world of warcraft is one of the best games that i have ever played before I've spent many days power leveling people up to 100's but there is something wrong. world of warcraft is dying and it would make me sad to see it go so i've got some idea's that will keep it alive just a little bit longer maybe a lot longer!
> easier to make gold (i have grinded for days just to get into the 2,000's and it's just a struggle to do so day and day again)
>more classes
>more racials ( I like the lore of a class like what if you could be a murloc~! that would be so FUN!)
>more mounts~! but easy to get~!
>A harder boss that takes two expansions to beat (every expansion there is a boss but he always losses in the end of the expansion what if he escaped more like gul'dan But a much more massive threat )
>more PVP and BG maps ( I am a pvp person and love to see more maps)
all right that's all for now i will edit more tommarow