Xandar Goodbeard is a level 15 general goods vendor located at the Farstrider Lodge
[82, 63]in the dwarven territory of Loch Modan.
This vendor sells:
- [Refreshing Spring Water]
- [Ice Cold Milk]
- [Small Brown Pouch]
- [Brown Leather Satchel]
- [Rough Arrow]
- [Sharp Arrow]
- [Light Shot]
- [Heavy Shot]
- [Simple Wood]
- [Flint and Tinder]
- [Red Ribboned Wrapping Paper]
- [Crude Throwing Axe]
- [Weighted Throwing Axe]
- [Light Throwing Knife]
- [Balanced Throwing Dagger]
- [Recipe: Rage Potion] - Limited Supply (1)
- [Recipe: Holy Protection Potion] - Limited Supply (1)