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  • Triumphant Windrunner's Pursuit
  • 5,622 Armor
    +500 Agility [+14]
    +445 Stamina
    +355 Intellect
  • Meta Socket Meta Socket
    Red Socket Red Socket x2
    Yellow Socket Yellow Socket x3
    Blue Socket Blue Socket x2
  • Equip: Increases attack power by 823. [+28]
    Equip: Increases your armor penetration rating by 126.
    Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 388.
    Equip: Improves haste rating by 53.
    Equip: Improves hit rating by 116.
  • Triumphant Windrunner's Pursuit (5 pieces)
  • [Windrunner's Tunic of Triumph]
    [Windrunner's Handguards of Triumph]
    [Windrunner's Headpiece of Triumph]
    [Windrunner's Legguards of Triumph]
    [Windrunner's Spaulders of Triumph]
  • (2) Set: The damage done by your Serpent Sting ability can now be critical strikes.
    (4) Set: Each time you hit with a ranged attack, you have a chance to grant your pet 600 attack power for 15 sec.
  • Combined stats. Numbers in [brackets] indicate socket bonuses

Triumphant Windrunner's Pursuit is the middle rank of the Windrunner's Pursuit set, the hunter Tier 9 set. The lower set is Conqueror's Windrunner's Pursuit, the upper set is Triumphant Windrunner's Pursuit (heroic).

The Alliance equivalent of this set is Triumphant Windrunner's Battlegear.


The parts of this set are Item Level 245, and are purchased with Emblems of Triumph along with a [Trophy of the Crusade]. The trophy is a drop from each boss in the 25-man Trial of the Crusader. It is also found in the Argent Crusade Tribute Chest gained after defeating Anub'arak in Trial of the Crusader's Heroic mode.

Slot _ of Conquest
iLvl 232
_ of Triumph
iLvl 245
Head 591Pvecurrency-justice 1,196Pvecurrency-justice1 Trophy of the Crusade
Shoulder 478Pvecurrency-justice 717Pvecurrency-justice1 Trophy of the Crusade
Chest 591Pvecurrency-justice 1,196Pvecurrency-justice1 Trophy of the Crusade
Hands 478Pvecurrency-justice 717Pvecurrency-justice1 Trophy of the Crusade
Legs 591Pvecurrency-justice 1,196Pvecurrency-justice1 Trophy of the Crusade

The Item Level 232 versions ("... of Conquest") require only 2/3 as many emblems, and no additional item.

The Item Level 258 versions (heroic "of Triumph") are purchased with a [Regalia of the Grand Protector]. This regalia item is gained solely from the Argent Crusade Tribute Chest, and only during the 25-man heroic mode version of Trial of the Crusader.

All three versions count towards satisfying the set bonus requirements.


Triumphant Windrunner's Pursuit
Inv misc questionmark
    Windrunner's Tunic of Triumph (Horde)
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    Windrunner's Handguards of Triumph (Horde)
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  • Contribute it using the Item Boilerplate.
  • Look up in: Wowhead ω WoWDB ϖ
Inv helmet 100
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    Windrunner's Legguards of Triumph (Horde)
  • This item is not yet in WoWWiki.
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  • Look up in: Wowhead ω WoWDB ϖ
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    Windrunner's Spaulders of Triumph (Horde)
  • This item is not yet in WoWWiki.
  • Contribute it using the Item Boilerplate.
  • Look up in: Wowhead ω WoWDB ϖ

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