- Whirring Bronze Gizmo
- Item Level 25
- Sell Price: 1
The Whirring Bronze Gizmo is the finest collection of doohickeies and thing-a-ma-jigs ever put together!
The Whirring Bronze Gizmo is crafted by engineers with a skill level of 125. The components are:
2x [Bronze Bar] | 1x [Wool Cloth] |
The schematic is taught by the Engineering trainer.
As an ingredient in Engineering[]
- Discombobulator Ray
- Explosive Sheep
- Flame Deflector
- Gnomish Universal Remote
- Goblin Jumper Cables
- Ice Deflector
- Minor Recombobulator
- Moonsight Rifle
- Ornate Spyglass
- Silver-plated Shotgun
As a quest objective[]
[60] Whirring Bronze Gizmo - Darkmoon Faire Quest