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After romping through the Jade Forest previously, we continued on to the Valley of the Four Winds. There is a distinct difference between the two zones. The Jade Forest is covered in dense trees and littered with hozen and all manner of wild creatures, while the majority of the Valley of the Four Winds appears relatively peaceful, with gently rolling, grassy hills.

Of course, this verdant serenity is misleading, to say the least; each farmstead has some sort of beast or thief they are concerned about, ranging from now-familiar virmen to beasts such as worgs and hawks. Steep mountains, a shattered wall, a long river, and dizzying cliffs serve as borders for the Valley.

While we were exploring, we also ran across the Veiled Stair. This rocky path is carved into the mountains in the northeast section of the Valley near the Grassy Cline. Into the mists it ascends, allowing eventual passage to Kun-Lai Summit. We included screenshots of this zone as well, so pick up your favorite beverage and enjoy the look!

Did we mention we saw some familiar faces along the way? Hemet Nesingwary and his son were spotted in the Valley, while Wrathion is at the inn within the Veiled Stair!

Valley of the Four Winds[]


The Veiled Stair[]

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