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Vashj'ir Honor Guard can be found in Serpentshrine Cavern and Coilfang Reservoir. He has intimidating shout, and enrages. Immune to stuns and crowd control. Has a knock-up-and-slightly-backwards ability; while tanking beware of any mobs that have not been cleared behind you, especially on the first group if Hydross the Unstable mobs are still around.


Warriors should use Berserker's Rage at 40% to avoid aggro loss due to its Intimidating Shout.


They likely come from Vashj'ir.


BattleMasterGossipIconItem Level Skill Slot Drop%
Shiny Fish Scales [Shiny Fish Scales] 1 12.3%
Fish Oil [Fish Oil] 1 11.3%
Nether Vortex [Nether Vortex] 75 5.6%
Mark of the Illidari [Mark of the Illidari] 70 4.6%
Sunspring Carp [Sunspring Carp] 65 3.6%
Coilfang Armaments [Coilfang Armaments] 1 3.1%
Pattern: Belt of the Long Road [Pattern: Belt of the Long Road] - Tailoring (375) 75 Cloth Waist 1%
Plans: Boots of the Protector [Plans: Boots of the Protector] - Blacksmithing (375) 75 Plate Feet 1%
Conqueror's Epaulets [Conqueror's Epaulets] 114 Plate Shoulder 1%
Dragonhawk Bands [Dragonhawk Bands] 120 Leather Wrist 0.5%
Pattern: Belt of Natural Power [Pattern: Belt of Natural Power] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Leather Waist 0.5%
Pattern: Belt of Deep Shadow [Pattern: Belt of Deep Shadow] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Leather Waist 0.5%
Pattern: Belt of the Black Eagle [Pattern: Belt of the Black Eagle] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Mail Waist 0.5%
Pattern: Monsoon Belt [Pattern: Monsoon Belt] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Mail Waist 0.5%
Pattern: Boots of Natural Grace [Pattern: Boots of Natural Grace] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Leather Feet 0.5%
Book: Gift of the Wild III [Book: Gift of the Wild III] 70 0.5%
Pattern: Boots of the Crimson Hawk [Pattern: Boots of the Crimson Hawk] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Mail Feet 0.5%
Pattern: Hurricane Boots [Pattern: Hurricane Boots] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Mail Feet 0.5%
Plans: Belt of the Guardian [Plans: Belt of the Guardian] - Blacksmithing (375) 75 Plate Waist 0.5%
Plans: Red Belt of Battle [Plans: Red Belt of Battle] - Blacksmithing (375) 75 Plate Waist 0.5%
Boots of Courage Unending [Boots of Courage Unending] 128 Plate Feet 0.5%
Plans: Red Havoc Boots [Plans: Red Havoc Boots] - Blacksmithing (375) 75 Plate Feet 0.5%
Spyglass of the Hidden Fleet [Spyglass of the Hidden Fleet] 128 Trinket 0.5%
Tome of Conjure Food VIII [Tome of Conjure Food VIII] 70 0.5%
Codex: Prayer of Shadow Protection II [Codex: Prayer of Shadow Protection II] 70 0.5%
Pattern: Boots of the Long Road [Pattern: Boots of the Long Road] - Tailoring (375) 75 Cloth Feet 0.5%
Pattern: Boots of Blasting [Pattern: Boots of Blasting] - Tailoring (375) 75 Cloth Feet 0.5%
Tome of Arcane Brilliance 2 [Tome of Arcane Brilliance 2] 70 0.5%
Shattered Hand Helmet [Shattered Hand Helmet] 117 Plate Head 0.5%
Scroll of Intellect V [Scroll of Intellect V] 70 0.5%
Scroll of Strength V [Scroll of Strength V] 70 0.5%
Murkblood Cover [Murkblood Cover] 114 Leather Head 0.5%
Codex: Prayer of Fortitude III [Codex: Prayer of Fortitude III] 70 0.5%
Tome of Conjure Water IX [Tome of Conjure Water IX] 70 0.5%
Wildfury Greatstaff [Wildfury Greatstaff] 128 Staff Two-Hand 0.5%
Pendant of the Perilous [Pendant of the Perilous] 128 Neck 0.5%
Totem of the Maelstrom [Totem of the Maelstrom] 128 Totem Ranged 0.5%
Serpentshrine Shuriken [Serpentshrine Shuriken] 128 Thrown Ranged 0.5%
Elementalist Tunic [Elementalist Tunic] 120 Cloth Chest 0.5%
Super Healing Potion [Super Healing Potion] 65 0.5%
Pattern: Belt of Blasting [Pattern: Belt of Blasting] - Tailoring (375) 75 Cloth Waist 0.5%
Pattern: Boots of Utter Darkness [Pattern: Boots of Utter Darkness] - Leatherworking (375) 75 Leather Feet 0.5%

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