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Turn Undead
Spell holy turnundead
  • Turn Undead
  • 20 yards  range
  • 30 seconds cooldown
  • Mana
  • 2 seconds cast
  • The targeted undead enemy will be compelled to flee for up to X sec. Damage caused may interrupt the effect. Only one target can be turned at a time.
Usable by
TypeDefensive, Utility
Casting time2 seconds cast
Cooldown30 seconds
Other information
"A Paladin's power - nay, his very presence in the Light is enough to cause even the most ravenous undead to flee."

Rank table[]

Rank Level Mana Cost Fear Time Cost
1 24 35 Mana 10 Sec 45s
2 38 50 Mana 15 Sec 1g 44s

Tips and tricks[]

Paladins are unique in the ability to fear undead targets. Undead mobs are immune to Warlocks' and Priests' fear spells (Fear and Psychic Scream, respectively), so this can be used as a nice crowd control in some situations. Notable instances where undead are prevalent include Razorfen Downs, Stratholme, Scholomance, Naxxramas and Karazhan.

By Level 54, a Paladin can potentially keep an Undead mob mostly controlled by using Hammer of Justice in coordination with Turn Undead.


In PvP, this ability is entirely useless as Forsaken players do not qualify as undead in terms of game mechanics, and as such are invalid targets of this spell.

In patch 2.4, however, the highest rank (was rank 3) of this spell is being renamed to Turn Evil, which will allow the player to also fear Demons, opening up potentially new strategies against Warlocks.

Patch Changes[]

External links[]

Rank 1
Rank 2
