- Truesilver Skeleton Key
- Item Level 40
- Requires Blacksmithing (200)
- Use: Allows opening of locks that require up to 200 lockpicking skill. The skeleton key is consumed in the process.
- 1 Charges
- Sell Price: 6
Truesilver Skeleton Keys are used to open strong locks.
The Truesilver Skeleton Key can be used by Blacksmiths to open locked doors or chests requiring up to 200 Lockpicking skill.
This includes:
- The gate in Deadmines.
- The doors in Gnomeregan and Scarlet Monastery
- Large Iron Bound Chests
- Large Mithril Bound Chests found in Uldaman but not in higher-level instances.
Truesilver Skeleton Keys are crafted by Blacksmiths with a skill level of 200.
1x [Truesilver Bar] | 1x [Solid Grinding Stone] |
The plans are learned from the Blacksmithing trainer.
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