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Inv potion 4055
  • Volatile Healing Potion
  • Item Level 60
    Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable
  • Requires level 55
  • Use: Restores 1050 to 1750 health.
  • 1 Charges
  • Sell Price: 10s
  • Cooldown: 1 min (Out of Combat)

Volatile Healing Potion is a potion that restores 1050 to 1750 health, the same amount as a [Major Healing Potion]. Despite the name, it is not volatile at all.


This potion requires the following ingredients to make. Requires skill level 300+ in Alchemy:

Materials required:
Inv misc herb sansamroot
1x [Golden Sansam]
Inv misc herb felweed
1x [Felweed]
Inv alchemy imbuedvial
1x [Imbued Vial]

The recipe is taught by alchemy trainers.

This potion is also a reward from the quest N [64] A Warm Welcome and was a reward from the daily quest N [70] Escape from Skettis prior to patch 2.4.


This potion shares the same 1 minute cooldown as all other healing and mana potions, provided the imbiber is out of combat.

The volatile healing potion has the same healing properties as Inv potion 54 [Major Healing Potion], but requires a higher level to use.

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