Links from World of Warcraft API et al[]
Example API listing[]
- SetMapZoom(continentIndex[, zoneIndex]) - Sets the current world map to a specific continent and optionally zone.
- This function takes one or two arguments. The square brackets indicate that the second argument is optional.
Example API with string argument[]
- SetChannelOwner("channel", "name") - Sets the channel owner.
- The quotes around the arguments in this function means that the parameter is a string. It does not mean that the argument is literally "channel" or "name".
Example API with described data type (string)[]
- TargetUnit("unit") - Selects the specified id as the current target.
Example of an UI Object (widget) method[]
- LayoutFrame:SetAllPoints(frame or "frameName") - Set all anchors to match edges of specified frame
- This example shows that the SetAllPoints() function is called as a method function on a LayoutFrame object. The arguemnt is either a frame, or a frame name (string).
Link Code Examples[]
: [[API SetMapZoom|SetMapZoom]](continentIndex[,zoneIndex]) - Description
- Pages describing individual API functions are named on the form "API FunctionName" (with no argument information).
: [[API LayoutFrame GetHeight|LayoutFrame:GetHeight]]() - Description
- Pages describing individual widget methods are named on the form "API ObjectType FunctionName" (with no argument information).
Link Prefixes[]
- PROTECTED - function exists, but is protected for Blizzard only code.
- If the page exists, put {{protectedapi|<version when it was protected>|<extra info, if appropriate>}} at the top
- REMOVED - indicates that the function has been removed from the API.
- Removed functions should only be listed in Category:World of Warcraft API/Removed Functions
- If the page exists, put {{removedapi|<version when it was removed>|<what to use instead, if appropriate>}} at the top
- UI - indicates that the function is provided by the FrameXML UI code, rather than the core API.
- If the page exists, put {{framexmlfunc|<FrameXML/FileNameWhereFunctionIs.lua>}} at the top
Data and Argument Types[]
The API uses special values for some function arguments, the commonly used types are:
Simple types[]
- nil - the Lua 'nil' type. a type, or variable state, which has no value
- boolean - a Lua 'boolean', which holds Lua 'false' or 'true' values
- Boolean - an old WoW API 'boolean', which holds number '1' or 'nil' values.
- number - a regular Lua number, which for WoW is a 'double' size floating point number
- string - a regular Lua string, which is always 1 byte per char. in WoW, non-ASCII chars are encoded utf-8.
- function - a regular Lua function, which any variable can reference.
- table - a regular Lua table, which any variable can reference.
Complex types[]
- actionSlot - Action button slot numbers, 120 in total.
- auctionSortId - An identifier for sorting columns in the auction house.
- auctionTypeId - An identifier specifying which type of auction to operate on.
- bagId - Numbers representing bags you carry, bank bags, bank window, etc
- bagType - A bit type for bag types an item can go into, or item types a bag can carry. (added 2.4.0)
- chatTypeId - An identifier for the different chat destination types.
- emoteToken - System names of voice/action emotes
- enchantString - An enchant id.
- enchantLink - A string that will be clickable, if shown in-game, contains an enchantString.
- instanceMapId - A unique numeric identifier for instance maps used by the WoW API
- inventorySlotName - Names of inventory slots.
- inventorySlotId - Current mappings of slot names to numbers. May change.
- itemEquipLoc - String representation of where an item may be equipped ["INVTYPE_HEAD", ...]
- itemString - An item id with data about enchants, "of" type bonuses, and the item's creator.
- itemLink - A string that will be clickable if shown in-game, contains an itemString.
- itemType - String classification of an item, ["Armor", "Consumable", ...]
- lootMethod - An identifier for the different looting methods (group loot, need before greed, etc)
- lfgCategoryType - a type for choosing LFG type (added 5.0.4)
- mapId - A unique numeric identifier for zone maps used by the WoW API
- partyCategoryType - a type for choosing group instance type (added 5.0.4)
- playerName - The name of a player.
- questLink - A string that will be clickable, if shown in-game, contains a questString.
- questString - A quest id with data about the quest, including the level and quest title.
- raidIndex - A number between 1 and 40
- specializationID - Specialization ID
- standingId - Numeric encoding of faction standing.
- unitId - An identifier which specifies one of the units the API may reference ["target", "party1", ...]
- unitFlag - A bit type of relationships between the player and a unit in the combat log (added 2.4.0)
Category:API types has the full list. (Though if something there is not available here: please list it!)