
This wiki contains inaccurate and out-of-date information. Please head over to for more accurate and up-to-date game information.



Welcome to the BlizzCon Giveaway!

Thanks to Blizzard, we have 3 tickets to BlizzCon 2009 to give out to all the Blizzard lovers on Wikia! Now, rumors abound regarding what awaits at BlizzCon, and we've got a few guesses as to what might be revealed - StarCraft II beta news, Diablo III characters and possible beta key info, as well as a possible WoW expansion due sooner rather than later, but you'll have to tell us!

Fresh out of, ahem, more creative ideas and desperately in need of a good laugh, we decided to have a limerick contest. Submit your most creative limericks for a panel of judges to peruse and get a chance to win a coveted BlizzCon '09 ticket.

Don't know what a limerick is? We've got you covered. Check out our amazing example below:

"There once was an orc in Storm Peaks
He caused many elves warm leaks
One day a gnome
Read from his tome
Now the orc moos when he speaks"

The contest is now closed! Winners posted on the forum!

How it works

  • Create a limerick (keep it safe for the kiddies please) highlighting an aspect of any Blizzard game.
  • Enter as many times as you like, although you will be eligible for only one ticket, regardless of the number of submissions you make.
  • Click here to enter your limerick.
  • Make sure to sign your post.
  • The winner will be announced on the WoWWiki forums!

Limerick guidelines

  • A limerick consists of five lines with a rhyming pattern of AABBA.
  • Limericks are typically humorous, but feel free to come up with your own interpretation.


  • Original work only please.
  • You can submit as many limericks as you want, but only one may win.
  • Open for US residents only. We know it sucks, but check out the official rules for details.
  • Contest ends on June 14th, 2009.

What you can win!

  • One of three sold out BlizzCon 2009 tickets.

Got questions?




Submissions showcase

The latest entry...

Check out the entries page to view all limericks submitted thus far.
