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This article contains lore taken from Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal, the manuals, and official bonus maps.
Urok Scratcher was an apprentice shaman and chief advisor to the ruthless commander of the Blackrock clan, Orgrim Doomhammer. He was the author of The Dominion of Lordaeron, which recorded the Horde's actions during the Second War. He was called "Scratcher" because of his habit of scribbling rather than mindlessly killing, but he would soon be the one who laughed. For too long his people had ignored their need to record their methods. He was confident that his chronicles would benefit only those who recognized this need, but mostly because there were very few of his kind who could read.
As a follower of the mystic arts, he was intensely aware that the devouring of a world was of the highest possible honor in the eyes of their dark Gods. The Great Portal had allowed them the opportunity to do just that, and it was Urok's intent to arm every orc, troll, ogre, and goblin ally of their clan with knowledge in addition to power; bloodlust was their nature, but passion for destruction required direction. Knowing this he compiled maps from scouting reports, accompanied by descriptions of our orders and military tactics for clarification. The pages were to be the weapon with which his clan ascended above all others, to claim the honor of annihilating the new world and its inhabitants.[1] (W2ToDOSG 151-152)
Urok recorded the battles from Zul'dare.
His unit later travelled to the Broken Isles to hunt down Gul'Dan and Cho'gall. His unit was ordered to take their heads. But they weren't entirely successful but rather took the heads of decoys. They then travelled back to Lordaeron as the battle continued, to assist in the siege of Dalaran.
They then joined the battle at Lordaeron. They managed to destroy the city's outer structures and defense, and reached city's center. They managed to destroy the towers guarding the walled section of the city and the keep. He stated all that was left was to start on the interior. He believed the battle was all too easy and it was their destiny to devour the world. His report cuts off without discussing the final outcome of the battle in detail.[1] (W2ToDOSG 204-205)