This is a list of all of the types of handlers allowed, and grouped by frame type as returned by the :GetFrameType() method or used in XML.
- As of patch 4.0.1, event arguments are no longer set as global variables, and must be passed to the handlers correctly if defined in XML.
Event handlers used by all major Ui elements.
- OnLoad(self) - called once at element load time, just after element is created in Lua
- OnUpdate(self, elapsed) - called every frame, with elapsed time since last frame
- from Animation:
- OnPlay(self)
- OnPause(self)
- OnStop(self)
- OnFinished(self)
- from Base:
- OnPlay(self)
- OnPause(self)
- OnStop(self)
- OnFinished(self)
- from Base:
- OnPlay(self)
- OnPause(self)
- OnStop(self)
- OnFinished(self)
- OnLoop(self, loopState)
- from Base:
- OnButtonUpdate
- OnError
- OnExternalLink
- from Frame:
- OnChar(self, text)
- OnDragStart(self, button)
- OnDragStop(self)
- OnEnter(self, motion)
- OnEvent(self, event, ...)
- OnHide(self)
- OnKeyDown(self, key)
- OnKeyUp(self, key)
- OnLeave(self, motion)
- OnLoad(self)
- OnMouseDown(self, button)
- OnMouseUp(self, button)
- OnMouseWheel(self, delta)
- OnReceiveDrag(self)
- OnShow(self)
- OnSizeChanged(self, w, h)
- OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
- from Base:
- OnClick(self, button, down)
- OnDoubleClick(self, button)
- PostClick(self, button, down)
- PreClick(self, button, down)
- from Frame:
- OnChar(self, text)
- OnDragStart(self, button)
- OnDragStop(self)
- OnEnter(self, motion)
- OnEvent(self, event, ...)
- OnHide(self)
- OnKeyDown(self, key)
- OnKeyUp(self, key)
- OnLeave(self, motion)
- OnLoad(self)
- OnMouseDown(self, button)
- OnMouseUp(self, button)
- OnMouseWheel(self, delta)
- OnReceiveDrag(self)
- OnShow(self)
- OnSizeChanged(self, w, h)
- OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
- from Base:
- OnDisable
- from Button:
- OnClick(self, button, down)
- OnDoubleClick(self, button)
- from Frame:
- OnChar(self, text)
- OnDragStart(self, button)
- OnDragStop(self)
- OnEnter(self, motion)
- OnEvent(self, event, ...)
- OnHide(self)
- OnKeyDown(self, key)
- OnKeyUp(self, key)
- OnLeave(self, motion)
- OnLoad(self)
- OnMouseDown(self, button)
- OnMouseUp(self, button)
- OnMouseWheel(self, delta)
- OnReceiveDrag(self)
- OnShow(self)
- OnSizeChanged(self, w, h)
- OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
- from Base:
- OnColorSelect(self, r, g, b)
- from Frame:
- OnChar(self, text)
- OnDragStart(self, button)
- OnDragStop(self)
- OnEnter(self, motion)
- OnEvent(self, event, ...)
- OnHide(self)
- OnKeyDown(self, key)
- OnKeyUp(self, key)
- OnLeave(self, motion)
- OnLoad(self)
- OnMouseDown(self, button)
- OnMouseUp(self, button)
- OnMouseWheel(self, delta)
- OnReceiveDrag(self)
- OnShow(self)
- OnSizeChanged(self, w, h)
- OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
- from Base:
- from Model:
- OnAnimFinished(self)
- OnUpdateModel(self)
- from Frame:
- OnChar(self, text)
- OnDragStart(self, button)
- OnDragStop(self)
- OnEnter(self, motion)
- OnEvent(self, event, ...)
- OnHide(self)
- OnKeyDown(self, key)
- OnKeyUp(self, key)
- OnLeave(self, motion)
- OnLoad(self)
- OnMouseDown(self, button)
- OnMouseUp(self, button)
- OnMouseWheel(self, delta)
- OnReceiveDrag(self)
- OnShow(self)
- OnSizeChanged(self, w, h)
- OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
- from Base:
- OnArrowPressed(self, key)
- OnCursorChanged(self, x, y, w, h)
- OnEditFocusGained(self)
- OnEditFocusLost(self)
- OnEnterPressed(self)
- OnEscapePressed(self)
- OnHyperlinkClick(self, link, text, button)
- OnHyperlinkEnter(self, link, text)
- OnHyperlinkLeave(self, link, text)
- OnInputLanguageChanged(self, language)
- OnSpacePressed(self)
- OnTabPressed(self)
- OnTextChanged(self)
- OnTextSet(self)
- from Frame:
- OnChar(self, text)
- OnDragStart(self, button)
- OnDragStop(self)
- OnEnter(self, motion)
- OnEvent(self, event, ...)
- OnHide(self)
- OnKeyDown(self, key)
- OnKeyUp(self, key)
- OnLeave(self, motion)
- OnLoad(self)
- OnMouseDown(self, button)
- OnMouseUp(self, button)
- OnMouseWheel(self, delta)
- OnReceiveDrag(self)
- OnShow(self)
- OnSizeChanged(self, w, h)
- OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
- from Base:
- OnChar(self, text)
- OnDragStart(self, button)
- OnDragStop(self)
- OnEnter(self, motion)
- OnEvent(self, event, ...)
- OnHide(self)
- OnKeyDown(self, key)
- OnKeyUp(self, key)
- OnLeave(self, motion)
- OnLoad(self)
- OnMouseDown(self, button)
- OnMouseUp(self, button)
- OnMouseWheel(self, delta)
- OnReceiveDrag(self)
- OnShow(self)
- OnSizeChanged(self, w, h)
- OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
- from Base:
- OnTooltipAddMoney(self, cost)
- OnTooltipCleared(self)
- OnTooltipSetAchievement
- OnTooltipSetDefaultAnchor
- OnTooltipSetItem(self)
- OnTooltipSetSpell(self)
- OnTooltipSetUnit(self)
- from Frame:
- OnChar(self, text)
- OnDragStart(self, button)
- OnDragStop(self)
- OnEnter(self, motion)
- OnEvent(self, event, ...)
- OnHide(self)
- OnKeyDown(self, key)
- OnKeyUp(self, key)
- OnLeave(self, motion)
- OnLoad(self)
- OnMouseDown(self, button)
- OnMouseUp(self, button)
- OnMouseWheel(self, delta)
- OnReceiveDrag(self)
- OnShow(self)
- OnSizeChanged(self, w, h)
- OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
- from Base:
- from Button:
- OnClick(self, button, down)
- OnDoubleClick(self, button)
- from Frame:
- OnChar(self, text)
- OnDragStart(self, button)
- OnDragStop(self)
- OnEnter(self, motion)
- OnEvent(self, event, ...)
- OnHide(self)
- OnKeyDown(self, key)
- OnKeyUp(self, key)
- OnLeave(self, motion)
- OnLoad(self)
- OnMouseDown(self, button)
- OnMouseUp(self, button)
- OnMouseWheel(self, delta)
- OnReceiveDrag(self)
- OnShow(self)
- OnSizeChanged(self, w, h)
- OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
- from Base:
- from Frame:
- OnChar(self, text)
- OnDragStart(self, button)
- OnDragStop(self)
- OnEnter(self, motion)
- OnEvent(self, event, ...)
- OnHide(self)
- OnKeyDown(self, key)
- OnKeyUp(self, key)
- OnLeave(self, motion)
- OnLoad(self)
- OnMouseDown(self, button)
- OnMouseUp(self, button)
- OnMouseWheel(self, delta)
- OnReceiveDrag(self)
- OnShow(self)
- OnSizeChanged(self, w, h)
- OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
- from Base:
- from Frame:
- OnChar(self, text)
- OnDragStart(self, button)
- OnDragStop(self)
- OnEnter(self, motion)
- OnEvent(self, event, ...)
- OnHide(self)
- OnKeyDown(self, key)
- OnKeyUp(self, key)
- OnLeave(self, motion)
- OnLoad(self)
- OnMouseDown(self, button)
- OnMouseUp(self, button)
- OnMouseWheel(self, delta)
- OnReceiveDrag(self)
- OnShow(self)
- OnSizeChanged(self, w, h)
- OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
- from Base:
- OnAnimFinished(self)
- OnUpdateModel(self)
- from Frame:
- OnChar(self, text)
- OnDragStart(self, button)
- OnDragStop(self)
- OnEnter(self, motion)
- OnEvent(self, event, ...)
- OnHide(self)
- OnKeyDown(self, key)
- OnKeyUp(self, key)
- OnLeave(self, motion)
- OnLoad(self)
- OnMouseDown(self, button)
- OnMouseUp(self, button)
- OnMouseWheel(self, delta)
- OnReceiveDrag(self)
- OnShow(self)
- OnSizeChanged(self, w, h)
- OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
- from Base:
- from Animation:
- OnPlay(self)
- OnPause(self)
- OnStop(self)
- OnFinished(self)
- from Base:
- from Model:
- OnAnimFinished(self)
- OnUpdateModel(self)
- from Frame:
- OnChar(self, text)
- OnDragStart(self, button)
- OnDragStop(self)
- OnEnter(self, motion)
- OnEvent(self, event, ...)
- OnHide(self)
- OnKeyDown(self, key)
- OnKeyUp(self, key)
- OnLeave(self, motion)
- OnLoad(self)
- OnMouseDown(self, button)
- OnMouseUp(self, button)
- OnMouseWheel(self, delta)
- OnReceiveDrag(self)
- OnShow(self)
- OnSizeChanged(self, w, h)
- OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
- from Base:
- OnAttributeChanged
- OnDisable
- OnEnable
- from Frame:
- OnChar(self, text)
- OnDragStart(self, button)
- OnDragStop(self)
- OnEnter(self, motion)
- OnEvent(self, event, ...)
- OnHide(self)
- OnKeyDown(self, key)
- OnKeyUp(self, key)
- OnLeave(self, motion)
- OnLoad(self)
- OnMouseDown(self, button)
- OnMouseUp(self, button)
- OnMouseWheel(self, delta)
- OnReceiveDrag(self)
- OnShow(self)
- OnSizeChanged(self, w, h)
- OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
- from Base:
- from Animation:
- OnPlay(self)
- OnPause(self)
- OnStop(self)
- OnFinished(self)
- from Base:
- from Animation:
- OnPlay(self)
- OnPause(self)
- OnStop(self)
- OnFinished(self)
- from Base:
- OnHorizontalScroll(self, offset)
- OnScrollRangeChanged(self, xrange, yrange)
- OnVerticalScroll(self, offset)
- from Frame:
- OnChar(self, text)
- OnDragStart(self, button)
- OnDragStop(self)
- OnEnter(self, motion)
- OnEvent(self, event, ...)
- OnHide(self)
- OnKeyDown(self, key)
- OnKeyUp(self, key)
- OnLeave(self, motion)
- OnLoad(self)
- OnMouseDown(self, button)
- OnMouseUp(self, button)
- OnMouseWheel(self, delta)
- OnReceiveDrag(self)
- OnShow(self)
- OnSizeChanged(self, w, h)
- OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
- from Base:
- OnHyperlinkClick(self, link, text, button)
- OnHyperlinkEnter(self, link, text)
- OnHyperlinkLeave(self, link, text)
- OnMessageScrollChanged
- from Frame:
- OnChar(self, text)
- OnDragStart(self, button)
- OnDragStop(self)
- OnEnter(self, motion)
- OnEvent(self, event, ...)
- OnHide(self)
- OnKeyDown(self, key)
- OnKeyUp(self, key)
- OnLeave(self, motion)
- OnLoad(self)
- OnMouseDown(self, button)
- OnMouseUp(self, button)
- OnMouseWheel(self, delta)
- OnReceiveDrag(self)
- OnShow(self)
- OnSizeChanged(self, w, h)
- OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
- from Base:
- OnHyperlinkClick(self, link, text, button)
- OnHyperlinkEnter(self, link, text)
- OnHyperlinkLeave(self, link, text)
- from Frame:
- OnChar(self, text)
- OnDragStart(self, button)
- OnDragStop(self)
- OnEnter(self, motion)
- OnEvent(self, event, ...)
- OnHide(self)
- OnKeyDown(self, key)
- OnKeyUp(self, key)
- OnLeave(self, motion)
- OnLoad(self)
- OnMouseDown(self, button)
- OnMouseUp(self, button)
- OnMouseWheel(self, delta)
- OnReceiveDrag(self)
- OnShow(self)
- OnSizeChanged(self, w, h)
- OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
- from Base:
- OnValueChanged(self, value)
- from Frame:
- OnChar(self, text)
- OnDragStart(self, button)
- OnDragStop(self)
- OnEnter(self, motion)
- OnEvent(self, event, ...)
- OnHide(self)
- OnKeyDown(self, key)
- OnKeyUp(self, key)
- OnLeave(self, motion)
- OnLoad(self)
- OnMouseDown(self, button)
- OnMouseUp(self, button)
- OnMouseWheel(self, delta)
- OnReceiveDrag(self)
- OnShow(self)
- OnSizeChanged(self, w, h)
- OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
- from Base:
- OnValueChanged(self, value)
- from Frame:
- OnChar(self, text)
- OnDragStart(self, button)
- OnDragStop(self)
- OnEnter(self, motion)
- OnEvent(self, event, ...)
- OnHide(self)
- OnKeyDown(self, key)
- OnKeyUp(self, key)
- OnLeave(self, motion)
- OnLoad(self)
- OnMouseDown(self, button)
- OnMouseUp(self, button)
- OnMouseWheel(self, delta)
- OnReceiveDrag(self)
- OnShow(self)
- OnSizeChanged(self, w, h)
- OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
- from Base:
- OnAnimFinished(self)
- OnUpdateModel(self)
- from Frame:
- OnChar(self, text)
- OnDragStart(self, button)
- OnDragStop(self)
- OnEnter(self, motion)
- OnEvent(self, event, ...)
- OnHide(self)
- OnKeyDown(self, key)
- OnKeyUp(self, key)
- OnLeave(self, motion)
- OnLoad(self)
- OnMouseDown(self, button)
- OnMouseUp(self, button)
- OnMouseWheel(self, delta)
- OnReceiveDrag(self)
- OnShow(self)
- OnSizeChanged(self, w, h)
- OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
- from Base:
- from Animation:
- OnPlay(self)
- OnPause(self)
- OnStop(self)
- OnFinished(self)
- from Base: