Willow is a level 45 quest giver located at Kormek's Hut in the contested territory of Desolace. Although she claims to adventurers to be a researcher working for the sake of science, she is actually an agent of Twilight's Hammer.
Willow is a rarity among the Twilight's Hammer — a cultist who isn't trying to convert you or kill you. In fact she's downright personable for a cultist… and a Forsaken. Unlike her kin, Willow eschews necromancy for the study of elemental spirits. It is suspected that her veneration of the Old Gods brought her in conflict with her former faction, which is why she makes her home in Desolace. Passing herself off as a humble scholar, Willow often hires adventures to run errands, from collecting rare plant samples to nicking artifacts from ancient tombs. These missions appear benign, even goodly, and she pays well, so she's never short of eager helpers. Yet don't be fooled; Willow is dedicated to the Twilight's Hammer and every rock and relic brought to her is part of her insidious, apocalyptic scheme.
[47D] Twisted Evils