Voidwalker Minions are hostile voidwalkers summoned by various Warlock-style enemies throughout the game. Specifically they are summoned by:
- Bleakheart Hellcallers in Ashenvale
- Dark Strand Adepts in Ashenvale
- Twilight Shadowmages in Blackfathom Deeps
- Dark Strand Voidcallers in Darkshore
- Burning Blade Apprentices in Durotar
- Felweaver Scorn in Durotar
- Vilebranch Shadowcasters in The Hinterlands
- Searing Blade Warlocks in Ragefire Chasm
- Dalaran Conjurors in Silverpine Forest
- Wastewander Shadow Mages in Tanaris
- Balgaras the Foul in the Wetlands
Voidwalker Minions drop no loot.