Vile Priestess Hexx is a level 51 troll in the ancient troll city of Jintha'Alor, The Hinterlands. She is the presiding ruler of the Vilebranch troll tribe.
Hexx is a busy woman:
- Hexx guards the Altar of Jintha'Alor, which can be used to create the Mallet of Zul'Farrak.
- Hexx has also caged the gryphon Sharpbeak.
- Primal Torntusk has offered a reward for any that slay Hexx.
- Hexx has kidnapped Elder Torntusk, the husband of Primal Torntusk.
- Hex - A polymorph effect which does not break on taking damage. This spell makes Hexx difficult to solo.
- Shadow Word: Pain
- Heal
Objective of[]
- [Hexx's Key] (Quest Item)