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Vicious Grells

[52, 43]

can be found in Teldrassil.


BattleMasterGossipIconItem Level School
Savagery Savagery 6 Physical


BattleMasterGossipIconItem Level Source Slot Drop%
Linen Cloth [Linen Cloth] 5 Drop, Vendor Cloth 29.5
Tough Jerky [Tough Jerky] 1 Drop, Quest, Vendor Food or Drink 8.3
Refreshing Spring Water [Refreshing Spring Water] 1 Drop, Quest, Vendor Food or Drink 3.8
Minor Healing Potion [Minor Healing Potion] 1 Crafted, Drop, Quest Potions 2.2
Malachite [Malachite] 7 Drop Gem 1.1
Scroll of Protection [Scroll of Protection] 1 Drop, Vendor Scrolls 0.9
Scroll of Spirit [Scroll of Spirit] 1 Drop, Vendor Scrolls 0.8
Sharpened Letter Opener [Sharpened Letter Opener] 2 Drop Dagger 0.8
Beaten Battle Axe [Beaten Battle Axe] 3 Drop Two-Handed Axe 0.7
Carpenter's Mallet [Carpenter's Mallet] 4 Drop One-handed Mace 0.7
Withered Staff [Withered Staff] 3 Drop Staff 0.7
Cracked Shortbow [Cracked Shortbow] 3 Drop Bows 0.7
Crude Bastard Sword [Crude Bastard Sword] 2 Drop Two-Handed Sword 0.7
Rust-covered Blunderbuss [Rust-covered Blunderbuss] 2 Drop Guns 0.6
Rusty Hatchet [Rusty Hatchet] 4 Drop One-Handed Axe 0.6

0.00% Chance of a epic drop.
0.00% Chance of a rare drop.
0.09% Chance of an Uncommon drop.
0.22% Chance of a common drop.
0.31% Chance of a poor drop.
Note: % drop chance was correct at the time the page was generated/created.

External links[]
