← Widget API < Slider
Class Hierarchy, API, And Derivatives[]
For class hierarchy and method listing, see main listing here: Widget API Slider.
local MySlider = CreateFrame("Slider", "MySliderGlobalName", ParentFrame, "OptionsSliderTemplate")
Width, Height, Orientation, And Position[]
Width and height are handled the same as any other widget:
MySlider:SetWidth(20) MySlider:SetHeight(100)
To set your slider to a vertical orientation:
Or for a horizontal slider:
Special Global Objects Created By Template During Initialization[]
Some special objects are created when using the "OptionsSliderTemplate" template during initialization (CreateFrame). You can access these objects using the LUA getglobal function, as outlined below:
MySlider.tooltipText = 'This is the Tooltip hint' --Creates a tooltip on mouseover. getglobal(MySlider:GetName() .. 'Low'):SetText('1'); --Sets the left-side slider text (default is "Low"). getglobal(MySlider:GetName() .. 'High'):SetText('100'); --Sets the right-side slider text (default is "High"). getglobal(MySlider:GetName() .. 'Text'):SetText('5'); --Sets the "title" text (top-centre of slider).
These are useful shortcuts in lieu of having to manually define font strings.
After all that you can show your slider using: