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XML UI ← XML types < Layer < Layers

A Layer is a fundamental UI building block for defining visible UI elements of Frames. A Layer is an element of an Layers array defined in a Frame. Layer XML elements, as a part of Layers array, can be defined on any Frame, which includes elements like Buttons and CheckButtons.


Inherited by: none, Inherits: none, Defined in: Frame > Layers


  • Texture ... - 0 or more Textures to be rendered in the Layer
  • FontString ... - 0 or more FontStrings to be rendered in the Layer


  • level (DRAWLAYER) - Layer level in 'Z order'. Default is 'ARTWORK'.
  • textureSubLevel (int) - Additional sub-leveling of 'level'. Range of -8 .. 7. Default is '0'.


An Layer is a fundemental UI construct for defining visible renderable elements of Frames. An Layer is an element of an Layers array defined in a Frame. Layer XML elements, as a part of Layers array, can be defined on any Frame, which also includes Buttons and CheckButtons.


<Frame name="MyFrame">
        <Size x="100" y="100" />
          <AbsInset left="0" right="-100" top="0" bottom="0"/>
        <Color a="1" r="1" g="1" b="1" />
        <Size x="100" y="100" />
        <Color a="1" r="1" g="1" b="1" />

This example will show a frame with a single default layer, displaying two textures.


There are 3 levels of layers: BACKGROUND is in the back, ARTWORK is in the middle and OVERLAY is in front. If you want to be sure that a object is before another, you must specify the level where you want to place it.

BACKGROUND - Level 0. Place the background of your frame here.
BORDER - Level 1. Place the artwork of your frame here .
ARTWORK - Level 2. Place the artwork of your frame here.
OVERLAY - Level 3. Place your text, objects, and buttons in this level.
HIGHLIGHT - Level 4. Place your text, objects, and buttons in this level.

  • Elements in the HIGHLIGHT Layer are automatically shown or hidden when the mouse enters or leaves.
  • For Highlighting to work you need enableMouse="true" in your <Frame> attributes.

Layer can be set on creation using the <Layers> tag in XML, or the "layer" parameter in Frame:CreateTexture(). To change the layer after creation, use the LayeredRegion:SetDrawLayer() function.

Note: The above are capitalized for a reason. See example:

  <Layer level="BACKGROUND">
  <Layer level="ARTWORK">
  <Layer level="OVERLAY">