hunter pet gorilla
  • Tranquil Mechanical Yeti
  • Item Level 60
    Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable
  • Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
  • Sell Price: 12s 50c

Tranquil Mechanical Yeti

Tranquil Mechanical Yeti summons and dismisses Tranquil Mechanical Yeti, a yeti companion, unlike its "big brothers", Mechanical Greench and Mechanical Yeti.


Tranquil Mechanical Yeti is crafted by engineers with a skill level of 250.

Materials required:
Inv misc pelt bear 03
1x [Cured Rugged Hide]
Inv gizmo 04
4x [Thorium Widget]
Inv misc orb 01
2x [Globe of Water]
Inv staff 18
2x [Truesilver Transformer]
Inv battery 02
1x [Gold Power Core]
Raw materials required:
Inv misc pelt bear ruin 02
1x [Rugged Hide]
Inv ore thorium 02
12x [Thorium Ore]
Inv fabric purplefire 01
4x [Runecloth]
Inv misc orb 01
2x [Globe of Water]
Inv ore truesilver 01
4x [Truesilver Ore]
Inv ore iron 01
4x [Elemental Earth]
Spell nature tranquility
2x [Elemental Air]
Inv ore gold 01
1/3x [Gold Ore]

Due to Thorium Widget and Truesilver Transformer needing 260 skill, if you want to create this using engineering parts that you've created then you will need 260 skill.

Unusually, Tranquil Mechanical Yeti required Ice Thistle E'ko to make when it first appeared. E'ko is only obtainable via a repeatable Horde quest, so the only way for Alliance players to make one of these yeti was to buy the E'ko from a neutral auction house. However, with patch 1.9.3, the requirement for Ice Thistle E'ko was changed to Cured Rugged Hide, making the yeti just as accessible to Alliance engineers as it was to Horde. Later, E'ko was also made accessible to Alliance characters.


Physically, Tranquil Mechanical Yeti looks like a small white yeti or wendigo. It's approximately the same size as the combat variants, which is to say that it is about as tall as a gnome, making it one of the larger small pets in the game.

This is taught by Umi Rumplesnicker after completing her quest chain Are We There, Yeti?.

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