Cheat codes for Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.
To use a cheat code, press the [enter] key, type in the code, and press enter again. The message "Cheat Enabled!" should appear. These codes only work in single-player missions and custom maps. These codes are NOT case-sensitive.
Warcraft III cheats | |
TenthLevelTaurenChieftain | Plays Power of the horde By Tenth Level Tauren Chieftain. (L70ETC) |
WarpTen | Speeds construction of buildings and units |
IocainePowder |
Fast Death/Decay |
WhosYourDaddy |
Makes you and your units invincible and have one hit kills |
KeyserSoze [amount] | Gives you X Gold |
LeafitToMe | Gives you X Lumber |
GreedIsGood [amount] | Gives you X Gold and Lumber |
PointBreak |
Removes food limit |
ThereIsNoSpoon | Unlimited Mana |
StrengthAndHonor | Continue playing after defeat in campaign mode |
Motherland [race][1] [level][2] | level jump |
SomebodySetUsUpTheBomb | Instant defeat |
AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs | Instant victory |
ItVexesMe | Can't win |
WhoIsJohnGalt | Enable research |
SharpAndShiny | Research upgrades |
IseeDeadPeople | Remove fog of war |
Synergy | Disable tech tree requirements |
RiseAndShine | Set time of day to dawn |
LightsOut | Set time of day to dusk |
DayLightSavings [time] | If a time is specified, time of day is set to that, otherwise time of day is instead halted/resumed |
TheDudeAbides | Resets all cooldowns |
- Tenth Level Tauren Chieftain, later known as Elite Tauren Chieftain or ETC, is an American band composed of employees of Blizzard Entertainment.
- Warp 10 - In Star Trek the warp barrier was the transition from sublight velocities to faster-than-light warp speeds. 10 was the maximum.
- Iocaine powder is a fictional deadly Australian poison, odorless, tasteless and highly soluble, used by the hero Westley in his 'battle of wits' with Vizzini in The Princess Bride.
- Rise and shine is an idiom that tells someone to wake up and get off the bed.
- Lights out is a bedtime for any institutions where lights should be turned off.
- Who is John Galt refers to a commonly asked question in the book Atlas Shrugged.
- Somebody set up us the bomb and All your base are belong to us are phrases from the badly translated game "Zero Wing".
- There is no spoon is a reference to The Matrix.
- The cheat code Motherland continues Blizzard's tradition of using Natalie Merchant album names for the cheat code that navigates levels in the campaign, following Tigerlily (Warcraft 2) and Ophelia (Starcraft).
- Daylight savings time is a system of setting clocks back to get more hours of daylight.
- Keyser Soze is the crime lord antagonist of the film The Usual Suspects.
- Greed is good is a reference to the film Wall Street.
- I see dead people is a reference to the film The Sixth Sense.
- The Dude abides is a phrase from the film The Big Lebowsky.
- Strength and honor and It vexes me are references to the film Gladiator.