About this blog[]
This is just probably a huge dictionary i'm going to make. It will all of the languages Blizzard games made.
The only languages i want to add in my Warcraft 3 maps are Eredun (Demon's language). I know there are probably no Draconic, Eredun, Khalani and other meanings and translations for Fallen, Demon, Hell, Fel and others.
Lets check it out. (I wish the guys who worked at Blizzard have Wikia and Hive accounts. They're very important for Wikia and Hive sites and franchises like Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo and other Blizzard franchises. *shrug* I don't think they'll might like it)
Besides. The dictionary is not done.
Some normal, good and bad words maybe or possibly can be included however.
1-20 Letter Words and Speculation[]
There are 1-20 letter words in each Blizzard Game Language. Example: A has a unknown meaning.
You can find different 1-20 letter words in each language. A in Eredun is pronounced "ah" instead of "ay". There are alot of words in different Blizzard languages.
What are 1-20 Letter Words[]
A 1 letter or 20 letter word is simple. Each language contains a speculation of 1-20 letter words.
Like Al in Darnassian 2 letter or Lok'Tar in Orcish 7 letter.
QUICK TIP: There are a lot of letter words in each language excluding Pandaren, Shath'yar, Ogre and other languages.
Start here (Credit goes to 13 WoWWiki Articles):
Darnassian 1-20 Letter Words (speculation)[]
Number of letters in word | Word List |
One-letter words | A, D, E, I, N, O |
Two-letter words | Al, An, Da, Do, Lo, Ni, No, Ri, Su |
Three-letter words | Ala, Ano, Anu, Ash, Dor, Dur, Fal, Nei, Nor, Osa, Tal, Tur |
Four-letter words | Alah, Aman, Anar, Andu, Dath, Dieb, Diel, Fulo, Mush, Rini, Shar, Thus, |
Five-letter words | Adore, Balah, Bandu, Eburi, Fandu, Ishnu, Shano, Shari, Talah, Terro, Thera, Turus |
Six-letter words | Asto're, Belore, Do'rah, Dorini, Ethala, Falla, Ishura, Man'ar, Neph'o, Shando, T'as'e, U'phol |
Seven-letter words | Al'shar, Alah'ni, Aman'ni, Anoduna, Dor'Ano, Mush'al, Shan're |
Eight-letter words | D'ana'no, Dal'dieb, Dorithur, Eraburis, Il'amare, Mandalas, Thoribas |
Nine-letter words | Banthalos, Dath'anar, Dune'adah, Fala'andu, Neph'anis, Shari'fal, Thori'dal |
Ten-letter words | Ash'therod, Dorados'no, Isera'duna, Shar'adore, Thero'shan |
Eleven-letter words | Fandu'talah, Shari'adune |
Twelve-letter words | Dor'ana'badu, T'ase'mushal |
Thirteen-letter words | U'phol'belore |
Fourteen-letter words | Anu'dorannador, Turus'il'amare |
Fifteen-letter words | Asto're'dunadah, Shindu'falla'na |
Sixteen-letter words | - |
Seventeen-letter words | Ando'meth'derador, Anu'dorinni'talah, Esh'thero'mannash, Thoribas'no'thera |
Dwarven 1-20 Letter Words (speculation)[]
Number of letters in word | Word List |
One-letter words | A |
Two-letter words | Am, Ga, Go, Ke, Lo, Ok, Ta, Um, We, Zu |
Three-letter words | Ahz, Dum, Dun, Eft, Gar, Gor, Hor, Kha, Mok, Mos, Red, Ruk |
Four-letter words | Gear, Gosh, Grum, Guma, Helm, Hine, Hoga, Hrim, Khaz, Kost, Loch, Modr, Rand, Rune, Thon |
Five-letter words | Algaz, Angor, Dagum, Frean, Gimil, Goten, Havar, Havas, Mitta, Modan, Modor, Scyld, Skalf, Thros, Weard |
Six-letter words | Bergum, Drugan, Farode, Haldir, Haldji, Modgud, Modoss, Mogoth, Robush, Rugosh, Skolde, Syddan |
Seven-letter words | Dun-fel, Ganrokh, Geardum, Godkend, Haldren, Havagun, Kaelsag, Kost-um, Mok-kha, Thorneb, Zu-Modr |
Eight-letter words | Azregahn, Gefrunon, Golganar, Khaz-dum, Khazrega, Misfaran, Mogodune, Moth-tur, Ok-Hoga, Thulmane |
Nine-letter words | Ahz-Dagum, Angor-dum, Arad-Khaz, Gor-skalf, Grum-mana, Khaz-rand, Kost-Guma, Mund-helm |
Ten-letter words | Angor-Magi, Gar-Mogoth, Hoga-Modan, Midd-Havas, Nagga-roth, Thros-gare |
Eleven-letter words | Azgol-haman, Dun-haldren, Ge'ar-anvil, Guma-syddan |
Twelve-letter words | Robush-mogan, Thros-am-Kha |
Thirteen-letter words | Gimil-thumane, Gol'gethrunon, Haldji-drugan |
Fourteen-letter words | Gosh-algaz-dun, Scyld-modor-ok |
Fifteen-letter words | - |
Sixteen-letter words | - |
Seventeen-letter words | Haldren-Lo-Modoss |
Gnomish 1-20 Letter Words (speculation)[]
Number of letters in word | Word list |
One-letter words | A, C, D, E, F, G, I, O, T |
Two-letter words | Am, Ga, Ke, Lo, Ok, So, Ti, Um, Va, We |
Three-letter words | Bur, Dun, Fez, Giz, Gal, Gar, Her, Mik, Mor, Mos, Nid, Rod, Zah |
Four-letter words | Buma, Cost, Dani, Gear, Gosh, Grum, Helm, Hine, Huge, Lock, Kahs, Rand, Riff, Rune |
Five-letter words | Algos, Angor, Dagem, Frend, Goten, Haven, Havis, Mitta, Modan, Modor, Nagin, Tiras, Thros, Weird |
Six-letter words | Danieb, Drugan, Dumssi, Gizber, Haldir, Helmok, Mergud, Protos, Revosh, Rugosh, Shermt, Waldor |
Seven-letter words | Bergrim, Costirm, Ferdosr, Ganrokh, Geardum, Godling, Haidren, Havagun, Noxtyec, Scrutin, Sturome, Thorneb |
Eight-letter words | Aldanoth, Azregorn, Bolthelm, Botlikin, Dimligar, Gefrunon, Godunmug, Grumgizr, Kahsgear, Kahzregi, Landivar, Methrine, Mikthros, Misfaran, Nandiger, Thulmane |
Nine-letter words | Angordame, Elodergim, Elodmodor, Naggirath, Nockhavis |
Ten-letter words | Ahzodaugum, Alegaskron, Algosgoten, Danavandar, Dyrstagist, Falhadrink, Frendgalva, Mosgodunan, Mundgizber, Naginbumat, Sihnvulden, Throsigear, Vustrangin |
Eleven-letter words | Ferdosmodan, Gizbarlodun, Haldjinagin, Helmokheram, Kahzhaldren, Lockrevoshi, Robuswaldir, Skalfgizgar, Thrunon'gol, Thumanerand |
Draenei 1-20 Letter Words (speculation)[]
Number of letters in word | Word List |
One-letter words | E, G, O, X, Y |
Two-letter words | Az, Il, Me, No, Re, Te, Ul, Ur, Xi, Za, Ze |
Three-letter words | Daz, Gul, Kar, Laz, Lek, Lok, Maz, Ril, Ruk, Shi, Tor, Zar |
Four-letter words | Alar, Aman, Amir, Ante, Ashj, Kiel, Maev, Maez, Orah, Parn, Raka, Rikk, Veni, Zenn, Zila |
Five-letter words | Adare, Belan, Buras, Enkil, Golad, Gular, Kamil, Melar, Modas, Nagas, Refir, Revos, Soran, Tiros, Zekil, Zekul |
Six-letter words | Arakal, Azgala, Kazile, Mannor, Mishun, Rakkan, Rakkas, Rethul, Revola, Thorje, Tichar |
Seven-letter words | Amanare, Belaros, Danashj, Faralos, Faramos, Gulamir, Karaman, Kieldaz, Rethule, Tiriosh, Toralar, Zennshi |
Eight-letter words | Amanalar, Ashjraka, Azgalada, Azrathud, Belankar, Enkilzar, Kirasath, Maladath, Mordanas, Theramas |
Nine-letter words | Arakalada, Kanrethad, Melamagas, Melarorah, Nagasraka, Naztheros, Soranaman, Teamanare, Zilthuras |
Ten-letter words | Amanemodas, Ashjrethul, Benthadoom, Kamilgolad, Matheredor, Pathrebosh, Ticharamir, Zennrakkan |
Eleven-letter words | Archimtiros, Ashjrakamas, Mannorgulan, Mishunadare, Zekulrakkas |
Twelve-letter words | Zennshinagas |
Orcish 1-20 Letter Words (speculation)[]
Number of letters in word | Word List |
One-letter words | A, N, G, O, L |
Two-letter words | Ha, Ko, No, Mu, Ag, Ka, Gi, Il |
Three-letter words | Lok, Tar, Kaz, Ruk, Kek, Mog, Zug, Gul, Nuk, Aaz, Kil, Ogg |
Four-letter words | Rega, Nogu, Tago, Uruk, Kagg, Zaga, Grom, Ogar, Gesh, Thok, Dogg, Maka, Maza |
Five-letter words | Regas, Nogah, Kazum, Magan, No'bu, Golar, Throm, Zugas, Re'ka, No'ku, Ro'th |
Six-letter words | Thrakk, Revash, Nakazz, Moguna, No'gor, Goth'a, Raznos, Ogerin, Gezzno, Thukad, Makogg, Aaz'no |
Seven-letter words | Lok'Tar, Gul'rok, Kazreth, Tov'osh, Zil'Nok, Rath'is, Kil'azi |
Eight-letter words | Throm'ka, Osh'Kava, Gul'nath, Kog'zela, Ragath'a, Zuggossh, Moth'aga |
Nine-letter words | Tov'nokaz, Osh'kazil, No'throma, Gesh'nuka, Lok'mogul, Lok'bolar, Ruk'ka'ha |
Ten-letter words | Regasnogah, Kazum'nobu, Throm'bola, Gesh'zugas, Maza'rotha, Ogerin'naz |
Eleven-letter words | Thrakk'reva, Kaz'goth'no, No'gor'goth, Kil'azi'aga, Zug-zug'ama, Maza'thrakk |
Twelve-letter words | Lokando'nash, Ul'gammathar, Golgonnashar, Dalggo'mazah |
Thirteen-letter words | Khaz'rogg'ahn, Moth'kazoroth |
Zandali 1-20 Letter Words (speculation)[]
Number of letters in word | Word List |
One-letter words | A, E, H, J, M, N, O, S, U |
Two-letter words | Di, Fi, Fu, Im, Ir, Is, Ju, So, Wi, Yu |
Three-letter words | Deh, Dim, Fus, Han, Mek, Noh, Sca, Tor, Weh, Wha, |
Four-letter words | Cyaa, Duti, Iman, Iyaz, Riva, Skam Ting, Worl, Yudo |
Five-letter words | Ackee, Atuad, Caang, Difus, Nehjo Siame, T'ief, Wassa |
Six-letter words | Bwoyar, Deh'yo, Fidong, Honnah, Icense, Italaf, Quashi, Saakes, Smadda, Stoosh, Wi'mek, Yuutee |
Seven-letter words | Chakari, Craaweh, Flimeff, Godehsi, Lok'dim, Reespek, Rivasuf, Tanponi, Uptfeel, Yahsoda, Ziondeh |
Eight-letter words | Ginnalka, Machette, Nyamanpo, Oondasta, Wehnehjo, Whutless, Yeyewata, Zutopong |
Nine-letter words | Fus'obeah, Or'manley |
Taur-ahe 1-20 Letter Words (speculation)[]
Number of letters in word | Word List |
One-letter words | A, E, I, N, O |
Two-letter words | Ba, Ki, Lo, Ne, Ni, No, Po, Ta, Te, Tu, Wa |
Three-letter words | Aki, Alo, Awa, Chi, Ich, Ish, Kee, Owa, Paw, Rah, Uku, Zhi |
Four-letter words | A'ke, Awak, Balo, Eche, Isha, Hale, Halo, Mani, Nahe, Shne, Shte, Tawa, Towa |
Five-letter words | A'hok, A'iah, Abalo, Ahmen, Anohe, Ishte, Kashu, Nechi, Nokee, Pawni, Poalo, Porah, Shush, Ti'ha, Tanka, Yakee |
Six-letter words | Aloaki, Hetawa, Ichnee, Kichalo, Lakota, Lomani, Neahok, Nitawa, Owachi, Pawene, Sho'wa, Taisha, Tatanka, Washte |
Seven-letter words | Ishnelo, Owakeri, Pikialo, Sechalo, Shtealo, Shteawa, Tihikea |
Eight-letter words | Akiticha, Awaihilo, Ishnialo, O'ba'chi, Orahpajo, Ovaktalo, Owatanka, Porahalo, Shtumani, Tatahalo, Towateke |
Nine-letter words | Echeyakee, Haloyakee, Ishne'alo, Tawaporah |
Ten-letter words | Awaka'nahe, Ichnee'awa, Ishamuhale, Shteowachi |
Eleven-letter words | Aloaki'shne, Awakeekielo, Lakota'mani, Shtumanialo |
Twelve-letter words | Awakeekielo, Aloaki'shne |
Thirteen-letter words | Ishne'awahalo, Neashushahmen |
Fourteen-letter words | Awakeeahmenalo |
Fifteen-letter words | Ishne'alo'porah |
Gutterspeak 1-20 Letter Words (speculation)[]
Number of letters in word | Word List |
One-letter words | A, E, I, O, U, Y (vowels) |
Two-letter words | An, Ko, Lo, Lu, Me, Ne, Re, Ru, Se, Ti, Va, Ve |
Three-letter words | Ash, Bor, Bur, Far, Gol, Hir, Lon, Mos, Nud, Ras, Ver, Vil, Wos |
Four-letter words | Ador, Agol, Dana, Goth, Lars, Noth, Nuff, Odes, Ruff, Thor, Uden, Veld, Vohl, Vrum |
Five-letter words | Algos, Barad, Borne, Eynes, Ergin, Garde, Gloin, Majis, Melka, Nagan, Novas, Regen, Tiras, Wirsh |
Six-letter words | Aesire, Aziris, Daegil, Danieb, Ealdor, Engoth, Goibon, Mandos, Nevren, Rogesh, Rothas, Ruftos, Skilde, Valesh, Vandar, Waldir |
Seven-letter words | Andovis, Ewiddan, Faergas, Forthis, Kaelsig, Koshvel, Lithtos, Nandige, Nostyec, Novaedi, Sturume, Vassild |
Eight-letter words | Aldonoth, Cynegold, Endirvis, Hamerung, Landowar, Lordaere, Methrine, Ruftvess, Thorniss |
Nine-letter words | Aetwinter, Danagarde, Eloderung, Firalaine, Gloinador, Gothalgos, Regenthor, Udenmajis, Vandarwos, Veldbarad |
Ten-letter words | Aelgestron, Cynewalden, Danavandar, Dyrstigost, Falhedring, Vastrungen |
Eleven-letter words | Agolandovis, Bornevalesh, Farlandowar, Forthasador, Thorlithtos, Vassildador, Wershaesire |
Twelve-letter words | Adorstaerume, Golveldbarad, Mandosdaegil, Nevrenrothas, Waldirskilde |
Thalassian 1-20 Letter Words (speculation)[]
Number of letters in word | Word List |
One-letter words | A, N, I, O, E, D |
Two-letter words | Da, Lo, An, Ni, Al, Do, Ri, Su, No |
Three-letter words | Ano, Dur, Tal, Nei, Ash, Dor, Anu, Fal, Tur, Ala, Nor, Osa |
Four-letter words | Alah, Andu, Dath, Mush, Shar, Thus, Fulo, Aman, Diel, Dieb, Rini, Anar |
Five-letter words | Talah, Adore, Ishnu, Bandu, Balah, Fandu, Thera, Turus, Shari, Shano, Terro, Eburi |
Six-letter words | Dorini, Shando, Ethala, Fallah, Belore, Do'rah, Neph'o, Man'ar, Ishura, U'phol, T'as'e |
Seven-letter words | Asto're, Anoduna, Alah'ni, Dor'Ano, Al'shar, Mush'al, Aman'ni, Shan're |
Eight-letter words | Mandalas, Eraburis, Dorithur, Dal'dieb, Thoribas, D'ana'no, Il'amare |
Nine-letter words | Neph'anis, Dune'adah, Banthalos, Fala'andu, Dath'anar, Shari'fal, Thori'dal |
Ten-letter words | Thero'shan, Isera'duna, Ash'therod, Dorados'no, Shar'adore |
Eleven-letter words | Fandu'talah, Shari'adune |
Twelve-letter words | Dor'ana'badu, T'ase'mushal |
Thirteen-letter words | U'phol'belore |
Fourteen-letter words | Turus'il'amare, Anu'dorannador |
Fifteen-letter words | Asto're'dunadah |
Sixteen-letter words | Shindu'fallah'na |
Seventeen-letter words | Thoribas'no'thera, Ando'meth'derador, Anu'dorinni'talah, Esh'thero'mannash |
Eredun 1-20 Letter Words (speculation)[]
Number of letters in word | Word List |
One-letter words | A, E, I, G, O, U, X, Y |
Two-letter words | Az, Il, Me, No, Re, Te, Ul, Ur, Xi, Za, Ze |
Three-letter words | Asj, Daz, Gul, Kar, Laz, Lek, Lok, Maz, Ril, Ruk, Shi, Tor, Zar |
Four-letter words | Alar, Aman, Amir, Ante, Ashj, Kiel, Maev, Maez, Orah, Parn, Raka, Rikk, Veni, Zenn, Zila |
Five-letter words | Adare, Belan, Buras, Enkil, Golad, Gular, Kamil, Melar, Modas, Nagas, Rakir, Refir, Revos, Soran, Tiros, Zekul |
Six-letter words | Arakal, Archim, Azgala, Karkun, Kazile, Mannor, Mishun, Rakkan, Rakkas, Rethul, Revola, Thorje, Tichar |
Seven-letter words | Amanare, Belaros, Danashj, Faramos, Gulamir, Karaman, Kieldaz, Rethule, Tiriosh, Toralar, Zennshi |
Eight-letter words | Amanalar, Ashjraka, Azgalada, Azrathud, Belankar, Enkilzar, Kirasath, Maladath, Mordanas, Romathis, Rukadare, Sorankar, Theramas |
Nine-letter words | Arakalada, Kanrethad, Melarorah, Nagasraka, Naztheros, Soranaman, Teamanare, Zilthuras |
Ten-letter words | Amanemodas, Ashjrethul, Benthadoom, Burasadare, Enkilgular, Kamilgolad, Matheredor, Melarnagas, Pathrebosh, Ticharamir, Zennrakkan |
Eleven-letter words | Archimtiros, Ashjrakamas, Kamilgolad, Mannorgulan, Mishunadare, Zekulrakkas |
Twelve-letter words | Zennshinagas |
Kalimag 1-20 Letter Words (speculation)[]
Number of letters in word | Word List |
One-letter words | A, G, K, O, T, U |
Two-letter words | Gi, Ka, Ko, Ma, Os, Ra, Ta, Tu |
Three-letter words | Dor, Dra, Fel, Gun, Kan, Kir, Nuk, Rok, Sto, Tas, Tor, Von |
Four-letter words | Brom, Drae, Fmer, Guto, Kras, Krin, Mahn, Reth, Toro, Zoln, Shin, Tols |
Five-letter words | Bromo, Draek, Fmerk, Fraht, Gatin, Kranu, Krast, Roath, Shone, Talsa, Torin, Zoern |
Six-letter words | Ben'nig, Dratir, Drinor, Fel'tes, For'kin, Korsul, Suz'ahn, Tadrom, Ter'ran, Toka'an |
Seven-letter words | Chokgan, Dak'kaun, Dorvrem, Fanroke, Fiilrok, Kel'shae, Kis'tean, Koaresh, Tchor'ah, Telsrah, Ven'tiro, Zela'von |
Eight-letter words | Aasrugel, Desh'noka, Gi'azol'em, Gi'frazsh, Kilagrin, Krast'ven, Nuk'tra'te, Os'retiak, Quin'mahk, Roc'grare, Rohh'krah, Shodru'ga, Taegoson, Ties'alla |
Nine-letter words | Ahn'torunt, Brud'remek, Dor'dra'tor, Draemierr, Gatin'roth, Gesh'throm, Mastrosum, Tae'gel'kir, Thukad'aaz, Zoln'nakaz |
Ten-letter words | Aer'rohgmar, Borg'helmak, Caus'tearic, Dalgo'nizha, Huut'vactah, Ignan'kitch, Jolpat'krim, Kraus'ghosa, Mok'tavaler, Torrath'unt, Tzench'drah, Vendo're'mik |
Eleven-letter words | Bach'usiv'hal, Danal'korang, Derr'moran'ki, Kawee'fe'more, Kis'an'tadrom, Korsukgrare, Moor'tosav'ak, Moth'keretch, Nash'lokan'ar, Peng'yaas'ahn, Sunep'kosach, Thloy'martok |
Twelve-letter words | Golgo'nishver, Tagha'senchal |
Draconic 1-20 Letter Words (speculation)[]
Number of letters in word | Word List |
One-letter words | A, E, I, O, U, Y, G, X |
Two-letter words | Il, No, Az, Te, Ur, Za, Ze, Re, Ul, Me, Xi |
Three-letter words | Tor, Gul, Lok, Asj, Kar, Lek, Daz, Maz, Ril, Ruk, Laz, Shi, Zar |
Four-letter words | Ashj, Alar, Orah, Amir, Aman, Ante, Kiel, Maez, Maev, Veni, Raka, Zila, Zenn, Parn, Rikk |
Five-letter words | Melar, Rakir, Tiros, Modas, Belan, Zekul, Soran, Gular, Enkil, Adare, Golad, Buras, Nagas, Revos, Refir, Kamil |
Six-letter words | Rethul, Rakkan, Rakkas, Tichar, Mannor, Archim, Azgala, Karkun, Revola, Mishun, Arakal, Kazile, Thorje |
Seven-letter words | Belaros, Tiriosh, Faramos, Danashj, Amanare, Faralos, Kieldaz, Karaman, Gulamir, Toralar, Rethule, Zennshi, Amanare |
Eight-letter words | Maladath, Kirasath, Romathis, Theramas, Azrathud, Mordanas, Amanalar, Ashjraka, Azgalada, Rukadare, Sorankar, Enkilzar, Belankar |
Nine-letter words | Naztheros, Zilthuras, Kanrethad, Melarorah, Arakalada, Soranaman, Nagasraka, Teamanare |
Ten-letter words | Matheredor, Ticharamir, Pathrebosh, Benthadoom, Amanemodas, Enkilgular, Burasadare, Melarnagas, Zennrakkan, Ashjrethul, Kamilgolad |
Eleven-letter words | Zekulrakkas, Archimtiros, Mannorgulan, Mishunadare, Ashjrakamas |
Twelve-letter words | Zennshinagas |
You can try figuring out which words or phrases on each Blizzard Game language whatever you like.
It depends on what language it is.
The Dictionary of a Million Words, Meaning, Phrases and Translations (Maybe) FIXED TADA![]
English to Darnassian (More words and translations will be later or tomorrow. EDIT: I think i'll save on the works next year because doing a super duper long English-Blizzard Language Dictionary could be hard) :[]
- Numbers/Numerals
- 1 -
- 1st -
- 2-
- 2nd -
- 3 -
- 4 -
- 5 -
- 6 -
- 7 -
- 8 -
- 9 -
- 10 -
more words and translations will be soon...
- A
- aunt - shal'nar
more words and translations will be soon...
- B
- [Be] with you - adore
more words and translations will be soon...
- C
- chaos - Xaxas
- children - dorei
- children of the blood - Sin'dorei
- children of noble birth - Quel'dorei
- children of the stars - Kaldorei
- crown - drassil
- crown of the earth - Teldrassil
- crown of the heavens - Nordrassil
more words and translations will be soon...
- D
- do it - ash karath
- do it! - ash karath
more words and translations will be soon...
- E
- earth - Tel
- Elune - Elune
- Elune be with you (A greeting.) - Elune-adore
more words and translations will be soon...
- F
- For the nature's survival! - anu'dorini talah!
- fury - Xaxas
more words and translations will be soon...
- G
- glory of - zin
- glory of Azshara - Zin-Azshari
- good fortune - ishnu
- Good fortune to you (A greeting.) - ishnu-alah
- Good fortune to your family (A greeting.) - ishnu-dal-dieb
more words and translations will be soon...
- H
- he who walks the day - Sunstrider
- heavens - Nor
- hello -
- hi -
- Highborne - Quel'dorei
- High Elf - Quel'dorei
- High Elves- Quel'dorei
- honor, honored - shan
- Honored Teacher (A title and term of respect.) - Shan'do
- Honored student (A title and term of respect.) - Thero'shan
more words and translations will be soon...
- I
- I anoint these caretakers of the wild (Said by the voice of Elune) - Ru shallora enudoril
more words and translations will be soon...
- J
more words and translations will be soon...
- K
more words and translations will be soon...
- L
- Let balance be restored! (A war cry.) - andu-falah-dor!
- Let our enemies beware! (A war cry.) - tor ilisar'thera'nal!
- Lover's Leaf - Alor'el
more words and translations will be soon...
- M
- mama - min'da
- may your troubles be diminished (A farewell.) - ande'thoras-ethil
more words and translations will be soon...
- N
- Night Elf - Kaldorei
- Night Elves - Kaldorei
- Noble blade of Elune - Jai'alator
more words and translations will be soon...
- O
more words and translations will be soon...
- P
- papa - an'da
- papa! - an'da!
- people - dorei
- people of the stars - Kaldorei
- Prepare to fight! (A challenge to an enemy.) - bandu thoribas!
more words and translations will be soon...
- Q
- Noble - Quel
more words and translations will be soon...
- R
- reaver - ellemayne
more words and translations will be soon...
- S
- Shadow Render - Shalla'tor
- star(s) - Kal
- Starborne - Kaldorei
- student - thero
more words and translations will be soon...
- T
- teacher - do
- thank - lor'ma or shaha?
- The glory of Azshara - Zin-Azshari
more words and translations will be soon...
- U
- uncle - anta'nar
more words and translations will be soon...
- V
more words and translations will be soon...
- W
- Who goes there - Fandu-dath-belore
- Who goes there? - Fandu-dath-belore?
more words and translations will be soon...
- X
more words and translations will be soon...
- Y
- you - shaha or lor'ma?
more words and translations will be soon...
- Z
more words and translations will be soon...
English to Draconic:[]
- Numbers/Numerals
- 1 -
- 1st -
- 2-
- 2nd -
- 3 -
- 4 -
- 5 -
- 6 -
- 7 -
- 8 -
- 9 -
- 10 -
more words and translations will be soon...
- A
- all - dakana
- and - mal
- angel -
more words and translations will be soon...
- B
more words and translations will be soon...
- C
more words and translations will be soon...
- D
- devourer - dargonax
- dragon -
- dragonling -
more words and translations will be soon...
- E
more words and translations will be soon...
- F
- for - am
more words and translations will be soon...
- G
more words and translations will be soon...
- H
- hello -
- hi -
more words and translations will be soon...
- I
more words and translations will be soon...
- J
more words and translations will be soon...
- K
more words and translations will be soon...
- L
more words and translations will be soon...
- M
more words and translations will be soon...
- N
more words and translations will be soon...
- O
- once - abela
more words and translations will be soon...
- P
more words and translations will be soon...
- Q
more words and translations will be soon...
- R
more words and translations will be soon...
- S
more words and translations will be soon...
- T
- thank - belan
more words and translations will be soon...
- U
more words and translations will be soon...
- V
more words and translations will be soon...
- W
more words and translations will be soon...
- X
more words and translations will be soon...
- Y
- you - shi
more words and translations will be soon...
- Z
more words and translations will be soon...
English to Dwarven/Dwarvish:[]
- Numbers/Numerals
- 1 -
- 1st -
- 2-
- 2nd -
- 3 -
- 4 -
- 5 -
- 6 -
- 7 -
- 8 -
- 9 -
- 10 -
more words and translations will be soon...
- A
more words and translations will be soon...
- B
more words and translations will be soon...
- C
more words and translations will be soon...
- D
- Dragonheart - Draig'cyfail
more words and translations will be soon...
- E
more words and translations will be soon...
- F
more words and translations will be soon...
- G
- giant - gar
- ground - dun
- Gwyarbrawden - Gwyarbrawden
more words and translations will be soon...
- H
- Haggis - Haggis
- hello -
- hi -
more words and translations will be soon...
- I
more words and translations will be soon...
- J
more words and translations will be soon...
- K
- Khaz - Khaz
- king - Thane
more words and translations will be soon...
- L
- lake - Loch
- land - lorn
- Loch - Loch
more words and translations will be soon...
- M
- mountain - modan
- Mountain King - Thane
- Mountains Lake - Loch Modan
- Mountains of Thorim - Thor Modan
- Mountains of Khaz - Khaz Modan
more words and translations will be soon...
- N
- no - eta
more words and translations will be soon...
- O
more words and translations will be soon...
- P
- protector - magna
more words and translations will be soon...
- Q
more words and translations will be soon...
- R
- red - bael
- Red Mountain - Bael Modan
- Redground- Bael'Dun
- Redshire - Bael'Dun
more words and translations will be soon...
- S
- settlement - dun
- Star Bow - dwyar'hun
more words and translations will be soon...
- T
- The Red Mountain - Bael Modan
- Thorim - Thor
- town - dun
- trust - khadgar
more words and translations will be soon...
- U
more words and translations will be soon...
- V
more words and translations will be soon...
- W
more words and translations will be soon...
- X
more words and translations will be soon...
- Y
- yes - yes
more words and translations will be soon...
- Z
more words and translations will be soon...
English to Eredun:[]
- Numbers/Numerals
- 1 -
- 1s -
- 2-
- 2nd -
- 3 -
- 4 -
- 5 -
- 6 -
- 7 -
- 8 -
- 9 -
- 10 -
more words and translations will be soon...
- A
- angel -
- Annihilan -
more words and translations will be soon...
- B
more words and translations will be soon...
- C
- chaos -
more words and translations will be soon...
- D
- dark -
- demon -
- demonling -
- devil -
- doom - ered
- doomguard - Ered'ruin
more words and translations will be soon...
- E
- exile - draen
- exiled - draen
more words and translations will be soon...
- F
- fall -
- fallen -
- fel -
more words and translations will be soon...
- G
- god -
- gods -
- guard - ruin
more words and translations will be soon...
- H
- heaven -
- hell -
- hello -
- hi -
more words and translations will be soon...
- I
more words and translations will be soon...
- J
more words and translations will be soon...
- K
more words and translations will be soon...
- L
- light - sha, shat
- -ling -
more words and translations will be soon...
- M
more words and translations will be soon...
- N
- no - sha
more words and translations will be soon...
- O
- one - ei
- ones - ei
more words and translations will be soon...
- P
- pit -
more words and translations will be soon...
- Q
more words and translations will be soon...
- R
- refuge - or
more words and translations will be soon...
- S
more words and translations will be soon...
- T
more words and translations will be soon...
- Y
more words and translations will be soon...
- V
more words and translations will be soon...
- W
more words and translations will be soon...
- X
more words and translations will be soon...
- Y
more words and translations will be soon...
- Z
more words and translations will be soon...
English to Gnomish:[]
- Numbers/Numerals
- 1 -
- 1st -
- 2-
- 2nd -
- 3 -
- 4 -
- 5 -
- 6 -
- 7 -
- 8 -
- 9 -
- 10 -
more words and translations will be soon...
- A
more words and translations will be soon...
- B
more words and translations will be soon...
- C
more words and translations will be soon...
- D
- druid - tiras
more words and translations will be soon...
- E
- elf - haldir
more words and translations will be soon...
- F
more words and translations will be soon...
- G
- ground - dun
more words and translations will be soon...
- H
- hello - um
- hi - helm
more words and translations will be soon...
- I
more words and translations will be soon...
- J
more words and translations will be soon...
- K
more words and translations will be soon...
- L
more words and translations will be soon...
- M
- mage - rune
- metal - grum
more words and translations will be soon...
- N
- no - nid
more words and translations will be soon...
- O
more words and translations will be soon...
- P
- paladin - havagun
- priest - rugosh
more words and translations will be soon...
- Q
more words and translations will be soon...
- R
- rogue- frend
- run - gal
more words and translations will be soon...
- S
- settlement - dun
- steel - grum
more words and translations will be soon...
- T
more words and translations will be soon...
- U
more words and translations will be soon...
- V
more words and translations will be soon...
- W
- warrior - Ferdosr
more words and translations will be soon...
- X
more words and translations will be soon...
- Y
- yes - am
more words and translations will be soon...
- Z
more words and translations will be soon...
English to Kalimag (Sorry. only one word and meaning. sad face):[]
- Numbers/Numerals
- 1 -
- 1st -
- 2-
- 2nd -
- 3 -
- 4 -
- 5 -
- 6 -
- 7 -
- 8 -
- 9 -
- 10 -
more words and translations will be soon...
- A
more words and translations will be soon...
- B
- burn - reth
more words and translations will be soon...
- C
more words and translations will be soon...
- D
more words and translations will be soon...
- E
more words and translations will be soon...
- F
more words and translations will be soon...
- G
more words and translations will be soon...
- H
- hello -
- hi -
more words and translations will be soon...
- I
more words and translations will be soon...
- J
more words and translations will be soon...
- K
more words and translations will be soon...
- L
more words and translations will be soon...
- M
more words and translations will be soon...
- N
more words and translations will be soon...
- O
more words and translations will be soon...
- P
more words and translations will be soon...
- Q
more words and translations will be soon...
- R
more words and translations will be soon...
- S
more words and translations will be soon...
- T
more words and translations will be soon...
- U
more words and translations will be soon...
- V
more words and translations will be soon...
- W
more words and translations will be soon...
- X
more words and translations will be soon...
- Y
more words and translations will be soon...
- Z
more words and translations will be soon...
English to Nazja:[]
- Numbers/Numerals
- 1 -
- 1st -
- 2-
- 2nd -
- 3 -
- 4 -
- 5 -
- 6 -
- 7 -
- 8 -
- 9 -
- 10 -
more words and translations will be soon...
- A
- aura - dallah, gellin
more words and translations will be soon...
- B
more words and translations will be soon...
- C
- children - dorei
- crushing - gall, mak
more words and translations will be soon...
- D
more words and translations will be soon...
- E
- elf - dorei
- elves - dorei
more words and translations will be soon...
- F
more words and translations will be soon...
- G
more words and translations will be soon...
- H
- high - gall, mak
- hello -
- hi -
more words and translations will be soon...
- I
more words and translations will be soon...
- J
more words and translations will be soon...
- K
more words and translations will be soon...
- L
more words and translations will be soon...
- M
more words and translations will be soon...
- N
more words and translations will be soon...
- O
more words and translations will be soon...
- P
more words and translations will be soon...
- Q
more words and translations will be soon...
- R
more words and translations will be soon...
- S
- silence- dallah, gellin
more words and translations will be soon...
- T
more words and translations will be soon...
- U
more words and translations will be soon...
- V
more words and translations will be soon...
- W
- wave - gall, mak
more words and translations will be soon...
- X
more words and translations will be soon...
- Y
more words and translations will be soon...
- Z
more words and translations will be soon...
English to Nerubian:[]
- Numbers/Numerals
- 1 -
- 1st -
- 2-
- 2nd -
- 3 -
- 4 -
- 5 -
- 6 -
- 7 -
- 8 -
- 9 -
- 10 -
more words and translations will be soon...
- A
more words and translations will be soon...
- B
more words and translations will be soon...
- C
- city - Azjol/Kahet/Kilah
more words and translations will be soon...
- D
- depths - anak
more words and translations will be soon...
- E
more words and translations will be soon...
- F
- forgotten - naz
more words and translations will be soon...
- G
more words and translations will be soon...
- H
- hello -
- hi -
more words and translations will be soon...
- I
more words and translations will be soon...
- J
more words and translations will be soon...
- K
- kingddom - Azjol/Kahet/Kilah
more words and translations will be soon...
- L
more words and translations will be soon...
- M
- master - sokhen
more words and translations will be soon...
- N
more words and translations will be soon...
- O
- old - ahn
more words and translations will be soon...
- P
more words and translations will be soon...
- Q
more words and translations will be soon...
- R
more words and translations will be soon...
- S
- servant - shabtir
- spider - nerub
more words and translations will be soon...
- T
- temple - en
more words and translations will be soon...
- U
more words and translations will be soon...
- V
more words and translations will be soon...
- W
more words and translations will be soon...
- X
more words and translations will be soon...
- Y
more words and translations will be soon...
- Z
more words and translations will be soon...
English to Qiraji:[]
- Numbers/Numerals
- 1 -
- 1st -
- 2-
- 2nd -
- 3 -
- 4 -
- 5 -
- 6 -
- 7 -
- 8 -
- 9 -
- 10 -
more words and translations will be soon...
- A
more words and translations will be soon...
- B
- blood - ret
more words and translations will be soon...
- C
more words and translations will be soon...
- D
- domain - ahn
- drink, drinker - zek
more words and translations will be soon...
- E
more words and translations will be soon...
- F
more words and translations will be soon...
- G
- god - goro
more words and translations will be soon...
- H
- hello -
- hi -
more words and translations will be soon...
- I
more words and translations will be soon...
- J
more words and translations will be soon...
- K
- kingdom - ahn
more words and translations will be soon...
- L
- land - un
more words and translations will be soon...
- M
more words and translations will be soon...
- N
more words and translations will be soon...
- O
more words and translations will be soon...
- P
more words and translations will be soon...
- Q
more words and translations will be soon...
- R
more words and translations will be soon...
- S
more words and translations will be soon...
- T
- the - ne
more words and translations will be soon...
- U
more words and translations will be soon...
- V
more words and translations will be soon...
- W
more words and translations will be soon...
- X
more words and translations will be soon...
- Y
more words and translations will be soon...
- Z
more words and translations will be soon...
English to Titan:[]
- Numbers/Numerals
- 1 -
- 1st -
- 2-
- 2nd -
- 3 -
- 4 -
- 5 -
- 6 -
- 7 -
- 8 -
- 9 -
- 10 -
more words and translations will be soon...
- A
more words and translations will be soon...
- B
more words and translations will be soon...
- C
- city - uld
more words and translations will be soon...
- D
- dark - gor
- dark seether - Gorribal
- dark render - Gorshalach
more words and translations will be soon...
- E
- earth - van
- earth giant - vanir
more words and translations will be soon...
- F
- flame - tael
- flame rend - Taeshalach
more words and translations will be soon...
- G
- giant - -ir
- Gorribal - Gorribal
- Gorshalach - Gorshalach
more words and translations will be soon...
- H
- hello -
- hi -
more words and translations will be soon...
- I
more words and translations will be soon...
- J
more words and translations will be soon...
- K
more words and translations will be soon...
- L
- Land of eternal starlight - Kalimdor
more words and translations will be soon...
- M
more words and translations will be soon...
- N
more words and translations will be soon...
- O
more words and translations will be soon...
- P
more words and translations will be soon...
- Q
more words and translations will be soon...
- R
- rend - shalach
more words and translations will be soon...
- S
- seether - ribal
- storm - aes
- storm giant - aesir
more words and translations will be soon...
- T
more words and translations will be soon...
- U
more words and translations will be soon...
- V
more words and translations will be soon...
- W
more words and translations will be soon...
- X
more words and translations will be soon...
- Y
more words and translations will be soon...
- Z
more words and translations will be soon...
English to Ursine (Sorry. only one word and meaning. sad face)::[]
- Numbers/Numerals
- 1 -
- 1st -
- 2-
- 2nd -
- 3 -
- 4 -
- 5 -
- 6 -
- 7 -
- 8 -
- 9 -
- 10 -
more words and translations will be soon...
- A
more words and translations will be soon...
- B
more words and translations will be soon...
- C
more words and translations will be soon...
- D
more words and translations will be soon...
- E
more words and translations will be soon...
- F
more words and translations will be soon...
- G
more words and translations will be soon...
- H
- hello -
- hi -
more words and translations will be soon...
- I
more words and translations will be soon...
- J
- Justice - Vark
more words and translations will be soon...
- K
more words and translations will be soon...
- L
more words and translations will be soon...
- M
more words and translations will be soon...
- N
more words and translations will be soon...
- O
more words and translations will be soon...
- P
more words and translations will be soon...
- Q
more words and translations will be soon...
- R
more words and translations will be soon...
- S
more words and translations will be soon...
- T
more words and translations will be soon...
- U
more words and translations will be soon...
- V
more words and translations will be soon...
- W
more words and translations will be soon...
- X
more words and translations will be soon...
- Y
more words and translations will be soon...
- Z
more words and translations will be soon...
Starcraft Khalani Language (Warcraft stuff at the Top. Thanks to Fandyllic for asking me this. My pleasure)[]
English to Khalani:[]
- Numbers/Numerals
- 1 -
- 1st -
- 1st person singular - nakh
- 2 -
- 2nd -
- 2nd person singular - nas
- 3 -
- 4 -
- 5 -
- 6 -
- 7 -
- 8 -
- 9 -
- 10 -
more words and translations will be soon...
- A
- a Dark Templar - neraz
- Adun - adun
- alongside - lara
more words and translations will be soon...
- B
- be - ara
- be praised - arashad
- big - shakal
more words and translations will be soon...
- C
- council - khor
more words and translations will be soon...
- D
more words and translations will be soon...
- E
more words and translations will be soon...
- F
- focus - khas
- for - at, en
- forum - khor
more words and translations will be soon...
- G
- give refuge - tor
- great - shakal
- glory - tar
more words and translations will be soon...
- H
- hand - kai
- honor - var
- hello -
- hi -
more words and translations will be soon...
- I
- in - en
more words and translations will be soon...
- J
more words and translations will be soon...
- K
- knowledge - alys
more words and translations will be soon...
- L
more words and translations will be soon...
- M
- memory - harud
more words and translations will be soon...
- N
- name - tar
- next to - lara
more words and translations will be soon...
- O
- oblique - nakh
- oblivion - zerashk
- order - khas
more words and translations will be soon...
- P
- peace - khar
- plaza - khor
- praise = arash
more words and translations will be soon...
- Q
more words and translations will be soon...
- R
- refuge - tor
- request particle - und
more words and translations will be soon...
- S
- shelter - tor
more words and translations will be soon...
- T
- to - at
- to forget - zerash
- to guide - ruul
- to wait - gul
- to protect - tor
- to protect (imperative mood) - terr
- to shelter - tor
more words and translations will be soon...
- U
more words and translations will be soon...
- V
more words and translations will be soon...
- W
- with - lara
- wisdom - alys
more words and translations will be soon...
- X
more words and translations will be soon...
- Y
more words and translations will be soon...
- Z
more words and translations will be soon...
Let me know of what or which Blizzard language to add and i'll reply.