- Vestments of Absolution
- Item Level 146
- Binds when picked up
- Cloth
- Chest
- 244 Armor
- +48 Stamina
+32 Intellect
+36 Spirit Blue Socket
Yellow Socket
Blue Socket
- Socket Bonus: +5 Spell Power
- Durability 100 / 100
- Classes: Priest
- Requires level 70
- Equip: Increases spell power by 62.
Equip: Restores 8 mana per 5 sec. - Vestments of Absolution (8 pieces)
- [Breeches of Absolution]
[Cowl of Absolution]
[Gloves of Absolution]
[Mantle of Absolution]
[Vestments of Absolution]
[Boots of Absolution]
[Belt of Absolution]
[Cuffs of Absolution] - (2) Set: Reduces the mana cost of your Prayer of Healing ability by 10%.
(4) Set: Increases the healing from your Greater Heal ability by 5%.
This is part of the Vestments of Absolution set, the raid Tier 6 armor set for healing Priests.
This item is purchased from Tydormu <Keeper of Lost Artifacts> in Hyjal Summit in exchange for [Chestguard of the Forgotten Conqueror].