Most mounts can be categorized by the type of creature or device you are riding. While these mounts can also be categorized that way, there are only one or two examples of that type of mount. This, then, is a page to describe all the oddball or unique mounts available.
Unique trading card mounts[]
These mounts are all gained by using a code from specific cards from the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game.
Unique event mounts[]
These mounts are available during the Hallow's End seasonal event. Neither can be added to your collection of mounts, and both types of mount disappear at the end of the event.
This mount is available during the Love is in the Air seasonal event. It scales to your riding skill and where it's used.
Unique mounts found as loot[]
These mounts are found as loot:
- Ashes of Al'ar drop from Kael'thas Sunstrider in the Eye.
- Invincible's Reins drop from the Lich King in Icecrown Citadel on 25-man heroic mode.
- Mimiron's Head drops from Yogg-Saron in the 25-man version of Ulduar on hard mode.
- Reins of the Raven Lord drop from Anzu in heroic Sethekk Halls.
- Sea Turtle is rarely fished up from Northrend fishing pools.
The Recruit-A-Friend program rewards players with this mount. This mount was also the only flying passenger mount when it was first released (now [Vial of the Sands] also allows a passenger). Since Patch 4.0.1, it can also be used as a (mulitpassenger!) land mount.
As of Patch 4.3.4 The [X-53 Touring Rocket] has been removed from the Recruit-A-Friend program as a reward and the Obsidian Nightwing made the current Recruit-A-Friend mount reward.
As of Patch 5.0.# with the release of Account Wide Mounts, Recruit-A-Friend mounts WILL be Account bound.
Blizzard Store mounts[]
The [Winged Guardian], Enchanted Fey Dragon, Iron Skyreaver, Heart of Aspects, Swift Windsteed, Armored Bloodwing and Celestial Steed can be purchased at the Blizzard Store.
Collectors Edition Mounts[]
Dread Raven From Warlords of Draenor Digital Deluxe
Unobtainable unique mounts[]
- [Peep's Whistle] is a copy of A'lar and is available to GMs. This mount has never been available in-game.