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Note: This page has to do with the class prior to Mists of Pandaria.

The first two tables cover abilities learned from trainers and abilities learned from warlock talents. The abilities are then organized by their various functionalities. The last table displays abilities learned by the warlock minions. For detailed information on each spell and its rank advancements, click on the spell's title.

Warlock trainers can teach these abilities to all Warlocks at the appropriate levels.

Icon Ability Min Level Tree Description
Spell Shadow ShadowBolt [Shadow Bolt] Starts with Destruction Sends a shadowy bolt at the enemy, causing X Shadow damage.
Spell Shadow RagingScream [Demon Skin] Starts with Demonology Protects the caster, increasing Armor by X and increasing the amount of health generated through spells and effects by 20%. Only one type of Armor spell can be active on the Warlock at any time. Lasts 30 minutes.
Spell Shadow SummonImp [Summon Imp] 1 Demonology Summons an Imp under the command of the Warlock. Does not use a Soul Shard.
Spell Fire Immolation [Immolate] 3 Destruction Burns the enemy for X Fire damage and then an additional Y Fire damage over 15 seconds.
Spell Shadow AbominationExplosion [Corruption] 4 Affliction Corrupts the target, causing X Shadow damage over Y seconds.
Spell Shadow BurningSpirit [Life Tap] 5 Affliction Converts X health into Y mana.
Spell Shadow LifeDrain02 [Drain Life] 6 Affliction Drains X health per second and transfers it to the Warlock. Lasts 5 seconds. (Channeling spell)
Spell Shadow RagingScream [Demon Armor] 8 Demonology Protects the caster, increasing Armor by X and increasing the amount of health generated through spells and effects by 20%. Only one type of Armor spell can be active on the Warlock at any time. Lasts 30 minutes.
Spell Shadow SummonVoidWalker [Summon Voidwalker] 8 Demonology Summons a Voidwalker under the command of the Warlock. Requires a Soul Shard.
INV Stone 04 [Create Healthstone] 9 Demonology Creates a Healthstone that can be used to instantly restore X health. Conjured items disappear if logged out for more than 15 minutes. Requires a Soul Shard.
Spell Shadow Haunting [Drain Soul] 10 Affliction Drains the soul of the target, causing 55 Shadow damage over 15 seconds. If the target dies while being drained, and yields experience or honor, the caster gains a Soul Shard. (Channeling spell)
Spell warlock soulburn [Soulburn] 10 Demonology Consumes a Soul Shard, allowing you to use the secondary effects on some of your spells.
Drain Life
Summon Imp, Voidwalker, Succubus, Felhunter, Felguard
Demonic Circle: Teleport
Soul Fire
Searing Pain
Spell Shadow LifeDrain [Health Funnel] 12 Demonology Transfers X health per second from the Warlock to their summoned pet. Lasts 10 seconds. (Channeling spell)
Spell Shadow CurseOfSargeras [Bane of Agony] 12 Affliction Banes the target with agony, causing 1524 Shadow damage over 24 sec. This damage is dealt slowly at first, and builds up as the Curse reaches its full duration. Only one Bane per Warlock can be active on any one target.
Ability mage potentspirit [Soul Harvest] 12 Demonology You seek out nearby wandering souls, gaining 1 soul shard and regenerating 15% of your health every 3 sec for 9 sec. Cannot be cast when in combat.
Spell Shadow Possession [Fear] 14 Affliction Strikes fear in the enemy, causing it to run in fear for up to 10 seconds. Damage caused may interrupt the effect. Only 1 target can be feared at a time.
Spell Shadow DemonBreath [Unending Breath] 16 Demonology Allows the target to breathe underwater for 10 minutes.
Spell Shadow CurseOfMannoroth [Curse of Weakness] 16 Affliction Target's physical damage done is reduced by 10% for 2 min. Only one Curse per Warlock can be active on any one target.
Spell Shadow SoulGem [Create Soulstone] 18 Demonology Creates a Soulstone which can be used to store a target's soul. If the target dies while his soul is stored, he will be able to resurrect with X health and Y mana. Lasts 15 minutes. Requires a Soul Shard.
Spell Fire SoulBurn [Searing Pain] 18 Destruction Inflict searing pain on the enemy target, causing X Fire damage. Causes high amount of Threat.
Spell Shadow RainOfFire [Rain of Fire] 18 Destruction Calls down a fiery rain to burn enemies in the area of effect for X Fire damage over 8 seconds. (Channeling spell)
Spell Shadow AuraOfDarkness [Bane of Doom] 20 Affliction Banes the target with impending doom, causing 1947 Shadow damage every 15 sec. When Bane of Doom deals damage, it has a 20% chance to summon a Demon guardian.
Spell Shadow GatherShadows [Soul Link] 20 Demonology When active, 20% of all damage taken by the caster is taken by your Imp, Voidwalker, Succubus, Felhunter, Felguard, or enslaved demon instead. That damage cannot be prevented. Lasts as long as the demon is active and controlled.
Spell Shadow SummonSuccubus [Summon Succubus] 20 Demonology Summons a Sccubus under the command of the Warlock. Requires a Soul Shard.
Spell Nature Swiftness [Summon Felsteed] 20 Demonology Summons a Felsteed, which serves as a mount for the Warlock. Speed is increased by 60%.
Spell Shadow EvilEye [Eye of Kilrogg] 22 Demonology Summons an Eye of Kilrogg and binds your vision to it. The eye moves quickly but is very fragile.
Spell Shadow SiphonMana [Drain Mana] 24 Affliction Transfers X mana per second from the target to the Warlock. Lasts 5 seconds. (Channeling spell)
Spell Shadow CurseOfTounges [Curse of Tongues] 26 Affliction Forces the target to speak Demonic, increasing casting times of their spells by X%. Lasts 30 seconds. Only one Curse per Warlock can be active on any one target.
Spell Shadow EnslaveDemon [Enslave Demon] 30 Demonology Enslaves the target demon, up to level X, forcing it to do the Warlock's bidding. While enslaved, the time between the demon's attacks is increased by 40% and its casting speed is slowed by 30%. Lasts up to 5 minutes. If you repeatedly enslave the same demon, it will become more difficult to control with each attempt. Requires a Soul Shard.
Spell Fire Incinerate [Hellfire] 30 Destruction Ignites the area surrounding the caster, causing X Fire damage to all nearby enemies and self every second. Lasts 15 sec. (Channeling spell)
Spell Shadow SummonFelHunter [Summon Felhunter] 30 Demonology Summons a Felhunter under the command of the Warlock. Requires a Soul Shard.
Spell Shadow Cripple [Banish] 32 Demonology Banishes the target for X seconds, preventing it from doing anything, but also making it invulnerable. Works only on Elementals and Demons. Only one target can be Banished at a time.
Spell Shadow AntiShadow [Shadow Ward] 34 Demonology Absorbs X Shadow damage. Lasts 30 seconds.
Ability Mount Dreadsteed [Summon Dreadsteed] 40 Demonology Summons a Dreadsteed, which serves as a mount for the Warlock. Speed is increased by 100%.
Spell Shadow DeathCoil [Death Coil] 42 Affliction Causes the enemy target to run in horror for 3 seconds and causes X Shadow damage. The Warlock gains 300% of the damage caused in health.
Spell Shadow Twilight [Ritual of Summoning] 42 Demonology Begins a ritual that creates a summoning portal. The summoning portal can be used by 2 party or raid members to summon a targeted party or raid member. The ritual portal requires the caster and 2 additional party or raid members to complete. In order to participate, all players must be out of combat and right-click the portal and not move until the ritual is complete.
Spell Shadow DeathScream [Howl of Terror] 44 Affliction Howl, causing 5 enemies within 10 yards to flee in terror for X seconds. Damage caused may interrupt the effect.
Spell shadow summoninfernal [Inferno] 50 Demonology Summons a meteor from the Twisting Nether, causing 439 to 493 Fire damage and stunning all enemy targets in the area for 2 sec. An Infernal rises from the crater, under the command of the caster for 45 sec.

The Infernal deals strong area of effect damage, and will be drawn to attack targets afflicted by your Bane of Agony or Bane of Doom spells.

Inv enchant essencenetherlarge [Nethermancy] 50 Increases your Intellect by 5%.
Spell Shadow ChillTouch [Curse of the Elements] 52 Affliction Curses the target for 5 min, reducing Arcane, Fire, Frost, Nature, and Shadow resistances by 183 and increasing magic damage taken by 8%. Only one Curse per Warlock can be active on any one target.
Spell Fire Fireball02 [Soul Fire] 54 Destruction Burn the enemy's soul, causing 2172 to 2722 Fire damage.
Achievement boss kiljaedan [Summon Doomguard] 58 Demonology Summons a Doomguard to fight beside you for 45 sec.

The Doomguard will assist you by attacking the target which is afflicted by your Bane of Doom or Bane of Agony spell.

Ability warstomp [Demon Leap] 60 Demonology Leap through the air and slam down on all enemies within 5 yards of the target area, causing 2214 to 2624 Shadow damage and stunning them for 2 sec.
Spell fire incinerate [Immolation Aura] 60 Demonology Ignites the area surrounding you, causing 251 Fire damage to all nearby enemies every 1 sec. Lasts 15 sec.
Spell Shadow FelArmour [Fel Armor] 62 Demonology Surrounds the caster with fel energy, increasing spell power by X plus additional spell power equal to 30% of your Spirit. In addition, you regain 2% of your maximum health every 5 sec. Only one type of Armor spell can be active on the Warlock at any time. Lasts 30 min.
Spell Fire Burnout [Incinerate] 64 Destruction Deals X Fire damage to your target and an additional Y Fire damage if the target is affected by an Immolate spell.
Spell Arcane Arcane01 [Soulshatter] 66 Demonology Reduces threat by 50% for all enemies within 50 yards. Requires a Soul Shard.
Spell Shadow Shadesofdarkness [Ritual of Souls] 68 Demonology Begins a ritual that creates a Soulwell. Raid members can click the Soulwell to acquire a Master Healthstone. The Soulwell lasts for 5 min or 10 charges. Requires the caster and 2 additional party members to complete the ritual. In order to participate, all players must be out of combat and right-click the soul portal and not move until the ritual is complete.
Spell Shadow SeedOfDestruction [Seed of Corruption] 72 Affliction Embeds a demon seed in the enemy target, causing X Shadow damage over 18 sec. When the target takes X total damage, the seed will inflict Y Shadow damage to all enemies within 15 yards of the target. Only one Corruption spell per Warlock can be active on any one target.
Ability Warlock ShadowFlame [Shadowflame] 76 Destruction Targets in a cone in front of the caster take X Shadow damage and an additional Z Fire damage over 8 sec.
Spell shadow demoniccirclesummon [Demonic Circle: Summon] 78 Demonology You summon a Demonic Circle at your feet, lasting 6 min. You can only have one Demonic Circle active at a time.
Spell shadow demoniccircleteleport [Demonic Circle: Teleport] 78 Demonology Teleports you to your Demonic Circle and removes all snare effects.
Spell fire felfirenova [Fel Flame] 81 Destruction Deals 221 to 255 Shadowflame damage to an enemy target, increasing the duration of Immolate or Unstable Affliction by 6 sec.
Spell warlock focusshadow [Dark Intent] 83 Affliction You link yourself with the targeted friendly target, increasing both of your haste by 3%.

When you or the linked target gains a critical periodic damage or healing effect, the other gains an increased 3% increased periodic damage and healing lasting for 7 sec. Stacks up to 3 times. Dark Intent lasts for 30 min.

Spell warlock demonsoul [Demon Soul] 85 Demonology You and your summoned demon fuse souls, granting the Warlock a temporary power depending on the demon currently enslaved.

Imp - Critical Strike damage on cast time Destruction spells increased by 60% for 30 sec. Each spell cast benefitting from this effect reduces the bonus by 20% until the bonus expires after 3 casts.

Voidwalker - All threat generated by you transferred to your Voidwalker for 15 sec.

Succubus - Shadow Bolt damage increased by 10% for 20 sec.

Felhunter - Periodic shadow damage increased by 20% for 20 sec.

Felguard - Spell haste increased by 15% and fire and shadow damage done increased by 10% for 20 sec.

The first rank of these abilities must be gained by spending a talent point on the appropriate talent. Subsequent ranks are then learned from warlock trainers.

Icon Ability Reqs Description
Spell Shadow GrimWard [Curse of Exhaustion] Affliction 10 Reduce movement speed by 30% for 30 sec.
Spell Shadow UnstableAffliction 3 [Unstable Affliction] Affliction 1 (Upon selecting Affliction tree) Shadow energy slowly destroys the target, causing X damage over 18 seconds. In addition, if the Unstable Affliction is dispelled it will cause Y damage to the dispeller and silence them for 5 seconds.
Ability Warlock Haunt [Haunt] Affliction 30 You send a ghostly soul into the target, dealing X Shadow damage and increasing all damage done by your Shadow damage-over-time effects on the target by 20% for 12 sec. When the Haunt spell ends or is dispelled, the soul returns to you, healing you for 100% of the damage it did to the target.
Icon Ability Reqs Description
Spell Shadow SummonFelGuard [Summon Felguard] Demonology Given by choosing the Demonology specialization Summons a Felguard under the command of the Warlock. Does not use a Soul Shard.
Spell Nature RemoveCurse [Fel Domination] Demonology 10 The next Imp, Voidwalker, Succubus, Felhunter or Felguard Summon spell has its casting time reduced by 5.5 sec and its Mana cost reduced by 50%.
Ability warlock demonicempowerment [Demonic Empowerment] Master Demonologist 5
Demonology 30
Grants the Warlock's summoned demon Empowerment.

Imp - Increases the Imp's spell critical strike chance by 20% for 30 sec.

Voidwalker - Increases the Voidwalker's health by 20%, and its threat generated from spells and attacks by 20% for 20 sec.

Succubus - Instantly vanishes, causing the Succubus to go into an improved Invisibility state. The vanish effect removes all stuns, snares and movement impairing effects from the Succubus.

Felhunter - Dispels all magical effects from the Felhunter.

Felguard - Increases the Felguard's attack speed by 20% and breaks all stun, snare and movement impairing effects and makes your Felguard immune to them for 15 sec.

Spell shadow demonform [Metamorphosis] Demonology 50 You transform into a Demon for 30 sec. This form increases your armor by 600%, damage by 20%, reduces the chance you'll be critically hit by melee attacks by 6% and reduces the duration of stun and snare effects by 50%. You gain some unique demon abilities in addition to your normal abilities.
Icon Ability Reqs Description
Spell Shadow ScourgeBuild [Shadowburn] Destruction 10 Instantly blasts the target for X Shadow damage. If the target dies within 5 seconds of Shadowburn, and yields Experience or Honor, the caster gains a Soul Shard. Requires a Soul Shard.
Spell Fire Fireball [Conflagrate] Improved Immolate 5
Destruction 30
Instantly deals fire damage equal to 60% of your Immolate's periodic damage on the target.
Spell Shadow Shadowfury [Shadowfury] Shadow and Flame 5
Destruction 40
Shadowfury is unleashed, causing X Shadow damage and stunning all enemies within 8 yds for 2 seconds.
Ability Warlock ChaosBolt [Chaos Bolt] Destruction 50 Sends a bolt of chaotic fire at the enemy, dealing X Fire damage. Chaos Bolt cannot be resisted, and pierces through all absorption effects.

Abbreviation key[]

  • Af = Affliction
  • De = Destruction
  • Dm = Demonology

Direct damage[]

Spell Level Type Description
Shadow Bolt 1 (79) De A direct-damage spell causing 12-16 (541-602) Shadow damage.
Searing Pain 18 (79) De Burns the target for 34 to 42 (204 to 240) Fire damage. Causes high amount of threat.
Shadowburn 20 (80) De Instantly burns the target for 87 to 99 (597 to 665) Shadow Damage. If the target dies within 5 seconds after the Shadowburn attack, a Soul Shard is created as long as the Shadowburn is not resisted and the kill yields experience or honor. (Talent)
Conflagrate 40 (70) De Instantly deals fire damage equal to 60% of your Immolate's periodic damage on the target. (Talent)
Soul Fire 48 (80) De Burn the enemy's soul, causing 623 to 783 (703 to 881) Fire damage. Uses a Soul Shard.
Shadowfury 50 (80) De Shadowfury is unleashed, causing 343 to 407 (612 to 728) Shadow damage and stunning all enemies within 8 yds for 2 sec. (Talent)
Incinerate 64 (80) De Deals 357 to 413 (444 to 514) Fire damage to your target and an additional 89 to 104 Fire damage if the target is affected by an Immolate spell.

Damage over time[]

Spell Level Type Description
Immolate 1 (80) De Instantly burns target for 8-9 (327) damage and an additional 20 (615) damage over 15 seconds.
Corruption 4 (77) Af Causes 40 (906) damage over 12 (18) seconds.
Bane of Agony 8 (79) Af Banes the target with agony, causing 1524 Shadow damage over 24 sec. This damage is dealt slowly at first, and builds up as the Curse reaches its full duration.
Drain Soul 10 (78) Af Drains the soul of the target, causing 55 Shadow damage over 15 seconds. If the target dies while being drained, and yields experience or honor, the caster gains a Soul Shard. (Channeling spell)
Drain Life 14 (78) Af Drains 10 (108) HP per second and transfers it to the Warlock. Lasts 5 seconds. (Channeling spell)
Unstable Affliction 50 (80) Af Shadow damage slowly destroys the target, causing 660 (1050) damage over 18 sec. In addition, if the unstable affliction is dispelled, it will cause 990 (1575) damage to the dispeller, and silence them for 5 sec. (Talent)
Bane of Doom 60 (80) Af Banes the target with impending doom, causing 1947 Shadow damage every 15 sec. When Bane of Doom deals damage, it has a 20% chance to summon a Demon guardian.
Seed of Corruption 70 (80) Af Imbeds a demon seed in the enemy target, causing 1044 Shadow damage over 18 sec. When the target takes 1044 total damage, the seed will inflict 1110 to 1290 Shadow damage to all enemies within 15 yards of the target. Only one Corruption spell per Warlock can be active on any one target.


Spell Level Type Description
Curse of Weakness 4 (71) Af Reduces attack power by 21 (478) for 120 seconds.
Curse of Tongues 26 (50) Af Increase casting time by 25% (30%). Lasts 30 seconds.
Curse of Exhaustion 30 (Talents) Af Reduce movement speed by 30% for 12 sec. Available as a talent.
Curse of the Elements 32 (78) Af Curses the target for 5 minutes, reducing Shadow, Arcane, Fire, and Frost resistances by X and increasing Shadow, Arcane, Fire, and Frost damage taken by Y%. Only one Curse per Warlock can be active on any one target.


Spell Level Type Description
Demon Skin 1 (10) Dm Protects the caster, increasing Armor by 40 (120) and increasing the amount of health generated through spells and effects by 20%. Only one type of Armor spell can be active on the Warlock at any time. Lasts 30 minutes.
Fear 8 (56) Af Strikes fear in the enemy, causing it to run in fear for up to 10 (20) seconds. Damage caused may interrupt the effect. Only 1 target can be feared at a time.
Create Soulstone 18 (76) Dm Creates a Minor (Master) Soulstone which can be used to store a target's soul. If the target dies while the soul is stored, it can resurrect itself with 400 (2900) Health and 700 (3300) Mana. Lasts 30 minutes. Will disappear if holder logs off for more than 15 minutes.
Demon Armor 20 (80) Dm Increases the Armor of the Warlock by 210 (660), Shadow Resistance by 3 (18), increases the amount of health generated through spells and effects by 20%. Only one type of Armor spell can be active on the Warlock at any time. Lasts 30 minutes.
Ritual of Summoning 20 Dm Begins a ritual that summons the selected party member. Requires two other present party members (of any class). The Warlock begins casting and the two other party members then right-click to concentrate on the opening portal. Once the portal is opened, the targeted party member has 2 minutes to step through and be summoned to the Warlock's location.
Eye of Kilrogg 22 Dm Summons a fast, but fragile Eye of Kilrogg for scouting. Lasts 30 seconds.
Fel Armor 62 (79) Dm Surrounds the caster with fel energy, increasing spell power by X plus additional spell power equal to 30% of your Spirit. In addition, you regain 2% of your maximum health every 5 sec. Only one type of Armor spell can be active on the Warlock at any time. Lasts 30 min.
Soulshatter 66 Dm Reduces threat by 90% for all enemies within 50 yards.
Ritual of Souls 68 (80) Dm Begins a ritual that creates a Soulwell. Raid members can click the Soulwell to acquire a Master Healthstone. The Soulwell lasts for 5 min or 10 charges. Requires the caster and 2 additional party members to complete the ritual. In order to participate, all players must be out of combat and right-click the soul portal and not move until the ritual is complete.