← XML UI ← XML properties < ResizeBounds
ResizeBounds is a type used for setting resize contraints on a frame.
Inherited by: none, Inherits: none, Defined in: Frame
- <minResize> (Dimension) - lower bounds of a frames size
- <maxResize> (Dimension) - upper bounds of a frames size
ResizeBounds element type facilitates the 'Layout' mechanism in the WoW UI. ResizeBounds works by setting a minimum and maximum bounds for how a frame can be resized.
<Frame name="MyFrame"> <Size x="200" y="200"/> <ResizeBounds> <minResize x="100" y="100"/> <maxResize x="400" y="600"/> </ResizeBounds> <Layers> <Layer> <Texture file="MyTexture"> <Anchors> <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"/> <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT"/> </Anchors> </Texture> </Layer> </Layers> </Frame>
This example will create a frame with size of 200,200 and not allow automatic resize to be smalle than 100,100 or larger than 400,600, drawing a texture which will stretch with the frame. And this demonstrates use of ResizeBounds using inline XML/Dimension values for 'minResize' and 'maxResize'.