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Cheat codes for Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.

To use a cheat code, press the [enter] key, type in the code, and press enter again. The message "Cheat Enabled!" should appear. These codes only work in single-player missions and custom maps. These codes are NOT case-sensitive.

​Warcraft III cheats

TenthLevelTaurenChieftain Plays Power of the horde By Tenth Level Tauren Chieftain. (L70ETC)
WarpTen Speeds construction of buildings and units


Fast Death/Decay


Makes you and your units invincible and have one hit kills
KeyserSoze [amount] Gives you X Gold
LeafitToMe  Gives you X Lumber
GreedIsGood [amount] Gives you X Gold and Lumber


Removes food limit
ThereIsNoSpoon Unlimited Mana
StrengthAndHonor Continue playing after defeat in campaign mode
Motherland [race][1] [level][2] level jump
SomebodySetUsUpTheBomb Instant defeat
AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs Instant victory
ItVexesMe Can't win
WhoIsJohnGalt Enable research
SharpAndShiny Research upgrades
IseeDeadPeople Remove fog of war
Synergy Disable tech tree requirements
RiseAndShine Set time of day to dawn
LightsOut Set time of day to dusk
DayLightSavings [time] If a time is specified, time of day is set to that, otherwise time of day is instead halted/resumed
TheDudeAbides Resets all cooldowns


  • Tenth Level Tauren Chieftain, later known as Elite Tauren Chieftain or ETC, is an American band composed of employees of Blizzard Entertainment.
  • Warp 10 - In Star Trek the warp barrier was the transition from sublight velocities to faster-than-light warp speeds. 10 was the maximum.
  • Iocaine powder is a fictional deadly Australian poison, odorless, tasteless and highly soluble, used by the hero Westley in his 'battle of wits' with Vizzini in The Princess Bride.
  • Rise and shine is an idiom that tells someone to wake up and get off the bed.
  • Lights out is a bedtime for any institutions where lights should be turned off.
  • Who is John Galt refers to a commonly asked question in the book Atlas Shrugged.
  • Somebody set up us the bomb and All your base are belong to us are phrases from the badly translated game "Zero Wing".
  • There is no spoon is a reference to The Matrix.
  • The cheat code Motherland continues Blizzard's tradition of using Natalie Merchant album names for the cheat code that navigates levels in the campaign, following Tigerlily (Warcraft 2) and Ophelia (Starcraft).
  • Daylight savings time is a system of setting clocks back to get more hours of daylight.
  • Keyser Soze is the crime lord antagonist of the film The Usual Suspects.
  • Greed is good is a reference to the film Wall Street.
  • I see dead people is a reference to the film The Sixth Sense.
  • The Dude abides is a phrase from the film The Big Lebowsky.
  • Strength and honor and It vexes me are references to the film Gladiator.


  1. ^ Campaign of the race: human, undead, orc, nightelf (note: no space).
  2. ^ Number of the level (1, 2, 3...)