Well Read is an achievement that involves reading an assortment of books across the world and instances of Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms.
The location with the greatest concentration of books is Stormwind City.
Book List and Locations[]
![]() |
Location |
Aegwynn and the Dragon Hunt | Scarlet Monastery library; Tirisfal Glades, Brill, Gallows' End Tavern; Stormwind, Royal Library[76, 29] |
Aftermath of the Second War | Darnassus, Craftsmen's Terrace (building west of Enchanting); Scarlet Monastery; Stormwind, Royal Library[76, 31] |
Arathor and the Troll Wars | Ironforge, Hall of Explorers[76, 9]; Hillsbrad Foothills, Southshore Town Hall; Hillsbrad Foothills, Tarren Mill; Scarlet Monastery |
Archimonde's Return and the Flight to Kalimdor | Barrens, Ratchet, on the desk behind Liv Rizzlefix[68, 73]; Scarlet Monastery; Stormwind, Academy of Arcane Arts and Sciences[51.9, 74.6] (near the Stockade) |
Beyond the Dark Portal | Scarlet Monastery; Booty Bay, Salty Sailor Tavern Inn; Stormwind, Royal Library[76, 28] |
Charge of the Dragonflights | Ashenvale, Astranaar; Ironforge, Hall of Explorers; Wetlands, Menethil Harbor, Menethil Keep; Barrens, Ratchet, near engineering trainers; Tirisfal Glades, Brill behind town hall [60.85, 50.5] |
Civil War in the Plaguelands | Elwynn Forest, Northshire Abbey; Scarlet Monastery library; Ironforge, Hall of Explorers; Stormwind, Royal Library[76, 32]; Undercity near Innkeeper; Stratholme in the Scarlet Bastion; Hillsbrad Foothills, Southshore Inn |
Empires' Fall | Tanaris, Gadgetzan Inn[52, 27]; Booty Bay[27.8, 77.3], basement of building that "Sea Wolf" MacKinley resides in |
Exile of the High Elves | Barrens, Ratchet, on balcony of Booty Bay Blacksmith shop; Scholomance; Undercity, The Apothecarium; Darnassus, Cenarion Enclave (near the Rogue Trainer) |
Icecrown and the Frozen Throne | Scholomance Reliquary; Elwynn Forest, Goldshire, Lion's Pride Inn; Scarlet Monastery; Undercity, The Apothecarium; Stratholme in the Scarlet Bastion |
Ironforge - the Awakening of the Dwarves | Ironforge, Hall of Explorers; Loch Modan, Thelsamar; Blackrock Depths domicile; Bael Modan; Mulgore, Bael'dun Digsite[32, 49] |
Kel'Thuzad and the Forming of the Scourge | Scholomance Reliquary; Scarlet Monastery library; Undercity, The Apothecarium; Stratholme in the Scarlet Bastion; Hillsbrad Foothills, Southshore Inn |
Kil'jaeden and the Shadow Pact | Duskwood, Scarlet Raven Tavern[74, 45] (second floor); Scholomance; Stratholme in the Scarlet Bastion |
Lethargy of the Orcs | Barrens, Northwatch Hold[62, 55], Top of the first (lower) Tower, on a table near the staircase; Elwynn Forest, Eastvale Logging Camp[85, 69] (2nd floor of building behind Marshal Haggard) |
Mount Hyjal and Illidan's Gift | Darkshore, Auberdine Inn; Barrens, Ratchet Inn; Duskwood, Scarlet Raven Tavern[73, 44] (second floor); Stormwind, Academy of Arcane Arts and Sciences[51.9, 74.7] (near the Stockade). |
Old Hatreds - The Colonization of Kalimdor | Tanaris, Gadgetzan[51, 29] (to the right of Derotain Mudsipper <[[|of the Thorium Brotherhood]]>); Scholomance |
Rise of the Blood Elves | Darnassus, Craftsmen's Terrace (in building between cooking trainer and first aid trainer); Arathi Highlands, Hammerfall Inn; Scholomance; Elwynn Forest, Tower of Azora |
Rise of the Horde | Ironforge, Hall of Explorers; Durotar, Tiragarde Keep[57, 57], on the rail next to Lieutenant Benedict; Swamp of Sorrows, Stonard in the room above the portal trainer |
Sargeras and the Betrayal | Ashenvale, Astranaar [34.5, 49.5] (on the floor behind a table); Arathi Highlands, Hammerfall Inn; The Barrens, Ratchet Inn[61.9, 39.6]; Scholomance Reliquary |
Sunwell - The Fall of Quel'Thalas | Booty Bay, Salty Sailor Tavern (second floor); Astranaar [34.5, 50.0] |
The Alliance of Lordaeron | Ironforge, Hall of Explorers; Stormwind, Royal Library[76, 31]; Dun Morogh, Kharanos, Thunderbrew Distillery; Duskwood, Darkshire Town Hall[72, 47]; Hillsbrad Foothills, Tarren Mill; Silvermoon City, Walk of Elders Wayfarer's Rest (upstairs [66.84, 73.96]) |
The Battle of Grim Batol | Wetlands, Menethil Harbor, Deepwater Tavern[10, 60] (2nd floor); Ironforge, Hall of Explorers; Stormwind, War Room[84, 34]; Mulgore, Bael'dun Digsite[32, 49] |
The Betrayer Ascendant | Silvermoon City, Walk of Elders by alchemy and wand vendors [68.48, 64.11]; Darnassus, Tradesmen's Terrace (ground floor of back-row house opposite cloth armor vendor) |
The Birth of the Lich King | Duskwood, Darkshire Town Hall[72, 46]; Scholomance, The Viewing Room; Stratholme in the Scarlet Bastion |
The Dark Portal and the Fall of Stormwind | Redridge Mountains, Lakeshire Inn (upstairs); Stormwind, War Room[82, 36]; Swamp of Sorrows, Stonard, near the portal trainer |
The Founding of Quel'Thalas | Duskwood, Scarlet Raven Tavern[73, 45] (next to Gunder Thornbush); Scholomance, The Viewing Room |
The Guardians of Tirisfal | Guardian's Library in Karazhan; Stormwind, Royal Library[76, 31]; Dalaran Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found. The Filthy Animal upstairs [66.9, 36.2] |
The Invasion of Draenor | Scholomance, room before Viewing Room |
The Kaldorei and the Well of Eternity | Tanaris, Caverns of Time[67, 50] next to Alexston Chrome (first vendor on the right); Stormwind, Royal Library |
The Last Guardian | Loch Modan, Thelsamar (in the building with the WANTED poster outside); Westfall, Sentinel Hill[52, 53] inn (on table by bed); Karazhan |
The Lich King Triumphant | Scholomance, Reliquary; Stratholme in the Scarlet Bastion |
The New Horde | Swamp of Sorrows, Stonard in the room above the portal trainer; Barrens Northwatch Hold (bottom of the first (lower) tower, on a table next to the prisoner); Stormwind, Royal Library |
The Old Gods and the Ordering of Azeroth | Blackrock Depths, Domicile; Darnassus (above Alchemy trainer); Scholomance; Undercity, The Apothecarium; Ironforge, Hall of Explorers; Wetlands, Menethil Harbor, Menethil Keep (behind Captain Stoutfist) |
The Scourge of Lordaeron | Scholomance, Reliquary; Booty Bay[27.7, 77.1], under the stairs in the basement of building that "Sea Wolf" MacKinley resides in; Scarlet Monastery, Athenaeum; Stratholme in the Scarlet Bastion |
The Sentinels and the Long Vigil | Booty Bay [28, 77] upstairs from "Sea Wolf" MacKinley; Feathermoon Stronghold in Feralas - inside the Inn on the way to the docks [30.9, 42.8] |
The Seven Kingdoms | Scholomance, Reliquary; Stratholme in the Scarlet Bastion |
The Twin Empires | Booty Bay [27.8, 77.3], basement of building that "Sea Wolf" MacKinley resides in; Tanaris, Gadgetzan Inn[52, 27] |
The War of the Ancients | Darnassus (between First Aid and Cooking trainers, first floor); Scarlet Monastery, Athenaeum; Stormwind[36.5, 72], Park District Inn |
The World Tree and the Emerald Dream | Darnassus, Craftsmen's Terrace (NW building); Scarlet Monastery; Stormwind[35.5, 63.5], Park District (by Nara Meideros) |
War of the Spider | Scarlet Monastery; Stormwind, War Room[83, 33]; Stratholme in the Scarlet Bastion; Scholomance |
War of the Three Hammers | Blackrock Depths, Domicile; Scarlet Monastery, Gallery of Treasures; Stormwind, Dwarven District inn[69.5, 41] (by Brohann Caskbelly); Mulgore, Bael'dun Digsite[32, 49]; Ironforge, Hall of Explorers |
Wrath of Soulflayer | Booty Bay [27.8, 77.3], basement of building that "Sea Wolf" MacKinley resides in; Tanaris, Gadgetzan Inn[52, 27] |
Locations with Books[]
Location | ![]() |
Arathi Highlands: Hammerfall Inn | Rise of the Blood Elves, Sargeras and the Betrayal |
Ashenvale: Astranaar | Charge of the Dragonflights,
Sunwell - The Fall of Quel'Thalas, Sargeras and the Betrayal |
Blackrock Depths: The Domicile | Ironforge - the Awakening of the Dwarves, The Old Gods and the Ordering of Azeroth, War of the Three Hammers |
Dalaran Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found. | The Guardians of Tirisfal |
Darkshore: Auberdine Inn | Mount Hyjal and Illidan's Gift |
Darnassus: Craftsmen's Terrace, Cenarion Enclave, Tradesmen's Terrace | The Old Gods and the Ordering of Azeroth, The War of the Ancients, Aftermath of the Second War, The World Tree and the Emerald Dream, Exile of the High Elves, The Betrayer Ascendant, Rise of the Blood Elves |
Dun Morogh: Thunderbrew Distillery in Kharanos | The Alliance of Lordaeron |
Durotar: Tiragarde Keep | Rise of the Horde (History of Warcraft) |
Duskwood: Darkshire Town Hall, Scarlet Raven Tavern | The Birth of the Lich King, The Alliance of Lordaeron, Kil'jaeden and the Shadow Pact, |
Elwynn Forest: Eastvale Logging Camp, Lion's Pride Inn in Goldshire, Northshire Abbey, Tower of Azora | Lethargy of the Orcs, Icecrown and the Frozen Throne, Civil War in the Plaguelands, Rise of the Blood Elves |
Hillsbrad Foothills: Southshore Inn, Southshore Town Hall, Tarren Mill | Civil War in the Plaguelands, Kel'Thuzad and the Forming of the Scourge, Arathor and the Troll Wars, The Alliance of Lordaeron |
Ironforge: Hall of Explorers | Ironforge - the Awakening of the Dwarves, War of the Three Hammers, Charge of the Dragonflights, The Old Gods and the Ordering of Azeroth, The Battle of Grim Batol, Civil War in the Plaguelands, Rise of the Horde (History of Warcraft), The Alliance of Lordaeron, Arathor and the Troll Wars |
Karazhan: Guardian's Library | The Last Guardian, The Guardians of Tirisfal |
Loch Modan: Thelsamar | Ironforge - the Awakening of the Dwarves, The Last Guardian |
Mulgore, Bael'dun Digsite | Ironforge - the Awakening of the Dwarves, The Battle of Grim Batol, War of the Three Hammers |
Scarlet Monastery: Library, Athenaeum, Gallery of Treasures | Aftermath of the Second War, Arathor and the Troll Wars, Archimonde's Return and the Flight to Kalimdor, Beyond the Dark Portal, Icecrown and the Frozen Throne, The World Tree and the Emerald Dream, War of the Spider, Aegwynn and the Dragon Hunt, Civil War in the Plaguelands, Kel'Thuzad and the Forming of the Scourge, The Scourge of Lordaeron, War of the Three Hammers, The War of the Ancients |
Scholomance: The Viewing Room, The Reliquary | Exile of the High Elves, Kil'jaeden and the Shadow Pact, Old Hatreds - The Colonization of Kalimdor, Rise of the Blood Elves, The Birth of the Lich King, The Old Gods and the Ordering of Azeroth, Icecrown and the Frozen Throne, Kel'Thuzad and the Forming of the Scourge, Sargeras and the Betrayal, The Lich King Triumphant, The Scourge of Lordaeron, The Seven Kingdoms, The Invasion of Draenor, The Founding of Quel'Thalas, War of the Spider |
Silvermoon City: Walk of Elders, Wayfarer's Rest Tavern | The Betrayer Ascendant, The Alliance of Lordaeron |
Stormwind City: Academy of Arcane Arts and Sciences in The Mage Quarter, The Park, Dwarven District, Royal Library, War Room in Stormwind Keep | Aegwynn and the Dragon Hunt, Aftermath of the Second War, Archimonde's Return and the Flight to Kalimdor, Beyond the Dark Portal, Civil War in the Plaguelands, Mount Hyjal and Illidan's Gift, The Alliance of Lordaeron, The Guardians of Tirisfal, The Battle of Grim Batol, The Dark Portal and the Fall of Stormwind, The Kaldorei and the Well of Eternity, The New Horde, The War of the Ancients, The World Tree and the Emerald Dream, War of the Spider, War of the Three Hammers |
Stranglethorn Vale: Booty Bay, Salty Sailor Tavern in Booty Bay | Beyond the Dark Portal, The Sentinels and the Long Vigil, Empires' Fall, The Scourge of Lordaeron, The Twin Empires, Wrath of Soulflayer, Sunwell - The Fall of Quel'Thalas |
Stratholme: Scarlet Bastion | Civil War in the Plaguelands, Icecrown and the Frozen Throne, Kel'Thuzad and the Forming of the Scourge, Kil'jaeden and the Shadow Pact, The Birth of the Lich King, The Lich King Triumphant, The Scourge of Lordaeron, The Seven Kingdoms, War of the Spider |
Swamp of Sorrows: Stonard | Rise of the Horde (History of Warcraft), The New Horde, The Dark Portal and the Fall of Stormwind |
Tanaris: Gadgetzan Inn, Tavern of Time in the Caverns of Time | Old Hatreds - The Colonization of Kalimdor, The Twin Empires, Empires' Fall, Wrath of Soulflayer, The Kaldorei and the Well of Eternity |
The Barrens: Bael Modan, Northwatch Hold, Ratchet Inn, Jazzik's General Goods in Ratchet | Ironforge - the Awakening of the Dwarves, The New Horde, Lethargy of the Orcs, Mount Hyjal and Illidan's Gift, Sargeras and the Betrayal, Charge of the Dragonflights, Exile of the High Elves, Archimonde's Return and the Flight to Kalimdor |
Tirisfal Glades: Brill Town Hall, Gallows' End Tavern | Charge of the Dragonflights, Aegwynn and the Dragon Hunt |
Undercity: The Apothecarium, Trade Quarter | Icecrown and the Frozen Throne, Kel'Thuzad and the Forming of the Scourge, The Old Gods and the Ordering of Azeroth, Civil War in the Plaguelands, Exile of the High Elves |
Westfall: Sentinel Hill Inn | The Last Guardian |
Wetlands: Menethil Keep, Deepwater Tavern | Charge of the Dragonflights, The Battle of Grim Batol |
- All books to be read for this achievement are laying out by themselves on tables or on the floor in some cases (Stormwind Library).
- They are not in bookshelves, stacks of books, or written on scrolls. They can be on the same table as stacks, but they will not be in stacks.
- You don't have to "read" the whole book, just open the book.
- The act of reading a book does not break stealth.
- This achievement offers no reward other than achievement points.
Patch Changes[]
Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found./Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found. Patch 3.0.2 (14-Oct-2008): Added.
External links[]