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This article or section contains lore taken from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, the manuals, and official bonus maps.

This is a list of all campaigns and their chapters/missions in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.

Reign of Chaos[]

Prologue campaign[]

Warcraft III Prologue Orc Campaign

Exodus of the Horde

Exodus of the Horde

* These are not part of the demo version of the game and the Frozen Throne Custom campaign.

** These chapters are part of the demo version of the game and the Frozen Throne Custom campaign.

Human campaign[]

Warcraft III Human Campaign

The Scourge of Lordaeron

The Scourge of Lordaeron

Undead campaign[]

Warcraft III Undead Campaign

Path of the Damned

Path of the Damned

Orc campaign[]

Warcraft III Orc Campaign

The Invasion of Kalimdor

The Invasion of Kalimdor

Night elf campaign[]

Warcraft III Night Elf Campaign

Eternity's End

Eternity's End

The Frozen Throne[]

Sentinel campaign[]

Warcraft III TFT Sentinals Night Elf Campaign

Terror of the Tides

Terror of the Tides

Alliance campaign[]

Warcraft III TFT Blood Elf Human Campaign

Curse of the Blood Elves

Curse of the Blood Elves

* This level must be unlocked in chapter three.

Scourge campaign[]

Warcraft III TFT Scourge Undead Campaign

Legacy of the Damned

Legacy of the Damned

Bonus campaign[]


The Founding of Durotar

The Founding of Durotar

* Act two and three were added in patch 1.13. You need to update in order to continue the story.

External links[]
